Jow Forumsizen here

Jow Forumsizen here

Attached: 1544217523697.jpg (2324x1794, 686K)

lets detonate this nigger board

what is this bomb doing here

/lit/ obviously


fuck weebs and fuck niggers!

Jow Forums deserves all the bombs it can get

I vote /x/.

goto /v/
or detonate here in trap town

The guys over at will know what to do with this

send it to Jow Forums

Reading is gay and for women

Kill. All. /lgbt/.

Move the bomb to /s4s/

move it to lgbt aaaaaaa

This wins the rar

Eyy we gottem

move the bomb to /o/ check em

WINRAR, congrats!

Jow Forumsizen too. Let the bomb stay here and kill all the robotfaggots

kill /b/

Divine confirmation