>bought $400 worth of new skincare products today
>tfw my oneitis probably won't think I look any different
Bought $400 worth of new skincare products today
You should probably try another way to get her to notice you.
The thing is, if I don't look and feel my best I have no confidence at all and become extremely antisocial
I spend so much fucking time trying to achieve what Chad has naturally and it hardly even makes a difference
cucumber in my jeans?
develop a talent and do it in front of a large crowd. everyone will talk about it and you may impress him/her
>if you think you're talentless just look at what your relatives (parents, direct uncles, direct aunts, grandparents, etc.) and try something cool that they're good at. it might be genetic and your new talent
>"skincare products"
topkek, the only dermally applied "skincare" products that have absolutely any slight effect on your skin whatsoever is moisturizer, sunscreen, hydroquinone, vitamin C, Salicylic acid, Alpha-hydroxy acids, Benzoyl peroxide and maybe Retinoids
everything and anything else is marketing bullshit 3rd party financially motivated placebo pseudoscience and honestly past moisturizer and sunscreen isn't even going to do much for you at all, meaning you've essentially wasted $400 on expensive cream
oh and spoiler:your oneitis doesn't give a single shit about you at all and never will
Basically what
said, you don't even need most of that. If you want to waste money why not give it to me.
>oh and spoiler:your oneitis doesn't give a single shit about you at all and never will
pretty sure that was OP's point guy
Try going on Grindr and see what the sissy twinks think they are practically women you might even be able to stick your cock in some boipussy
If your oneitis has a penis he will notice most do women won't though
Skincare products? Are you planning on transitioning or what? Just from what you posted you would make a ideal bottom it's not like you will ever be with your oneitis anyway might as well accept the fact you are going to take cock in the bussy
Yes this OP also buy a cute skirt and makeup and start flaunting that boipussy
or me, or just split it equally amongst us all
no he said it hesitantly:
>my oneitis probably won't think
this combined with the fact that he spent $400 on expensive placebo moisturizer cream (which i can only hope he didn't also do for his "oneitis") tells me he still actually has a thin shred of hope which allows him to actually use the word "probably" instead of just acknowledging that nobody will ever love him let alone his oneitis because he's not chad and thus needs to be given a reality check and subsequently reminded of his hopelessness
Are you a girl (male)? Also is your penis feminine?
She is never going to notice you OP just be someone's sissy off of Grindr at least you will be getting laid (bfucked)
LMAO fucking faggot loser what kind of guy uses skincare? You should put lipstick in too a d suck my dick sissyboi
His best bet is to let chad fuck his boipucci
OP give me your money and suck me off please
He should take HRT and transition into a girl he could be someone's oneitis
Cucumber up your bussy user pop that boipussy down on it
OP show her your boiclit
I have to use skincare stuff because my skin is naturally way too oily, so if I don't, I look like a dirty greaseball.
hey guys could you help me out in my thread please? > thanks
and good work btw i hope it's working like you say it is
I doubt that'll make her notice you more desu.
You probably wouldve been better off spending 400 on clothes, as that a more noticeable thing.
>Not just taking cold showers
Only skincare product you need my man
what did you get, op?
Sure I'll help user
really? cool, hit me up in my thread how can i contact you? you one of the shillposters or..?
>tfw spent 100$ on cologne and remembered that I do not even see my Oneitis anymore
Welp, I wasted some money too OP
Just some different cleansers and moisturizers I wanted to test out
I have literally zero attraction to men, but have no choice other than to care about this stuff because I have large disgusting pores all over my face that are an instant turn off for girls
It's just another facet of looksmaxing to me