zoomers not welcome. This thread is for those who completely wasted the prime of their lives.
>childhood was somewhat normal
>bit of an autist/loser but eh, who wasn't?
>mental issues and tism become more prevalent in teen years
>barely attend school
>zero friends in high school
>don't do anything but browse internet
>no gf/road trip/parties/anything like that
>somehow manage to graduate
>go to college and get drunk a few times
>still friendless loser
>drop out
>22 yo NEET with no prospects
Technically still young but I truly feel like I missed out and can never live the romanticized teenage life. I know it's stupid and immature but it pains me so much.

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I'm 25

don't even want to talk about it

i'll probably be dead soon, was thinking baout suicide in bed all day, i really realized i'm a coward and that's the main reason i haven't died, some things like games keep me occupied but...ah well i'm not good at explaining things anyway. My life is ruined.

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Runescape. Not even once.

childhood somewhat "normal"

means that it was fucked up and it was a genetic and social gamble whether we got through it intact or completely fucked up.

I lost that gamble btw.

Same here, I can't believe I'm already 20.

Turning 21 in a few days
You gain nothing by thinking of the past
We all die anyway

Find ways to cope in the present

Make this thread when you're 31 and in the same situation.

That's me, now.

Zoomers man.

been a shut in neet for nearly a decade so i think that counts. also friendless virgin and all that.

if you knew your life would turn out this way would you have killed yourself in your 20s or teens?

20 plus ain't zoomer ya retard

>childhood was somewhat normal
>bit of an autist/loser but eh, who wasn't?
>mental issues and tism become more prevalent in teen years
>barely attend school
>one or two friends in high school
>don't do anything but browse internet and video games
>no gf/road trip/parties/anything like that
>somehow manage to graduate
>go to college and get drunk a few times
>still friendless loser
>drop out
>22 yo NEET with no prospects

Its sad that I just had to mostly copy/paste your situation and that is me.

Before dropping out I was baffled with the painful pattern of everyday standing around normalfags, obligatory socializing and rising anxiety. Now I think I'm in another pattern all together, the linear loser one.

253 days until wizardry. Never even asked anyone for a date or made any sort of vaguely romantic approach towards anyone. Never vocally even voiced any interest.


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i wasted about 98% of it

had a gf for a few weeks, a job for a few months, went to literally 3 or 4 parties and the same number of conventions, had people who i called close friends. I had a glimpse of what it was like and what it could have been like, the shit normies take for granted every single day. Who's better off, those who have experienced it and will never get it again, or those who can only imagine what it's like in the first place? I'm not sure


You're basically a zoomer dude, just embrace it. This is like some faggot born in '99 talking about how great the '90s were

It's so easy for life to pass you by
It's so easy to wake up and do nothing

>implying it's a choice for everyone

some people are just fucked

same here man. I even rejected a whale one time because I knew I could do better but still have yet to approach a girl in my life. why am I so afraid to try

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As a boy I was told what doesn't kill you makes your stronger, sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you, do well at school and life will repay you greatly, be nice to women and they will love you forever.

I was bullied at school once people realised I wouldn't harm them as I wanted to be a good boy, not get my parents angry, not get thrown out of school, not end up in gangs and drugs. I was passed around like a human toilet roll where people wiped their insecure need to fuck someone up for a joke and ironically feel better about their shitty lives. They got the girls, I thought "It matters not! I will get the good job and the wife if I keep my head down!". High school begins and it starts all over again, I am so scared to punch someone that I'd get thrown out of school and my parents would fuck me up, not showing me love for being "bad" and a "disappointment" to the family.

School finishes and suddenly the fog overcomes my brain, I can't sleep, I can't think straight anymore, my memory is shit. I drop out of college, can't keep a job at mcdonalds down, end up suicidal.

I'm left wondering, "my education, my good son, my nice to women, what if I just fought my way through school, my fear of jail was overthought I'd have scared off the bullies and just got a few insults from my family, fucked hoes and got the girls attention, got friends for life, got sociable and an education and my brain wouldn't have self-imploded. I'd probably have that great life after all.

Anyone else have this shit happen to them? Do it all good and have your brain eat itself due to emotional suppression and abuse? I mean, I know theres gonna be people out there like me, just that they probably killed themselves in high school.

On the plus side, my parents now pay for my therapy, I am lucky enough to get medication free and get gibs out of work, and now I'm doing a bit better. But I rely on a shit ton of medication and therapy. I'm truely grateful for that.

