do you bring your parents pain. Jow Forums?
Do you bring your parents pain. Jow Forums?
Her son is just the end result of her parenting. She has no one to blame but herself.
Why is she proud of her other son?
Normalfags love to take pride in things that came about as a result of luck. They think it happened because of some positive personal quality. Their lack of self awareness conversely boosts their ego. The same mindset encourages people to think that the poor or unattractive deserve to be scorned and treated poorly while the rich and attractive should be idolized.
>why does mom love my brother that moved out of the house and called on mothers day but not a hikkikomori like me who posts fashy memes on facebook and pisses in bottles?
>muh parenting
Nah mate, nature matters infinitely more than nurture.
guy should beat his whore mother into submission. first puts him into the world and then pretends he has obligations towards anyone.
Ironically, you have very poor reading comprehension.
>then pretends he has obligations towards anyone.
Then why the fuck does the mother have any obligations towards him?
All parents have obligations toward their children you moron, it's so ingrained in our nature that we even made it law
No. We survived the end of socialism, pushed through the 90s with barely any food, and from the ashes now I got a nice stable job with a pretty good salary, and can take care of both myself and my parents while I now have my own apartment. Leeches need to be lined up to the wall and shot. Their parents don't deserve such misery.
That mom is a fucking boomer piece of shit.
>Waahhhh my son didn't wish me happy mother's day :(((((
>Waahhh I want my house back (even though I just said that he's always in his room)
>Waahhhh feel bad for me cause I'm divorced and bored
as much as you may wish this was the case, you cannot persist in calling yourself a child into adulthood. google "halfway house", children don't go there
No. I graduated from college at 21 and went straight to grad school. Ive had several jobs and no longer depend on them for money. Havent lives at home since I turned 18. I imagine they are proud of me. I only bring myself pain.
Rather, she expects her useless good-for-nothing son to move out and man up.
>both me and my Parents are fed up with each other
>dad was a farm boy, worked hard.
>I am a city tech nerd, I dont have to work hard to make decent cash
>stay at home when not working, social life in the toilet.
>apparently this is unhealthy, force me to socialise all the time.
>get tired of each other's attitudes, finally move out back in July.
>now can't go 3 days without a phone call from my mother about how much they miss me even though I'm 20 mins away
>my sister was in Australia for 2 years and didn't get that much attention
Solved 13 captcha for it to tell me I'm banned? Fucking hiromoot
She chose to create him you fucking moron. It's her fault that he exists. Every instance of suffering during his lifetime is literally her responsibility. Welcome to fucking parenthood. If you can't take the heat don't have the sex you irresponsible retard. It's so ironic that the only people who actually embrace antinatalism are the type that would actually be good, caring parents. The paradox of the selfish breeder.
>muh nature
Does that refute whatever he said? What is even your defenition of nature? Pareting is nature aswell. You are also blaming his mother.
>Hurr i went trough this and that therefore anyone who doesnt do the same i did should feel bad and inferior to me. Might aswell get shot
The line up shooting should be starting with you desu.
Both the mother and the son are retards, in my opinion the mother has more fault for raising the kid to be like this, and for posting this kind of shit on facebook, telling everyone that she sees him as a tumor and painting her values on him "if you dont have a job you are a loser", "if you like to sit on the computer you are a loser". Not that im defending NEETs.
This is what happens when illiterates raise kids. Thank fucking god this kind of people are only raised in America.
>I didn't ask to be BORN
Is anyone on this website above the age of 14?
Amazed by the defensive reactions in this thread, I'll take that to mean many of you are in a nearly identical situation.
What's the evidence the mother raised the bad son to be like this? She has at least one child she's proud of. If he's really a master race aryan man he should take some personal responsibility for his life. Seems like the mom is tired of a smelly nazi leaving cum tissues everywhere then retreating into his room to post on Jow Forums
>painting her values on him "if you dont have a job you are a loser", "if you like to sit on the computer you are a loser". Not that im defending NEETs.
then what are you defending
the son clearly has autism, how else would he think he should be sharing Jow Forums memes about the degradation of society on facebook while he doesnt have a job, thus proving he lacks the introspection that he is even more worthless than the strawman in the meme he shared?
