You are enlisted as a WW1 soldier, what would you do?
Robots what do?
Get a bastard sword and katana
Which faction am I on?
Free choice, if you want to be a krauz go for it!
God fucking damn this HITLER faggot keeps ranting about the jews all the fucking time
Also have you seen those things the Americans carry? Those "shotguns" or whatever the hell they have?
Probably just mow down those beautiful aryan white men with the perfectly engineered, German crafted, MG42. Then an hero with the last bullet so they can't torture me to death.
I want to man an Mg34 and mow down Russians
since it's wwi be an American, get the glory at the end without any of the pain and suffering.
I want to be a German, when those first gas shells explode near those french faggots, and kek when they are litteraly melting.
wrong war faggots
fucking die from either chlorine gas or charging across no mans land
fuck that pointless stupid war
fuck the women who shamed men for not dying in it for nothing
Request deployment to Gallipoli
get killed nearly immediately during my first frontal assault
Bring automatic rifle.
fritz.... get the wex
Tfw the loser with the weird mustache wont shut up about the Jews again
die i guess
This is the only real answer, anyone who disagrees is a brainlet
Gents its been an honer. FIX BAYONETS
Invade Korea in the name of the Emperor.
Guess I'll die