

last of papa's pills edition

post your current dosages, recent or future scores, and all else drugs

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Last oxy pills

Not sure if I should do them all tonight or save half for later

sold the rest of my thc juice to a coworker and have some morphine 100mg pills on the way. hitting a guy up for ritalin as well. pretty comfy. how are you all?

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whats happening with the btc this is confusing me it fluctuated so much last time i bought some shit

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Took 150mg tramadol about an hour ago, smoked a bowl and had 4 fingers of whisky. Feeling fucking buzzed now, listening to some shitty normie music and it's like an ear canal massage. What a great feeling, shame it'll wear off in a few hours.

Smoking bowls now. Will pro ably head to the liquor store soon if I can scrape together the change

the tragedy of the modern drug user

gonna be comfy soon enough, but not indulging rn

International politics make for a big roller coaster

hope you find the money you need

whatcha getting comfy on?

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nothing tragic about this combination

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pleasse explain

>International politics make for a big roller coaster
wat happn

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The lack of duration, only complaint my friend. Apologies for the confusion

score, get high, high wears off, need more to get high next time

Trump Tariff talk is always problematic

Dab pen and oxy, only have a few oxy. Not sure if I should take em all tonight or do half tonight and save the rest for an occasion

repostin cactus lad from last thread.
anyone know a good source for high mescaline content san pedro on the clearnet?

take all of them and worry about buying more tomorrow
what country? I found Peyote cacti in my local Frosts garden centre (England) no joke. About 3 pounds per cactus. I skinned them and eat a couple before an MF Doom gig and tripped balls.

Where my /stim/ bros at?
Finally got some amphetamine salts and it's really comfy. I feel energized but also calm as fuck. I wish I could be always like that.

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stimbro reporting in. 20mg dexedrine this morning, a lotta cigs and I had a coke earlier. That's about it, I'm planning on buying beer for the weekend.
what's the best beer for price/flavour?

how was this any different back in the day ?

USA unfortunately, pretty much the only country where you have to resort to this kind of thing. trust me id be buying peyote if i could.

Is that pharma meth or did I mix things up?
>what's the best beer for price/flavour?
What country are you from? Also for the most bang for your buck I recommend to buy liquor and mix it with soft drinks. It tastes the best (as long as you buy a soft drink that you like) and will make you drunk.

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UK is the biggest police-state shithole going just got lucky with Mescaline. If you're near the border they sell it on the street in Mexico otherwise no idea.

>pharma meth

No, real pharma meth would be Desoxyn. Dexedrine is 100% dextroamphetanine which in comparison to Adderall is only 75% dextroamphetamine

>Medical marijuana card coming in the mail soon
>Just got a nice herb vaporizer
>Dispensary also just opened up in my town

I will never be sober again

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I've got some beer now. Comfy

Ah, ok. So what does dextroamphetanine do? What kind of effect does it have compared to it's counter part?

weed, coffee, and phenibut is the comfiest shit. Synergistic as fuck.

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can dissociatives be used for soul searching/meditation as you can with psychedelics ? im looking for detachment from normal self with minimal distracting side effects

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DXM can be at third or fourth plateau but don't do it often, write down what you think about while you are high because you won't remember it, and don't take it too seriously because you might go fucking nuts like I almost did

100ug of acid and 100mg of dph. kind of want to go buy a bottle of booze but I know Ill hate myself for it

>you might go fucking nuts like I almost did

how does it feel like ? i love hearing about lsd combinations, best drug to mix IMO. will the combination with a deliriant annihilate the border between reality and imagination ? i personally like dph

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dextro has clean stimulation and euphoric effects while levo is mostly just uncomfortable physical effects like fast heartbeat and vasoconstriction

That sounds perfect. Why would anyone ever make anything else?

god lsd is such weird stuff... dose doesnt seem to be the most important thing, its what you do with it, i can take myself high, its one continuous stream of thought going further and further and further. and then you open your eyes and normal you is there again and 10 minutes passed.

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yet to reach the end of the path though but i have a strong suspicion what it is...

