>day 57
sometimes it's a struggle to brush my teeth
>day 57
sometimes it's a struggle to brush my teeth
this meme is missing the "has had many gfs but chooses to be alone" part that they all do
where do you think we are mate
that part isn't relevant here
It's a meme fren. There is no point in self improving anymore, no point in trying to fit in anymore. Real robots won't find any meaning in our current modern society, no matter how much they try to "self-improve".
I will try psilocybe mushrooms.
This is my last hope.
If even those can't save me, I'll give up forever.
i did these once, thought i had gone full schizo and wanted to end it all.
then again thats happened all of the 5 times ive tripped
You will only grow bigger and jump on some Gompas and make them go squash, you need the green and white spotted mushrooms to get more lives user, then you can save the 8 bit princess who is cucking you to a have turtle dragon or something that is fucking the princess because she is into bestiality.
Red and white spotted mushrooms 4u.
>started self-improvement January 1st
>has achieved nothing
I still have less than a month left, r-right anons?
>lose 50 pounds
>doctor asks me my motivation
>tell her im sick of being a virgin
>she laughs and says i should be more concerned with my health
>tell she can help me with both
>she giggles again
its never too late to start. unless you're like 80 years old. then maybe it's too late...
Coming down with an ear infection again. Last time this happened it ruptured because I didnt go see a doctor. Hoping it doesnt happen again. I was doing good up until Tuesday when I got sick.
Who else /bloomer/?
>daily yoga
>daily meditation
>therapy every other week
>cook healthy food, mostly vegetarian
>no cigarettes or drugs
>coffee and alcohol only when offered by a friend
>no TV at home
>no smartphone, only an old Nokia for calling people
>no computer usage after midnight
>no pornography
>fap once a week or less if I wanna ride the testosterone rocket
>studies are going good
>work is going good
>getting compliments on the positive energy that I bring
>"user is shining today"
>don't need a girlfriend to be happy anymore
>women, being attracted to self-fulfilled men, are actually flirting with me for once
>started dating another bloomer chick who's into the same lifestyle as me
>agreed to explore tantric sexuality together (esoteric sexual alchemy for promoting spiritual growth)
We're all gonna make it, brahs.
DMT is much better for people who are depressed. It shatters reality completely so there's no room for that negative mindset to amplify which happens on shrooms/lsd, even weed sometimes. DMT feels like a nice reset from time to time.
How do i get the motivation to start? i gotta lose 30lbs and get motivation to do my university work but i cant. Whats the biggest motivator ? i got a girlfriend and she tries to motivate me to do better but it doesnt work. She says "i dont want you to lose weight but you have to start doing your work"
Literally stop masturbating.
you serious?
The time i stopped fapping i fasted for like 17 days and felt great but still didnt work
By fasted i mean literally didnt eat, i also didnt fap for the whole 17 days
it's the junk food, it's like heroin, people don't realise that. junk food depletes the brain, you don't get any satisfaction from even trying anymore, it keeps you dull. try water fasting(look it up). go for 7 days for a total reset. you'll be able to take control of things, have a clearer mind, and you'll adapt to more healthy eating. you just need to shock and detox your body to get out of the sluggish state you're currently in. fixing your sleep and diet is the root part of self-actualisation.
ok so no junk food no fapping sweet
my little sister got into a very good university today
I'm a 24 y/o two-time dropout who is struggling to transfer from community college to a fourth-tier state school
in my calculus class there are kids from a nearby magnet school. They've gone as far as anybody can go in their classes at public high school so now they're taking classes here. They haven't even finished high school and already they're ahead of me.
I suppose all I can do is keep pushing on. But pushing on just feels like a cope. It feels like something I'm doing because I have no choice.
I should be happy for the success of others. But seeing them successful makes me hate myself all the more, because some part of me still believes that I too could have been successful, if I had done things differently. If I had wanted it more.
I don't know. I just don't know. When I was in high school I was already pretty far gone. I used to hide in the bathroom and listen to music. I would sit there all of class, all of lunch. I skipped constantly. I had no friends. I was so shy I couldn't speak. I couldn't stand being around other people. I've been diagnosed with a variety of mental illnesses since then. Pretty standard stuff--depression, anxiety. I think I have a schizotypal or avoidant personality disorder or something, but my therapist says he doesn't like to diagnose people with personality disorders. I was a NEET for a while, a real hikki NEET. Then I got dumped in the psych ward and medicated.
I don't know. I just don't know.
you should talk to a doctor user. there are some problems that we can't solve on our own. other than that, keep up the fight and it'll all work out.
go back to Jow Forums or r/nofap or whatever shithole you cam from normalfaggot
I had a beautiful experience from mushrooms.
Just stay positive, be in a good environment, and be with decent people.
It will not last forever, so know the high will end. Enjoy it.
Learn something about yourself.
Right there with you man.
>school is going great
>gained some weight, getting healthier
>enjoy a beer and cigar with friends instead of wallowing in self pity and loathing
>video games and books and movies are fun again
>going to church again
>reading for fun and to learn
>future is bright and any roadblocks are temporary
>life is fun and fulfilling again
Well done user, these are the goals I am striving to reach.
This shit hit too hard man, every fucking word this paragraph has is exactly my life in high school.
U are chad now user. Gz
Well said. Agree 100%
Self-improvement is a meme. Just accept that you're fucked for life.
Also try 4-AcO-DMT and 4-HO-MiPT
>has girlfriend
Get out
Dude it literally happened like 5 days ago. A few weeks ago i was drunk alone and i wanted food so i went to the kitchen and she was there i asked if she wanted to play resident evil 7 and she said yeh came and watched me play i woke up asleep in her arms and she just kept coming over everyday. She asked me out and i said yeh cause she's pretty nice.
>self memefaggotry instead of pure hedonistic egoism