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This. Fuck man this cut me deep.

You know the best thing about having sex that couple of times and not being a virgin?

It's not that it is absolutely not easier to get laid.
It's not the extra confidence that I still don't have to get laid.

It's that I temporarily shut up a voice in my head that I was a virgin.

That's all it was.

And you know something

It comes back.

It comes back again.

And then you wonder, "I've not had sex in x years, what's wrong with me?"

Just like you thought when you were a virgin.

Find another way to pay less attention to thoughts in your head user, that is the real battle.

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i imagine most of this board is socially awkward and inhibited but does anyone else have the added bonus of being low iq too? this board seems to full of somewhat intelligent introverts. but i'm a low iq introvert i fit in literally nowhere.

it's a fate worse than death the gods are playing tricks on me.

Yes I'm an absolute brainlet and always have been. The people who brag about going to a prestigious uni piss me off a thousand times more than any normie.

ehhh... if i wasnt weird, i could have achieved much more. why i am the one scursed with weirdness. ive tried so much so many times, but i always fuck it up. no matter what.

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I don't romanticize the teenage years anymore.

I had a phase where I tried to make up for lost time by doing wild shit, jumping headfirst into a relationship with the first girl who paid attention to me, partying a lot, going on adventures. It was just stupid for the most part. There's more to enjoy in life than just that shit.

I don't really think anymore about how I never dated or had many friends in high school or any of that. It wouldn't have been that great anyway. The ephemeral, ideal experience of youth that you imagine other people have but is just out of reach? It doesn't exist. It's just in your head. It's what you expected because of all the movies and TV and anime and whatever else you surrounded yourself with.

I've just come to peace with the fact that that phase in my development wasn't that great you know? There's no point in ruminating on the past anymore. It's just not fucking healthy. You see guys on here who are in their late 20's and early 30's and they're still all fucked up over the fact they never held a girl's hand or had a date to the prom in high school. It's no way to live your life.

There's a quote from Arthur Schopenhauerian out there somewhere that's like "Life is only beautiful in the transfiguring lens of art. Knowing this would put many a young man's soul at peace." And it's true.

you ar eliterally consumed by technoligcal progress.
first IQ 80 people will be left out from reproducing
then 90
until its only literally top 0.01% of the richest becoming singularities, the last "humans". or maybe even the single one remain. or maybe some AI, who knows
Kaczynski was right

Iktf, both my older brothers were total chads who went on constant parties and raves and trips. One of them has a kid now but the other one still goes constantly to concerts and parties and raves and night clubs and festivals. Flies all over the world just to go to these events and does tons of drugs. Ive been a few times with them but I dont fit in and I only like doing drugs when I am alone.

This thread is too relatable I don't even want to post in it. I am 24.

the overwhelming majority of people who are actually reproducing with reckless abandon these days seems to be the ones in the 80 to 100 iq range

people who are above 130 iq are in statistical terms practically infertile

True, but it isn't a choice to live like this for many of us. We can't find the way out.

Sounds all too familiar to me. My parents programmed to me to never deviate from what my authority figures told me to do. Everything they said to me was a mandatory order. They turned me into an anxious bitch, and I can never break that conditioning.

My dad threatened to break every bone in my body if a girl ever said I did anything bad to her, so I never went after women. I never partied or even went out with friends in high school because my parents didn't ever want me to leave the house, so by senior year of high school I didn't have any friends and often ate in the bathrooms.

On the other hand my brother was allowed to do whatever he wanted. He would disappear after school for hours, until it got dark, no phone contact, and then randomly show up at home. If I did that they'd put me under house arrest. He fails almost all of his classes and they hardly do a thing. I had one F in my entire schooling history and I brought it back up in less than a week, but my parents grounded me for a month and relentlessly yelled at me for it. My brother was caught with drugs multiple times and didn't once get punished.

And yet I can't tell if I want to really blame my parents for all this. Maybe if I wasn't a piece of shit I would've rebelled against them and just did what I wanted with no regard for consequences, maybe I came out of the womb like the frightened animal I already am. I don't know how I can ever become better, I feel as if I am destined to live like this until I die.

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23 almost 24 and in the exact same spot. you don't know how many guys i've met that are in the same situation. i'm pretty sure it's a common thing amongst the tail end of millenials/before the zoomers. don't fit into either culture. get the wost aspects of both. old enough to have played outside all the time as a kid, but also young enough to get addicted to vidya and the internet. we have no place in this shit economy and shit society. truly lostbois who nobody helped.