>Blaming your parents for being a fucking failure
Mom is right, if he's living off her then he should at least be able to occasionally do chores around the house and wish her a happy mother's day.
I live with my mother (who is liberal) while I have what some might describe as far right political views. I also study a challenging major with a heavy workload full-time, regularly do chores around the house like mow the lawn, walk the dogs, and pick up my sister from school, and always do something for holidays and birthdays. I'm happy to do these things because I have it very easy. I don't talk about politics or go out of my way to upset other people, which this troll clearly did when he posted this meme
>What's the evidence the mother raised the bad son to be like this?
The son himself.
>She has at least one child she's proud of.
What does that add to the argument? Any parent with a IQ of a 100 should know that her way of arguing and pragmatic attitude will not get the son anywhere, her need to humiliate her son in front of others will only make him go more agaisnt the current, she is caring more about her feelings and image than the outcome of her son.
Pushing him down even more will only lead things for the worse, she doesnt know how to convince a person and teach him. Of course im not surprised with this, its from America afterall.
>if he's really a master race aryan man he should take some personal responsibility for his life. Seems like the mom is tired of a smelly nazi leaving cum tissues everywhere then retreating into his room to post on Jow Forums
That is only your speculation. The post indeed may lead to think he from Jow Forums but that doesnt add anything that he thinks its X and Y.
>then what are you defending
Im not taking any sides here. I just think that a parent imposing on his son what he thinks he needs to be and act is stupid, manipulative behaviour.
The problem here is that the son is leeching off of her, there is no need to bring it into public and mock him for his likes.
If i had a son that lived by himself and did all that stuff and was happy, then why should i disturb him and tell him what i think he needs to be?
You people take indentity politics too seriously, and quickly defend the stupid just because the other person doesnt have the same opinions as you do.
The mother might be right to try to kick him, but that doesnt justify the need for trying to publicly humiliate him and painting on him what she thinks he needs to act and be like. Its also her fault for raising her son to be a iliterate piece of shit that gets influenced by anything without thinking about it. The end result is of her bad parenting
Probably, I'm still a neet and moved back in, and my brother inlaw is a neet too
Yeah but they don't tell me. Mom pretends to be happy just having me around, Dad pretends to still have hope even though I'm a 28 year old hikikomori NEET. Maybe they do actually care but I certainly don't.
>Any parent with a IQ of a 100 should know that her way of arguing and pragmatic attitude will not get the son anywhere, her need to humiliate her son in front of others will only make him go more agaisnt the current, she is caring more about her feelings and image than the outcome of her son.
Her son has probably made spiteful posts on Jow Forums about her every day since he was in middle school. It's not unreasonable for a parent to want their odorous failson to attempt starting a life by his mid 20s. I don't think she's trying to argue, I think she's throwing his body pillows and manga out the front door. It seems obvious from this post alone that the coddled environment he's enjoyed hasn't developed him into much of a person so I don't know what another year in the hikki tank would accomplish
What a fucking selfish bitch she only she could care less if if died on the streets she only wants the hose so she can fuck niggers and Chad's she should be lynched
Being born into extra poor family, father left when i was 10, mother screaming at me everyday, nobody ever said any kind word to me, couldn't go to college because zero money... and i am supposed to care how they feel about me?
user, this is you dad speaking. You are aware that there is a concept known as employment, where people are paid to do work. This payment is known as "money" and can be used to rent an apartment, or buy groceries, or even a nice new anime feet wallscroll like those ones you used to have in your room
You can tell mom was an emotional wreak growing up and ruined his ability to get friends or study
>All parents have obligations toward their children you moron
until they grow up yeah
What about Son #2, who successfully escaped this vile foid's lair?
