
Just down the pub having a few cheeky pints with the lads edition

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First for cats are the best

Just rammed me 12-inch cock up my pig, came inside him

Third for animals are better than people

am i a dick for not tipping takeaway delivery drivers? I pay with card on justeat, i don't carry cash

I am finally done with my essays. I can almost taste the happiness and relief, like a dash of semen after a CEI video.

I love it when we dont reply to each other, makes the thread look a lot better, plus I read more of the posts

Nah, tipping is a yank thing.


Is your friend going to help you on your journey to true enlightenment?

pet or boyfriend

STOP bullying big boi. he will CRUSH you to death

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Thats my fetish

I would never bully a big cat.

gig economy, fuck them

gonna google that


let's all hope so

>gonna google that
now wishing I hadn't

different drugs, different effects, i suppose. i recently had to stay away from caffeine because it sent me over the edge.

ooohh shit is crazy BUTT

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To the nice friend who mentioned Anderson Paak tickets, I will go with you yes please :)

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>Cum Eating Instructions
Yep, have fun with that one.

I know lad. That porridge wog keeps bullying him

>not all porridge wogs

Sorry lad, you've been sold to the EU.

what a silly billy ahaha

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>sold to the EU
I see no problem here.

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Fat cat arse

curious as to how similar you are in real life to your Jow Forums persona

Radio's starting lads

Llandudno rock or Blackpool rock?

bad weather bitch and the bad bitches wish you a very merry christmas
Tune into BBC Midlands Today at 10.30PM although she probably won't be on because she's in L O N D O N

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Fuck de EU

Brighton rock or fuck off

blackpool rock
more like black cock

bad weather bitch and bestie bitch

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You'll see what happens to the UK without the EU mate. And I will be laughing.

this is the entirety of my social life so it's pretty much me
I have no friends but britfeel

>listen to john have a breakdown again
>continues to abuse zeus and treat him like a performing monkey

There is nothing to even do
Everything is so boring now

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So glad you and /bad weather bitch/ are back

Host isn't dead then.

>listening to the radio
cringe and bluepilled

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today I learned fren

On a walk lids. First time leaving the house in 10 days. Feel a bit anxious. How is everyone else this evening?

It's actually based and redpilled. Only a weeb, pedophile, tranny, nonce would think otherwise

Where s the new December OP image? We're still using last year's one

Same thing lad

Hello fellow internet-induced ADHD, autistic loners who spend their lives in front of a computer screen

Are you capable of communicating with each other in posts longer than 2 fucking sentences?

Same thing lad

I'm good lad, watching the snooker and having a few cans

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There's just something very attractive about plain, boring girls.

Not really Iad. Sorry.

We're capable but we can't be arsed.

>more transphobia on the radio

its your brain telling you that theyre less likely to cuck you the first chance they get.
men always go for 'homely' girls, or women just down the spectrum a bit, they think they have a chance with them.

look at maisie williams ffs, shes ugly as fuck but millions want to nonse her, its just a lack of self confidence on their part

Not always. All weebs are nonces but not all nonces are pedophiles.

>listening to retards chatting shit
joe rogan experience already exists and at least that can be entertaining
Nah not really

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I think you mean they seem more attainable to you.
What are you actually looking for in a partner? if you find her boring it's never going to work in the long run.

Really? Based, I wish my internet wasn't shit so I could actually banter in real time

I wouldn't even have a chance with 'homely' girls

Do you reckon reporting them to the jewtube could get it taken down?

No.. Don't reply to me.

Post an example of a "homely" grill

>people who think denying a (You) isnt better than a (You)

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>namefag anime pedo triggered by two lads bantering

Why is this always the case? Honeslty

Lee anthony hoyland crying in bed having found out ziggy will in fact NOT live forever

Double standards bother me, nothing else.

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>Double standards

Been playing smash bros for about 8 hours now lads, I'm gonna be dreaming about it aren't I.

this couldn't be any more wrong, I persevered with LGV training far more than anyone should have to (Screwed by a trainer, screwed by the DVSA). I didn't give up either, I did it until I passed

Speaking of dreams, where's dream interpreter user?


>I was screwed by everyone, it totally wasn't my fault for being weak and incompetent

Sounds comfy. Here is a cheeky snap from my walk, true norf markings.

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The radio shit is self absorbed attention seeking yet when it is posted the thread dies and everyone seems interested. Yet name/tripfagging is apparently the narcissistic thing to do...

I want a haircut so I can get laid but I don't want to confirm to the standards of society

I'm having dinner with a woman for the first time tomorrow, at her place. Wish me luck.

yer gunna get yer organs harvested

Teas on its way. Looking forward to it. Got nothing to watch though which is a little worrying as don't want to eat without anything good to watch

How quickly all things disappear. They pass from this world and all memory of them soon fades. Reason allows humanity to view the universe from the perspective of the gods.
Consider all those things which attract by pleasure, repel by pain, or are famous the world over - how fleeting, fragile, and vaporous they are. Reason sees right through them.