My little brother isn't chad, in fact he is just as autistic as me but he is smart and successful. I feel happy for him but humiliated as well.

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/re >often ate in the bathrooms
I know this feel.

>On the other hand my brother was allowed to do whatever he wanted.

And this.

I don't think any of us was our fault, or even our parents. Because that train of thinking leads back to when? The big bang? When suffering was created and set in motion? It's just good to know why it happened and that it isn't our fault, but trying to tell our mind that is like weeding a garden every single day for years and years.

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turned 20 today. Spent the last 4 months in my room. Everyone thinks im going to college this time. I have no idea how im going to tell them.ive just been in front of a screen this whole time.

I'm 32. I'm in the same boat. I had a childhood playing outside and was unsupervised and going around at 5/6. I also went outside all the time as a teenager but was also online a lot too. I remember as a kid and teenager, even my late teens there were people always there to hang out with roaming around outside and you could always knock on the door to get someone. I wasn't much into the current TV as much but some was good. Now it seems there are no kids or teens outside. It looks almost deserted. Why don't they go outside anymore?

Dont be too hard on yourself user. Im the youngest in my family but you oldest children are pretty much the experimental kids, you are going into everything blind whereas we get to learn from your mistakes and also the parents learn from their own mistakes through how they fucked up on you in various ways. Sort of

man even at my age of 24 i've noticed this too. the only kids that are outside are ones that are like 10+ playing basketball in their driveway. my neighborhood used to be filled with kids skateboarding and playing baseball and football all throughout my childhood. now it's all gone and it's so sad to see.

i'm pretty sure it's just technology and probably multiculturalism too. there's no need to go outside. everyone can be insulated with the internet and get that "human social need" thing from online and over the phone even though it isn't truly real. i've fallen into that as well where my online friends have taken the place of real life ones and it fills the tank enough to not need real human face-to-face bonding, but it still leaves it desired.

you can get everything you want online. video games, TV, movies, knowledge. everything is all online and you don't need the outside world anymore. also people seem to be more paranoid. if i see a young kid outside who's like 4-7 they are always watched like a hawk by their parents. it's like they think everyone is a pedophile and going to harm them. nobody trusts anybody. it's a weird phenomenon we're witnessing with human nature.

True and sometimes it's different on the grandparent level too. I'm an 86 born and the oldest and my dad talked about how he'd drive me around without a car seat as a baby but for his future grandkids we're putting them in seats up to age 8 because of the law. I had glass mercury thermometers as a kid to take my temperature and there was even a spill of metallic silver looking mercury that had to be cleaned up once. Now we don't use them.

In my neighborhood I don't even really see the 10+ kids out there. It's that bad. I think it's a mix of paranoid parents and technology.

Not him but I'm 40 and I had known this was how my life would turn out I'd have given serious consideration to stepping in front of a train.

On the bright side I get to tell you young people that 20-25 is not you "wasting your prime years of life". Around that age you're still young enough to turn everything around. You could build a career, get jacked, become a ninja. Whatever it is you're young enough to do it. I wish I could be as young as you anons again and do it all differently.

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I have a similiar case, you make your own mental wall that slowly begins to eat you inside out and when you notice you have a giant problem, you snap and remember your life all at once.

I already come in terms with myself and accepted my teen life was never meant to be, actually waste my time with reading and excercising, trying to be something better but still feel like shit because nothing I do ever goes as planned, see other people perform better without trying. I don't care about others because my entire life i could not fit in, still a virgin.

Keep telling myself i could get someone but never actually go out of my way and keep waiting for someone to help me, hate myself even more, get depressed and angry.

The only motto for my life is that there was no hope from the start, i have to keep living soo that this will eventually end. Don't onions over other peoples lives, they are only temporary like yours.

18 btw, hope it doesn't make this thought null

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Feel ya.

>mental issues and tism become more prevalent in teen years

Stop being a full time dreamer. Fix your priorities into more realistic results and stay i touch with reality. Try being more pratical and logical than emotional dreamer overthinker because this more specific to female character, an you are not a female to deal on the same level of self-aware with these thoughts.

>no gf

Accept the reality, you are probably too selective and maybe arrogant to pick up all thots that hook arround. You lost your teenage sex life and high school "red nights", Now start being a provider, responsable and defender of your family. These things should unlock your confident character.