I never said the kid was perfect but it's obvious the mother doesn't care about him because he is a inconvenience but loves her son who has a job and who probably gives her money
Of course.
Who can give birth, raise, and love a child-- only to watch the world eat him alive.
Who can do that and not feel pain?
a boomer user that's who
god i cant wait till every last boomer is in the ground
piss on the graves of every boomer
so majority of baby boomers?
>be robot son (me)
>bring pain to parents
>have a Chad brother who is 2 years younger
>he brings them joy
How long is she expected to house and feed a child that hates her and lives a hikkomori life while sending Jow Forums memes to grandma on facebook? If he wants all those free gibz he could at least open the bedroom door and say happy mothers day. Instead, he took the Adam Lanza route of refusing to communicate at all with the benefactor of his entire life. Clumsy mistake, hope he turned things around eventually or switched to welfare gibz
>Her son has probably made spiteful posts on Jow Forums about her every day since he was in middle school.
Thats just more of your speculation. If the kid was actually like that in middle school it only proves more that it was indeed bad parenting from her.
>to want their odorous failson to attempt starting a life by his mid 20s.
By what do you mean "starting life"? That is purely relative. There is no "correct" way of "living" life, that line of thinking is what creates stupid people that cant think from themselves to begin with.
>I don't think she's trying to argue
You are right, she brought no argument to the table, she is trying to humiliate him and saving her reputation from the disaster that she raised.
If you read more books about how the human mind works and takes their imprints and the diferent primitive circuits it has, you would see how the fault really falls into her aswell.
The fact that she didnt teach her kid to think critically, to understand how persuation works and the base arguments that most far right wing (in this case) politicians use to control people falls into her. Any literate parent with knowledge of this would quickly change the kid for the better. So its obvious that the sons stupidicy comes from her mothers iliteracy, and her way of handling only proves this.
The other son was simply lucky to never come to contact with cheap propaganda and fall into the same line of thought. Orderwise he would be the same.
>watch the world eat him alive
it was probably more like this:
elementary, middle, high school: play vidya, no frens
post high school: uhhh I'll sign up for community college next year mom
some years later: *through a closed door* I can't get a job mom I'm going to be a pro gamer
some years later still: [sends email to mom when he wants groceries, she leaves them outside the door and he opens it when she leaves]
If the bitch really cared about him she would try to help him not kick him she is a failure as a parent single mothers are so fucking selfish if i i was that kid i'd slaughter my soulless pich of shit mother and kill up brother
He got better genes and prenatal env. Probably more privileged early life too. I believe also Son #1 was a lightning rod who took all the shit so Son #2 thrive.
*would thrive
>be employed (5 years straight)
>moved out of parents house 7 years earlier (for uni)
>crippling depression due to shitty job
>see parents at their beach house on fathers' day
>visible misery and anguish, horrible health, blame all of it on terrible job situation
>they tell me to quit my job and i can live with them "as long as you need"
>quit job, move in with them
>depression cured within a week, make enough money freelancing and doing other schemes to feed myself, pay car insurance, gym membership
>they constantly whine and bitch that i don't have a job
lol wtf? i hated working so much, it made me want to an hero. at least i'm finally happy. i do prefer to live on my own like i did for 7 years, but not at the cost of having to work some shitty wagecuck job.
they told me to quit, so it's their fault i'm living with them instead of having killed myself out of pure agony =^)
>By what do you mean "starting life"?
