I deleted my facebook account, it's like a tumor was removed from my head jesus christ
It's like I'm normal again and I can live my life, no matter how robotic, in peace
I deleted my facebook account, it's like a tumor was removed from my head jesus christ
It's like I'm normal again and I can live my life, no matter how robotic, in peace
I did this a while ago it's a physical feeling of relief.
that's why you're having all those obsessive over analytical thoughts huh?
Now you just have to stop coming here.
>almost 2k19
>just deleted facebook
Man u normie as fuck
Why does fb make you anxious user?
Same here it feels so good its like a weight off of my shoulders
because invariably I use it to compare myself to others regarding pictures, life achievements, likes. It makes you compete on the social hierarchy game when most people have no chance in it and should just be left alone. I may be not the most pathetic and not the most wonderful, but it made me feel inadequet because that's how people are emotionally wired
It also allows for people you don't exactly want to talk to contact you. I mean the thought that literally anybody can contact you and sniff around what you do is unnerving in itself. Only the people you are most close to should be able to contact you anytime with the phone number.
i made one and delete it within the same year 6 years ago, never really wanted one but was going to collage and everyone around me had one so i made it just to have a peek over the wall.
Never make one. It was bad 6 years ago and its even worse now so I'm told.
nahhh bro. i love browsing and seeing what my old classmates are up to. I'm not a fag so I dont compare myself to others and I'm actually pretty happy for them. maybe I'm just a wholesomefag, but i like it. it's like we're all growing up together, or some shit
> i love browsing and seeing what my old classmates
>I'm not a fag
ok lmao
t. bitterfag who compares himself to others out of massive insecurity
everyone compares themselves to others, it's healthy and not a sign of being bitter or insecure. You fucking fag.
even normies are cottoning on to the fact facebook is cancer and is ruining kid's mental health and yet you defend it here of all places. Fuck off lmao
comparing yourself to others means youre insecure about your own life. its simple logic. if you were content with your life, you wouldn't feel the need to compare. and "everyone does x" isn't a good excuse for anything. and no, its NOT healthy. you sound dumb as fuck. the type to say... everyone agrees with me, so I'm right!
just no.
I actually made one and felt normal. But I only made it for a job.
I want to delete mine but it's the only way I have of contacting girls I grew up if it comes to that
I deleted mine years ago but made one for a climbing thing I go to. I wish I didn't as I could of gone to friends weddings. They don't use theirs. It's just people posting videos.
>haha dude you are insecure about your life what a loser amirite :)
>haha muh epic meme response xD
We are hardwired to compare ourselves to each other so we can better ourselves. You can only have so much introspection if you spend all day thinking you fine, without comparing yourself to others you have no way of identifying flawing in your thinking so you will repeat the same behaviour.
The way comparing yourself to other is harmful is when you look at only at other from afar and dont try to venture out into reality to see if from that perceptive aswell
no it doesn't you fucking retard. You think CEO's and world leaders don't compare themselves to others? Having crippling insecurity is obviously bad but literally EVERYONE thinks about their position in the world compared to that of their peers. It does not make you broken or insecure to be kinda jealous of your old friend becoming a hedge fund manager. You're retarded.
"muh biology" isnt an end all be all argument, as you're trying to use it as. we are not mice that completely run on instinct. you can't default to "b-but its in our wiring" and think that wins you an argument. you can better yourself without comparing yourself to others massively. the fact that you seem to think that you can't improve yourself without comparing yourself to others is literally hilarious
the point was obviously not that "if you compare yourself at all your broken", the point is, if you have to delete your facebook because you keep comparing yourself to others, that's not healthy at all, and deleting your facebok isn't going to solve that problem, as youre just going to compare yourself to others in real life or on other platforms. it's fine to compare a little bit, but when it gets to the point of which it's practically debilitating, thats where the problem lies. also, sure, you can compare yourself to others for the sake of measuring yourself in relation to others, but when it gets to the point of which you are deleting your social media because its too much for you, the problem is more so about YOU, and not social media.
the problem is that you're looking at what I'm saying in a vacuum, rather than within the context of the OP, where he talked about him deleting his facebook
literally use your brain, holy fuck
it's fine to compare yourself to others, but you should be happy with yourself and not feel unworthy of love because you feel inferior
Deleted my Google account last week. Same feeling.
I just deleted all my "friends" (with exception of my boyfriend). I now post for myself and still follow my favorite pages.
Never had one because I'M NOT A FUCKING NORMIE
Spectating other people on facebook was NEVER healthy and NEVER entertaining. You mouthbreathing retards were probably busy shitting on anyone that didn't have one of these shitheaps, and soon as your media tells you what to do, you're on the anti-facebook wagon.
>think that you can't improve yourself without comparing yourself
i didnt. i said you can only improve yourself so much without comparing yourself to other so you can find flaws that will only be exposed to you be seeing what you are lacking in other.
You seem to misrepresent everyone point so you seem to come out right because you are too stubborn to admit you where wrong. I brought up the "muh biology" as you put it to merely show that its a natural part of who we are, but of you want to go all out then lets give it a try.
A person improvement is base upon more then just how they perseveres other and how they perseveres themselves it is also base upon what the circumstances in their life current calls from them. Now with how this relates to insecurity and looking at other face book, people will do things like that if they are going through a hard point in their life as they will want to compare to other in the hope that they could one day pull themselves out of the slump they are in. Mind set plays a major role in why people would want to compare to others some time yes they will look at others because of insecurity but its far from the case all the time some time it will be for the complete opposite reason, they want to be better than them and are using it as motivation.
Now I'm sure you're just shitposting to hide some of your insecurity's, that your just shitting on people here to pass the time before you bored and drink yourself in to stupor. So as my last reply to you i say enjoy it you seem like someone that need that said to them.
This but much more level-headedly.
at the end of the day my guy, comparing yourself to others to the point of which you have to delete your facebook is not fucking healthy. youre not a fucking high school girl, snap the fuck out of it.
For five years now the only means of contacting me is mobile/whatsapp or email.
It's liberating.