>road trip

Do this, by yourself, alone, but take vigilent action and be responsable. Become a loner wolf. It's pretty harsh, but you will gain pride. The best weapon of each loner wolf, is his mind. Use your mind to kill all your toxic thoughts that depress you.

>I know it's stupid and immature but it pains me so much.

Pain is inevitable suffering is optional.

High-tier recomandation: Quit porn and after that quit mastrubate. Find a sport where you have to use that energy (testosterone) that grow inside of your body, instead using on fap use it on swimming (for example). Swimming is pretty anti-depresive + very healthy and yor body gain a attractive form and strenght after some time.

I have no advise for how to get a gf or things like that. The only thing I know is to improve your stoicism and pride. These two factors are like an umberella over confidence, vigilence and self-disciple. Factors that normal girls are pretty attracted to.

Friendly advise from a volcel.

I feel you bro, same thing here. Hope it all turns out well for you in the end :)

Why didn't anyone warn me? That's all I think about anymore. Why did everyone keep saying "you're young, you have time" when there's no such thing as having time? When the reality is it's always now now now or it'll never happen?

If there are any zoomers in here, there's a very specific way to feel about being in your early 20s and being a loser. There's only one good path, and it requires some cognitive dissonance.

1. You have time to turn it around.
2. You're out of time, you need to do it now.
3. You need to take small achievable, measurable steps towards your goals, because if you decide you have to turn your whole life around tomorrow you'll always fall short, lose hope and give up again.
4. But you need to take risks and big steps.

It's like...imagine you're in a truck, and you're going to crash into a wall, but you haven't crashed yet. You know if you just jam on the brakes the truck will jackknife and you'll either die or lose all your cargo. So you have to use tight focus and discipline to start braking as quickly as you can without rolling the truck, and you need to just sit there and grit your teeth and hope that you started soon enough, because you won't really know until you're about to hit the wall.

God, it's hard. I'm sorry anons. It's just difficult.

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i went on a roadtrip by myself. it was fun desu

I actually think about this a lot. Both of my younger siblings had more structure to their upbringing and better schooling than I did at equivalent points, with the youngest getting the best. Probably it's just that parenting is like everything else, you get better at it as you go along. They saw what they did with me and tried to course correct with the next kid, so on and so forth. They also had more money later on, so I got the "young adults trying to make it" experience and the littlest kid didn't touch most of that.

As I get older it's harder to blame them, just because I can't imagine how I'd do any better.

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24yo here and i was turning my life around for a bit. previously weighed 260lbs at age 19 at my absolute worst. spent the next 2yrs losing the weight and lifting weighs and running. weighed 185 and i felt fucking amazing every day. girls were looking at me and trying to talk to me too. made me feel seen for once in my life and i didn't like it. i prefer the invisibility i had before when i was depressed and alone. ended up stopping all the upward spiral and went back down. now in the same place i was when i was 20 and am 230lbs and miserable again.

no matter what steps i take i always want to go back down because it's all i know and what i like. i don't fit into this world. i think i want to hit the wall with no brakes. doing well in life doesn't feel good for me.

what a perfect metaphor user, in a weird way it was very poetic and beautiful

Some grammar errors on first paragraph, but could be accurate in a way or another.

Accepting reality is the first thing and could be a long process.

Oh God you have no idea how bad it can and will get do you.
You're fucking adorable. There are levels of suffering you can't even begin to fathom at this point but when it hits you're going to be completely dismantled.

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U still have time. It is actually really easy and even if it wont work u dont lose anything. It's only winning

Gen z was born from 1995 to 2005, that makes everyone from the age of 13 to 23 a zoomer.

Are you jelly our generation is going to be the one to exterminate the Joos?

t. 18y/o generation zyklon

your suffering has hardly begun, my child

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I'm 29 and i keep on asking myself where i buried my best days?

I was a relatively normal kid but as I started to enter the double digits it's clear to me now, how immature I was compared to the people around me, I spent my teen years playing games and watching anime while everyone else was preparing for their future and going after girls, meanwhile I was just a retardedly loud, immature spastic and got bullied for it. I mellowed out a lot after this and pretty much lived on the internet until 21 and dropped out of uni because I just couldn't be bothered completing the course and just didn't care. I started working at my parents insistence and it felt like being in prison 5 days a week, but at least it gave me some social skills, I even went out drinking with workmates a few times, one time one of them helped me get a girls number which brings me to another thing, I have genuinely never had any romantic interest in another person, I've just never felt anything toward anyone, needless to say I didn't even bother texting this girl. I don't know what I was thinking but I decided to give uni another go when I was 23 which had the same result as the previous time.

