>tfw no Jeanette Voerman gf
Tfw no Jeanette Voerman gf
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tfw banged an escort that looks like Therese
i wish we could have been more than just escort/john. i tried talking to her but she went mia.
using "escort" to describe isnt a fair description. yes it was for cash, but what i bought with it was a glimpse of happiness.
all video games are not the same, some are better than others, and a few are the greatest of all time. Therese escort belongs in the last category.
>unironically calling yourself a john
user, only betas talks like that. Please don't do that.
There are lots of lonely schizo girls desperate for a bf. You have no excuse.
>There are lots of lonely schizo girls desperate for a bf. You have no excuse.
I met one for a short time, she was all over the place and hard to reach and then eventually just kinda disappeared
Was weird crazy, not hot crazy
i broke the rule, i fell for her hard and texted her personal thoughts.
>tfw no tourrette gf either
Which one of the VtMB girls would make for a great dom?
damsel imo
Do you even have to ask? Original fucked me
Damsel is a bitch desu
No body likes Susan she is by far the worst Bloodlines girl
I need you to get better taste
thats why she would be a great dom.
>you will never dance at the Asylum
>No body likes Susan
I agree, fags truly don't like her.
best girl is the goth cutie in the white dress at the Asylum
her body type is banned from modern games. but i knew at least one girl with that body type.
>having such shit taste
I think we all know who the real fag is here
Jeanette will always be best Vampire Girl
>Jeanette will always be best Vampire Girl
Ahahahaha! Dream on queer. Have fun getting stabbed by the schizo.
... Holy fuck. that lady looks exactly likeme
Is this game worth getting into? I've never played it before and I've seen some gameplay of it but I feel like that wasn't enough to tell me wether ide like it or not.
Here you go man, hope this helps.
Have fun when she gets bored of you and leaves you for another faggot like all Toreador do to the losers that follow them around
oo nice. Mister P approved
Have some more my good man.
ya. graphics are dated but everything else is solid. even the previous game is worth playing as well.
my girlfriend's girlfriend, shes my girl, too
>leaving a Ventrue
You are just plain stupid aren't you?
what a comfy genre and era.
Awesome. That's really hot.
Ha Ventrue are the laughing stocks of the vampire world
You pretend to have power and control but in the end the you are powerless
The jaws of Gehenna will close around your clan and you are to powerless and Blind to even realize it
>unbeatable otherwise
Do people really think this ? I've got loads of play throughs unpatched
>Ventrue are the laughing stocks of the vampire world
Funny, I always thought that was you. Blabbering idiots whose intellect is matched only be the beauty of the Nosferatu. Remember little one, we always find a way.
its an old video.. same singer in
The Sight sees all Friend so perhaps you shouldn't make threats
We see far beyond what you do we see all things past,present and future
You set in your "thrones" pretending that you have the upper hand but remember The children of the moon see things that you could never possibly understand