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>Been high 80% of the time since summer ended

Pretty much no reason, which is why the less pleasurable half of meth is literally available over the counter


well i got diagnosed with schizophrenia today
thanks lsd

Im not really tripping to be honest. 100ug of acid never really gives me visuals. I just took it because my sister was visiting and I needed some energy. Just took the dph because Ive been inside most of the day and acid always makes me uncomfortable inside so I just took some dph to take the edge off. Worked pretty well. Ive never combined high amounts of dph and acid because dph makes me really physically uncomfortable in high doses and so does acid, I would probably have to take a benzo or something. Even then I think it would be uncomfortable physically, but I do want to see what kind of visuals Id get from it. I probably need to take a couple weeks off of each to un fuck my tolerance though.

Never thought to had coffee with it but pheni + weed is the most holy combo ever while still remaining somewhat coherent

So this is my current situation
Idk if greentext will appear as Im on an app at my comfy bed
>Order acid from gammagoblin a few months back together with a tard m8 of mine
>We each put different sums in our nearest btc bank and later calculate that we would split the stuff
>Have a shit ton of acid fuck yes gonna trip hard all year fuck yes
>tard friend goes on a ~1 month long daily microdose binge; sells the rest to his dealer at higher stakes
>goes out of stock
>"user Ive been very productive af thanks to the acid and Id live you bunches if you were to lend me sum tabs"
>repeat a few times and fucker now owes me nearly 30 fucking tabs from the initial 60 I received
>finally orders acid by collabing with some chads
>Will finally get my tabs back
ff till 2day
>its been 2 weeks and nothing has arrived
>the ripped fuckers he collabed with gave him 250euros
>fuck should I be worried?

Anyone got a similar story anons?

Like that other user said, dexedrine is the better half of addy. I didn't like addy for the reasons he mentioned but ALSO dexedrine is instant release instead of extended release. Basically; works faster = more euphoria but a shittier comedown. You can avoid it entirely with a good diet and vitamins though. Oh and I'm in Canada. Also I don't really care much for mixed drinks for some reason, every time I get liquor I wind up drinking it straight and frosty. It's never fun the next day. Beer has never made me hungover though. Any anons know a good (enough) cheap Canadian beer?


also great stuff mate, finna gonna get those neetbux now

are you fags too busy getting high to post in the thread?

Is mixing prozac and adderall a really bad idea, or are all the warnings about it boosting the adderall buzz and triggering seretonin syndrome overhyped?
And before I'm told I'm already weaning off prozac, and I just started taking a low dose again to help with focusing at my wageslave job

Not the OP but doing DXM too frequently will just start to fuck with your brain goo and you'll start acting funky. It's hard to remember but I never remember DXM building up a real big tolerance, just that the magic was really diminished after that first trip.
Dxm is an interesting drug to me. I do it no more than once every two months, but others say 1 week per plateau is safe. It also is what made me finally realize microdosing other psychedelics could be a legitimate medicine. Just because DXM/LSD/Shrooms cause hallucinations at higher doses doesnt mean it can be beneficial to daily functioning at smaller doses.

Prozac actually goes pretty well with Adderall. It takes away most of my stim anxiety and helps me be stay productive
I take 40mg of Prozac and 30mg of Adderall a day and never had a problem. Serotonin syndrome is technically possible with this combo, but fairly rare

What's the little device I use to smoke one of these? batteries pens??

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I use this for mine, never had any issues, keep the voltage at mid level or you'll burn the absolute fuck out of your throat


kratom and gabapentin, how are my drugfrens doing

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literally everything we do including drugs is illusion and chasing endogenous highs and theres no fucking light at the end of the tunnel

Yo bro how much tramadol do you recommend to a new user if I mix it with hash.

But when all reality is illusion, then is it even an illusion? An illusion compared to what reality?

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>take advance cash for deepweb orders
>accidentally get high and order carts instead of bud
>big dealee so i had other bud on hand, just much nicer than I like to sell at the price
>offer deal on carts or the nice bud I have in stock

Worked out desu. I only carry a little premium sativa since I'm an indica man but I made it work.

Aah a comfy rainy afternoon after being hot af in straya after i've taken my daily dose of xanax

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Man I wish I had some cocaine tonight


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where the FUCK has all the kratom gone?

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How do I avoid my muscles tensing up on DPH? I wanna get to a dose where I see shadow people but around 250/300mg I get insane tension throughout my body. Sometimes it doesn't come until the middle of the night while I'm sleeping and the discomfort is unbearable

510 battery, you can call it a dab pen tho

Just slonked some oxy and hitting my indica dab cart, 55% thc feels kinda weak but the pills make up for it

>tfw comfy

That sounds hella dope

same fren

not a kratomfag but everyone is always freaked out about the govt getting rid of the stuff

Just snorted muscle relaxant i got a while back.
Never have i ever snorted anything so kind of paranoid how i will feel when i wake up.