Now I'm 25 and just working my minimum wage job and it's hard to say I really care about my future or relationships, I don't think I ever did, and while I may be posting in this thread I don't particularly have any strong feelings toward my "lost youth" nor am I sad about anything that's happened in my life and god knows if I ever will feel that way. I don't have any real desires other than earning enough money to support myself and spending time talking to people on the internet and watching anime, or playing videogames like I always have. I've debated with the idea of it just being long-term depression but the only things that stands out is my lack of interest, other than that I don't feel down about anything, although I've never been disagnosed by a professional. I do think I needed to get this off my chest though.

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>i'm pretty sure it's a common thing amongst the tail end of millenials/before the zoomers. don't fit into either culture. get the wost aspects of both. old enough to have played outside all the time as a kid, but also young enough to get addicted to vidya and the internet. we have no place in this shit economy and shit society. truly lostbois who nobody helped.

hit the nail on the head, there are so many young early/mid 20s guys that are just completely isolated yet relatively normal/Chad. I made lots of friends at my gym over the years of even turbo Chads who just drift through life with no friends, they always disappear, it's not just the spergs anymore.

My life has been okay, just full of wasted opportunities. I am in a pretty good spot compared to most robots I guess (Good Uni degree, have F/T job, moved out etc.) but I just have 0 friends and have not had any social contact with anyone my age for years.

i'm 24 and my sister is 22. i'm a virgin who never had a social life and she is but when she gets bf and i meet him it's always the same story. they are around my age, have absolutely no idea what they are doing or what they want out of life, go to the gym, bounce around between shitty jobs, smoke weed, party, do nothing and are just completely lost in life. like you said they are normies and chads too that just have no idea what the fuck this life even is.

it seems like just a small window of people are like this. the older millennials are social justice/pc people and the zoomers are super conservative and have their own culture. us at the tail end of millennials fit nowhere and nobody gives a shit about us. a lot of kids i've known from highschool are now opiate addicts. numerous have died from drug overdoses and shit laced with fentanyl too. i've noticed we seem to all have boomer parents. it's like we're the tail end of the boomers who had kids in their 30s and now we're enacting the same cycle as they are. just aimless bumbling through life with no guidance and nobody seems to even care about or notice us.

are zoomers really super conservative?
seriously? i always thought it is meme or maybe they are a bit more focused on spending time with family, because how "low-energy" they are from being bombarded with technology.

I made this post and I actually relate to this too, I did play outside a lot as a kid but I ended up addicted to vidya and the internet when I hit my teens, but to me the way I am is just what I consider normal, even though I'm aware it isn't, it's a strange feeling, maybe in the end I am just coping even though I feel like I'm not.

You are literally me but Im 21
Cool to know u adapted in being a wagecuck, I still struggle with that

It really does feel like we are a lost generation. Most everyone of us seems to be just drifting aimlessly. I noticed the same as you, it is not just us robot types anymore even the more charismatic/normally adjusted people seem to suffer from this problem. Most everyone ended up living back with their parents, working food or retail or something similar. A lot didnt finish college but I know some who finished degrees and still ended up in the same boat. The other side is the ones who went military, they seem to suffer from a different set of problems but I think in the long run they end up slightly better. Also the people who did STEM degrees seem to be doing better. Financially at least.

We were born in a cursed time and no one understands or cares. I guess the strong will thrive and the weak will fade out

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way she goes sometimes, bud

It's not lost youth, it's more like neglect. Societal neglect.
Just picture yourself as one of those Romanian orphan experiment kids.
That might help.

Most people here are Spergs though. It's common for people on the autism spectrum or someone on the schizophrenic spectrum or someone with agoraphobia and severe social anxiety to be this way.