I mean living independently, being employed, and spending fewer than 6 hours per day on Jow Forums
>You are right, she brought no argument to the table
Hey stephan, I agree this kid should DeFOO
>she is trying to humiliate him
He's humiliating himself by living a squalid life of utter dependence on mommy. He's humiliating himself by refusing social contact that isn't facilitated through Jow Forums
Did you read Bill Cosby's Fatherhood recently? You sure seem to know a lot about parenting despite the absolute certainty that you don't have children
This is usually how it goes when one son is a failure, also age is a big deal, if the mom was Rp4 years younger she managed the teenagers years better with the younger one
Sometimes. Luckily my siblings are so much worse than me that I think I actually make my parents proud by comparison
They've been dead long enough that I barely remember them. If they had souls they'd probably be pained by how fucked up my brother and I are.
>lived a real human existence, With all the horror that entails
Don't project your life onto me, please.
Some of us have lived actual lives, with all the horror and magic that entails.
Also, I moved out at 17.
>Don't project your life
scroll to the top of the page, brother man. I'm talking about the fellow in the OP image. even on the second try your post sucks
Then why quote me, jackass?
Besides, your commentary is myopic and slightly naive.
There's no form of child-neglect worse than coddling. It's the parent's fault for creating an environment that the child doesn't want to leave on their own and seek becoming independent.
>I mean living independently, being employed, and spending fewer than 6 hours per day on Jow Forums
That is only your opinion. Go ask any other person in the world and you would see how irrelevant that is. The only problem here is him leeching off of his mother, the rest is purely subjective.
>He's humiliating himself
No he is not, you wouldnt know how his life was if it wasnt for his mother.
>He's humiliating himself by refusing social contact that isn't facilitated through Jow Forums
What is that supposed to mean? What line of logic do you use to think that not socializing much is self-humiliation?
>Did you read Bill Cosby's Fatherhood recently?
Didnt even know the guy wrote a book.
>You sure seem to know a lot about parenting despite the absolute certainty that you don't have children
Again, what argument is that? I can read about cars and not be a car mechanic. And i also dont need to be a car mechanic to notice that a car isnt working well.
The "knowledge" i have is about how the mind works and evolves, it can be sometimes applied to raising kids in this case.
How did the world "eat him alive" when his parents paid for his entire life into adulthood, even though he is a bitter lil cunt toward his parents? Looks like his life circumstances are preferable to yours and mine too, because I got kicked the fuck out at 17. Seems like he was eaten alive by his own NEET paralysis. "Don't bit the hand that feeds you"
Do you know what is interesting? Is I am the cuddled failure, my sister has PhD and married and a job and I still live off parent gibs but my mom says (in so many words) that I am her favorite and she doesnt get along with my sister at all. I am her little baby, my sister got all the tough love and that made her successful
Ok my dude. Looks like we had a mild understanding.
OP asked a question:
>'Do you bring your parents pain?'
That is the question I was responding to.
The bait thread format on Jow Forums is to post an image for the people to reply to, the text is usually not relevant. I intended this thread to be a discussion of the image and our lad.
Did you have a weakdad? Coddling mom+weakdad creates failed men. Women really shouldn't raise boys at all since the world outside the nest is all about competition, danger and risk and they shield you from all of those things.
>nature matters infinitely more than nurture.
Yeah, this is his mom speaking so yeah doubly so.
I guess it depends on country.
I'm Italian. Here parents are obligated by law to house, clothe and feed their children. Full stop. Doesn't matter if they are 12 or 60: if you know your son or daughter is destitute and you don't help, even by their own choice, you are breaking the law, and they can take you to court for support and fucking win.
I managed to overheard them once talking about how did they imagine at these years they will have grandkids and so far I didn't even have a gf
nature/nurture has been an obsolete debate for decades. most traits result from a confluence of these factors: genetic predisposition, environmental stress, social modeling
Yes, my dad is Betamax
Nah, nature determines if you are a ceo chad or a office slave, butif you are still living at home in the United States that is 100% parenting failure
Its of no use. These retards never read a book in their lifes and talk about shit they dont even know.
Parenting, genes, enviroment...etc all fall into the category of nature.
If a bird building his nest with twigs is considered nature, then why isnt the human cutting wood to build his house also nature? Same could be applied to anything else.