>everyone is always freaked out about the govt getting rid of the stuff
This time it clearly happened, shipments were intercepted. All the most mainstream kratom vendors are completely fucking sold out ahhhhhhhh

Smoke some indica or dn that shit

Meth today so that probably means I'll be fucking depressed tomorrow

really wish I had some benzos right now

Just about to smoke this cone, and then got my vape loaded to keep me going throughout the afternoon

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Had a ton of fun with my DMT vape cart, never imagined a psychedelic could be so strong yet euphoric at the same time. And it was a very unique form of euphoria too.

Did you just mix DMT with propylene glycol and put it in an empty cart or something?

Yeah what the fuck is vaping dmt, the future is wild

Hello everyone, how are you? I have noticed that this a thread regarding using drugs and documenting our experiences. Currently I am on 60 mg of Adderall (4 15 mg pills), which I snorted, and I just popped another 30 mg orally. As of right now I feel like I am the ruler of all things and I can bend the will of my foes without the slightest of effort. I am God. If any of you have questions I will be awake for another 12 hours so I will most likely answer any and all questions. Have a wonderful evening (or day, depending on where you live! Haha.).

>snorted 20mg 2cb at 3am i cant even remember but i'm tripping hard
>need to be awake at 10am

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I bought it like that, takes a good number of hits to see stuff but all I know is that it was lovely.

>normally smoke pot out of pipe and occasionally bong because I am a lazy nigger and never learned how to roll
>try handrolling a blunt yesterday
>stop by head shop after work today
>buddy told me about pre rolled blunts with filters
>buy a 25 pack
>go home and easily load two blunts and smoke both pretty quick
>high as fuck compared to smoking my pipe

25 bucks well spent anons I like smoking blunts alot but I am way to lazy to learn how to roll.

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strange when I went to my local head shop they still had a shiton of kratom I havent tried it myself but should I get some before the make it illegal?

I'm smoked all my meth.
for anyone that shoots it, could I make quantity last longer?

damn drugfeels is slow tonight everybody must be too high to post I guess

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Ive fucking died 9 times over tonight, kids dont take acid if youre not ready for some death

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what dosage lad? gotta be careful with psychs, took 80mg 4-ACO-DMT my first time

>OMG I LITERALLY died on acid

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I've always ordered online. I've actually never checked the head shops. I've heard they're low quality but it's worth a fucking shot.

But yeah the online vendors, the legit supplies, are fucking OUT. There are probably a couple here and there, I don't think there's anything wrong with asking for sources here for something that still legal.

I just need something to fill the hole when I come down off my speed binges. Nothing is better for that than kratom. Another mild, safe fucking drug that the goddamn government will take away from us so we die faster.

600, im not sure if ive come down yet desu, ive forgotten what normal feels like

I'd recommend giving it a shot user, I'd just recommend doing something like playing videogames or watching TV shows until it kicks in, and the just sit back and relax

FUCK!!! I left my conscious back at the grocery store, now i gotta go back and find him

i love the feeling of the normalness coming back though

i always wish i wouldnt have to return to sober retarded monkey me

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>son, theres two kinds of people in this world...

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My last major DXM binge lasted about 2 weeks and I hit plateau sigma. I'm still not entirely convinced that I didn't die and continued living on in an alternate, slightly lower-quality dimension.

i just wish i remembered what that monkey feels like

i'm still tripping i wish i understood what any of that meant

Oh my fucking god you insufferable faggot don't take so much acid next time if you don't want to get high. Jesus fucking Christ, I will travel across the astral plane and kick your ass.

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u fucking wot m8???222\\\2 i'm the 2cb guy not acid

>only 600
nigga me and my lsd buddy usually do 800 to 1200 depending on the occasion and I have never felt like I died on any of my trips its all about setting user if you aint comfy you gonna have a bad time.

>also tfw out of lsd and dont have money again till next friday

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im tripping to but im not sure if my trip was insightful or if i just got meme'd by my subconscious. Its funny as fuck to me either way

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I still don't know how people get to such high amphetamine doses. I'm only at about 40mg over ~5hrs right now and I'm on the fucking moon.

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pic proves user isnt kidding

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