Look at death, too, through the eyes of reason: it's nothing more than a process of nature. Death is not only necessary, but beneficial to nature's ongoing work. Why fear it?

Suppose you lived for a thousand years, or ten thousand years; would you have any more life than you have now? When you finally died, would you lose any more life than you'd lose if you died today?

This present moment is all the life we ever have. The longest life and the shortest converge on this same point. No matter how many years stretch behind or in front of us, the present moment remains the same.

The person who lives shortest owns the exact same amount of life as the one who lives longest. For the present is all we have and all we can lose. When we die, we don't "lose" the past or future-we never owned them.

Where did you find her? Remember to take her a present lad.

I clearly was, I should have given up after so many setbacks. How ridiculous is it passing then having them say 3 months later I actually failed and it was a mistake passing me (which it wasn't, it was there balls up clearly). It's stuff that's beyond belief

>The radio shit is self absorbed attention seeking
You don't have a leg to stand on, you're a namefag as well as an avatar fag.
>thread dies
Wrong. Is the thread dead? No.
>Yet name/tripfagging is apparently the narcissistic thing to do...
Correct. Why isn't it?

she going to be having you for dinner mate

>danny dyer and judy murray on HIGNFY

Cast aside all that is extraneous and superfluous, and cling to the few things that really matter. Remember that you live only in the present moment-a single, indivisible point in time. The past is gone and the future is unknowable. Brief is the moment in which you live; small is the plot of earth beneath your feet.

Do you seek fame, so that you will live on in people's memories after you're dead?

Remember that their days are short, too-they barely have time to know themselves, much less learn about those who died long ago. And even if they were to live ten thousand years and keep your memory - what good is that to you?

Life is for the living.

More evidence of my body working against me

Whenever I have to go out somewhere or talk to someone my throat begins to fill with phlegm, so I have to constantly clear my throat or sound retarded.

Just get a takeout you tryhard

Learn the definition of double standard you retard. Only then can you reply to me.
Reminder that you will never be stoic despite all your best wishes.

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wheey hey fattie boom boom have another cream cake

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What namefag/avatar fag is it lad?

She's not that sort of person.

We went to an anxiety management course together and I asked her out at the end of it. We've been on three dates so far.

People long to escape life's struggles and relax in country houses, by the seaside, or in the mountains. But it is within your power to find solace at any time, by retreating into yourself. When your thoughts are orderly and tranquil, there's no place quieter and more peaceful than your own soul. There, you are free.

Take this retreat often to renew yourself. Let your principles be few and fundamental-sufficient to clear your mind and send you back into the world refreshed.
What troubles you? The bad behavior of people? Remember these principles: humans are meant to live together in community; some do wrong unconsciously because they are ignorant; countless wrongdoers have died already; and those disturbing you will someday be reduced to ashes, too.

Do you burn with the desire for fame? Remember how soon everything is forgotten. Consider the eons of time on either side of the present moment, the emptiness of applause, and the fickleness of fashion.

If so much is transitory and fleeting, what is worth doing? Retreat into your inner sanctuary. Here, away from strain and distraction, you are free to observe the world and your reactions objectively.

Nothing touches the soul; it can't be harmed by anything external. When you are upset, it is your own opinion that upsets you.

Honestly the radio has grown on me quite a lot. Used to think it was just meh but zeus and host have carved out there own little format and it works. Love it on in the background.

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Did you shag her yet or is tomorrow night the big night?

Oh so you're not going to answer anything I said? Just regurgitate what you said before? Lmao

The one that likes underage cartoon girls.

Which cartoon girl do they like then?

Hopefully tomorrow will be. We kissed for a few minutes after our last date and I hope I can get more.

To change your experience, change your opinion. Stop telling yourself that you're a victim and the pain goes away. What truly hurts you is what makes you a worse person. Don't say you've been harmed if your reason and character are untouched. And no one can muddy your reason and mar your character but yourself.

Much trouble can be avoided by not worrying about what your neighbour thinks, says, or does. Be concerned only that your own thoughts, words, and actions are just and generous. In the race of life, stay in your own lane and focus on the finish line; don't gawk at the missteps of others.

Some say the universe is rational and well-ordered, others say it's meaningless and chaotic.

You are a part of the universe. Are you a rational being? Can you find meaning and create order in yourself? If order and intelligence exist in one part of the universe -you - they exist in the All.

Another tool for overcoming the fear of death: Consider those who tenaciously cling to life, despite infirmity and impairment. What more do they gain, in comparison to those who die earlier? We will all be buried, sooner or later. What does it accomplish to struggle against the inevitable? Look at the immensity of time stretching out behind and before us. On this scale, all human lives - even the longest-are infinitesimally short. What is the difference, then, in living three more days or thirty more years?

Is SCEA in prison now then?

Are you blind, check the thread