I'm objectively successful and still feel like I missed out
>childhood was normal
QTs had crushes on me in elementary school but I was too chicken to ask them out. Pretty good at sports. Thought I was a chad in the making. Culminated in 1st kiss with school whore in 6th grade.
>middle school was a wake up call
Kids started throwing harder and getting taller. I didn't. I realized I was actually bad at sports. Girls stopped liking me cause I was short as fuck and chubby. Of course this didn't make me put in more effort. Instead I started lying about material possessions to cover insecurities.
>most of high school sucked ass
Was functionally a KHHV through 11th grade. People didn't like me because I was a lying douche. People frequently disrespected me. I got taller and took synthetic steroids. People stopped talking shit to me. I beat up a football player. Girls suddenly found me attractive and I lost virginity senior year.
Was the start of the decline. Got gyno and stopped lifting. Girls started to like me less and less and I got less confident. Stopped having sex Junior year.
I make great money and my parents are very proud, but I didn't have the American Pie experience I wanted. I'm sure some of my classmates envy my position, but they still got to take Sydney Bell's virginity.

>I got taller and took synthetic steroids. People stopped talking shit to me. I beat up a football player. Girls suddenly found me attractive and I lost virginity senior year.
This world is a bitter one desu.

I'm a manchild at 27
I still live with my parents
I've had a few temp jobs over the years but nothing permanent
I have physical health issues including a bad back and my hands are in pain
The fear of impending doom is coming ever closer

at least high school is anyway. beyond psychological impacts being tall and big doesn't matter in the real world.

i'm fucking 30 lol
don't end up like me
at age 24 or so i started focusing really hard on work and projects. basically fulltime both work and home projects. all intellectual isolated work. social stuff on the backburner but still some of it when i could fit it in
got fucking nothing out of these 6 years.
no real money.
no real connections.
no friends.
no gf.
anxiety through the roof.
anger through the roof.
sheer panic through the roof.
i never matured in any way
was looking at a 20 year old girl having a totally normal life on fb with her stupid lives and freaking the fuck out with how much i wanted her.

you need to at least try because i tried and still didn't fucking get anywhere dude. it's someone just shot me with a fucking aging ray.

>My dad threatened to break every bone in my body if a girl ever said I did anything bad to her
It hurts so fucking much when your parents basically assume you would be even capable of such horrible things. One of the worst forms of betrayal.
One time when my parents were asleep I lit a candle in the living room and started cooking sunflower seeds on the metal top. My parents were triggered like hell, because obviously a child playing with fire is bad. But then a few weeks later my mom asked me if I was planning on doing arson. I was about 9 years old at the time.
Another time my dad was shoving me self-defense moves because he used to be into martial arts when he was young. My mom turned completely serious in the middle of the conversation and said "don't come home if you ever kill someone".
Fuck you, mom.

most of the same for me as well, except i went to school, but dropped out halfway into senior year, due to increasing ocd, exactly 7 years ago this week. been a neet since. wish i could go back and relive my great childhood, and redo my teen years so i wasnt as autistic.

I would genuinely put all my effort into not ending up as the fuckup I am today. Which is pretty ironic, considering I will probably feel the same way about this moment five years from now. If only I could see the future.

Not the 31 year old guy btw.

It hurts reading these posts because this shit describes me perfectly, what makes me feel even worse is that I still can't bring myself to not do "good" even when I see how much of a cunt the average person can be and nobody bats an eye.

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>zoomers not welcome
>22 yo NEET
you fucking dumb cunt

>born into poverty, broken home, neglectful and abusive parents
>extremely socially stunted, could not function
>poorly cared for, scruffy, always dirty, shitty clothes, bad haircut, no idea how to clean myself up
>extreme isolation and poverty
>spent years repairing myself in cocoon mode
>late 20s now
>confident, bright, cheerful, educated (self and formally), intelligent, socially graceful, charming, can joke around and people love it
>attractive, outwardly healthy, perfect hair, good fashion sense, good skincare, good aesthetics
>pretty interesting person, a lot of crazy and varied experiences, reasonably well traveled, okay on money, can get jobs easily, pay is middle class with upward potential
>wish I could have had this ten years ago and lived a full life, fulfilling my true potential
>hard to get over the bitterness and sense of loss
>deeply resentful, fall into a dark pit of hatred if I start thinking about it too much
Ten years of my life. Not to mention my absolute hell of a childhood that still gives me nightmares at least once a week. I could have done so much, gone so far. It's all lost now.
I will never, ever, ever forgive them for this. It's all I can do to not succumb to bitterness every day.

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>at age 24 or so i started focusing really hard on work and projects. basically fulltime both work and home projects
the fuck does "projects" mean?

t. 23 yo NEET