He knows what to do about her whore mother...
Just gonna post this again
>forsaking your own son because he doesn't agree with your degenerate behavior
This guy probably doesn't have much to live for to begin with so he needs to execute that bitch
he doesn't look like a badass but that's a memory to last a lifetime!
user I think they love you, don't be so mean about it. They probably didn't realize how much you mean to them until you left. Try to be less of a shitty son next time they call.
what a normie
>muh degeneracy, save the family, the family unit is being threatened by the jews
>this kid with an anxiety disorder to the extreme that he can't talk to his own mom while living with her did nothing wrong
They were using him as a codependant emotional crutch and now the nest is empty.
That is pretty reductionist
this is true isnt it? i never thought about it but the only way to be raised by a mom and survive is to be a sociopath- which is kind of interesting to think about
>First time posting int his thread, im just interjecting my stupid thoughts, sorry
>the majority of Jow Forums users did not read a book to the end this year
would you disagree?
>muh degeneracy
>actually trying to justify being a hedonistic normalfag with no greater goals
>save the family, the family unit is being threatened by the jews
Yep and yep. Just quoting our views in greentext doesn't mean they're bad.
>this kid with an anxiety disorder to the extreme that he can't talk to his own mom while living with her did nothing wrong
He didn't. He is a bereaved individual. Also he should have beheaded his mother for forsaking her duties.
I detect single mother? Guys with single mothers tend to be more violent because a adult male teaches him to contain it
The kid didn't do anything wrong if he had a better mother he wouldn't be like this
The best advice I ever heard on Jow Forums was to live your life like your parents were already dead. Modern parenting isn't about preparing their children, especially boys into becoming independent adults.
No. People quote from long form nonfiction on the site alll the time. Anyways you are red herring, my point of saying reductionist was referring to you saying parenting=nature
Gee thanks Freud, I bet your mommy and daddy sure love you.
They loved me too much and now I'm a codependant basket case who didn't get his drivers license until he was 23.
Damn it feels good to be a normie. Anyway it's too late to behead mom now that he's the plaything of the nasty boys at turk house, sorry for your fallen comrade
being a parasitic drain on the person that raised you from infancy is pretty rude. I bet she wishes she'd aborted
>complaining that your parents loved you too much
What a spoiled fucking brat you are.
Sounds like she put all her energy in one child and neglected the other. Typical golden child n-parenting situation. Where is the father in all of this? Was she too selfish to retain a father figure for him?
Smothering and coddling is the worst form of "love" there is.
You sound like your fag father had anal sex with you and now you express that pain by talking like someone who got bummed in the ass by their own fag dad.
>if he had a better mother he wouldn't be like this
I bet the bottom 75% of this board in social functioning feel the same way about themselves. You're all wrong of course. At some point in your middle age (because none of you have the stones to buy the helium tank) it'll probably strike you that you were the one in control of your life all along and you misfired your only shot
Yeah, but at least it's love. You had an easy life and grew up soft. You blame your parents because you can't handle the truth that you're just a whiny bitch.
Damn that's quite the projection there. You speaking from experience?
Women are a parasitic drain on men and men don't abort them. Do you, or do you not, actually consistently believe that parasitic drains should be aborted and thus unavoidably women should also be aborted?
Your mom drained my bollocks like a leech
Your cock gobbling dad must have really gone to town on that ass if you're trying the effeminate bum-sex instilled flip the scrip tactic. Do you still shit blood or has it all healed up?
My point exactly, women are a drain. I'm glad you concur and concede.
>Women are a parasitic drain on men
you can cancel your premium snapchat subscriptions any time dude, there are support groups for findom addicts
>You blame your parents because you can't handle the truth that you're just a whiny bitch.
Weak kids are the result of weak parents.
What does this mean?
Is findom one of those homoerotic fetishes your cock loving dad injected into your torn up bum with all the gaynal paynal he gave you when mom fell asleep?