How is this fucking fair?

how is this fucking fair?
how are we smaller dudes supposed to compete?

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>how are we supposed to compete
you don't compete. you bend over like a cute little faggot and show me your ass

That is an extremely gross picture

life being fair is a religious concept, a dogma if you will, it's not based in reality.

we all learned this the hard way

By transitioning and becoming cute girls so you can wait on us hand and foot.
t. 6 1/4x5

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wow this is hot
got any sauce?

im fed up with homosexuals
it is only sex sex sex with them
no humanity
you dont deserve to be tolerated in society
you are animals
you may have minds of men, but no soul

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Dunno mate.
I'm physically gifted in most aspects.

Mentally retarded, I have the same question, but truer in a sense.
I believe women only care about personality, social influence and/or charisma.
You can miss a critical quality by lying or being some whimsical flavour "nice" that isn't quantified.

Believe me, if it was just
I wouldn't be where I am

What religion and how?
They say "shit's fucked up, but god understands your struggles and will judge you with compassion at the gates of heaven"
It's the liberals who say everyone's the same and deserves the same shit automatically given to them regardless.


the guy on top isn't even that big looks to be maybe 6? 6.5?
anyway his dick and dickhead looks gross

why do so many bottoms have lots of moles? Do moles make you gay?

moar & sauce please sir

Checked. Dicklets BTFO.

By unironically just becoming a sissy slut and serving superior men.

Trips of truth

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You have two options: try to fugg girls and be embarrassed when Stacy lols at your tiny benis and shows all her friends,


accept your fate, and become a sissy who serves a real man, who will train you lovingly to be his adorable little sissy slut.

which sounds better?

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But user, everyone knows hung traps are the patrician's choice. Especially if they're limp or permanently caged.

Reminds me of this. Ideal world.

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I totally get the appeal of a hung trap being permanently caged and dressed in frilly panties, but I don't get the appeal of a hung trap being limp?

and what are small dicc boys to do besides become a trap?

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Maybe it's just me, but I think it's hot for the trap bottom to have this big cock they couldn't use even if allowed them to. I'm just sadistic like that, user. My dick enjoys the idea of it and I'm just going to along.

Big girth and id say it is still like 7 long

> I think it's hot for the trap bottom to have this big cock they couldn't use even if allowed them to. I'm just sadistic like that, user

oh yeah I get that. I always liked the idea of being kept caged and only time out of the cage my hands would be tied so I couldn't touch it cause I'm sure it would be hard as soon as the cage came off ;s

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>7 long
i don't believe you. keep in mind he's standing over him lying on...something . (it's not the floor but it's the same color as the floor)
it doesn't seem all that big. and it still looks ugly regardless

God won't judge you with compassion at the gates of heaven. There's no reward for being a good person. You just die like everyone else.

they both have ugly benises: fact

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My ideal trap gf would be petite like pic related, 5'6" at the most, with a 7.5x6 uncut cock. It would be locked away at all times, and she would have to submit to being slapped, choked, and punched in the stomach before I would consider letting her have a release.

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>It would be locked away at all times, and she would have to submit to being slapped, choked,

sounds hot, sounds hot, sounds hot...

>and punched in the stomach

that's pretty hardcore.

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What's gross about it? Are you a bigot?

Holy fuck this shit! I need some more guys who will train me to be the best sissy faggot that I can be! This shit gets me so fucking horny... God damn, I wish I had a guy who would lock me, train me, and make me into a little sissy cocksleeve bitch...

Even putting aside the faggotry, both of the penises (penii?) are ugly

source that shit, user, c'mon...

Just reverse image search it you dumbdumb, it's incredibly popular.

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video where?
You do have one, right OP?

Hung traps are to be trained regularly to have the most functional awesome feminine penis.

Trap tops is the patrician choice.

Drop discord and I will, faggot

She has to earn it, user. If she can take her licks without making a sound, I'll use an onahole on her while I stroke her hair and encourage her. If not, she can cum with her boipussy. I might let her jerk off if her whimpers are cute enough.

>She has to earn it, user. If she can take her licks without making a sound, I'll use an onahole on her while I stroke her hair and encourage her. If not, she can cum with her boipussy. I might let her jerk off if her whimpers are cute enough.

ahhh that sounds so nice ;s

I hope you find a cute trap one day, they'll be very lucky apart from the punching thing hehe

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Jesus fucking Christ, can any of you fucks think of a solution that doesn't involve becoming a crossdressing fag?

take penis pills?

there is no solution sorry user

I've yet to find a tag that describes hung bottoms. I know a lot of hung guys that play tops cause there aren't a lot of dudes interested in fucking them.

sissy faggot

You are probably the only in here who is not a complete fucking retard.

>Slap the condom out of his hand and go to town

I usually want to cuddle but I do have a fair amount of sadistic moods, especially if I had a shitty day at work. What about you, user? How big is your feminine benis, how tall are you?

Mostvmen aren't that hung or small.




>be 6'4
>dick is 7.5x5.5
>bf is 5'5
>his dick is 5x4

feels good to humiliate him.

dicklets are fury.

I'm a friendless sperg and not even that good looking and ugly girls definitely make themselves available, don't fucking bullshit.

why do these numbers make me so hard

Cause you want a real man to put you and your baby dick in its place.

>how are we supposed to compete?
You're not. You're supposed accept the reality of the situation, put on pretty clothes and offer up your smooth boypussies for us to use. You won't know what you're missing until you try it. Pic related: mine is 7" and yours isn't, so bend over.

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>Pic related: mine is 7"
looks more like 4.5-5.0"

your coloring is literally perfect, are you a redhead?

also bi guys are gross so dont worry I am not hitting on you

>complaining about the fairness in how you were born
imagine if literal down syndrome people posted about other people having higher iq's than them and take all the high paying jobs from because they're born smarter, Fortune 500 companies just don't want to hire them, they aren't attracted to their talents. WAHHH SO UNFAIR.
bitch you weren't meant to compete, you're just born lesser, it sucks but thats our world, get with the program.

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>how are we smaller dudes supposed to compete?
You ain't
You're supposed to spread your boipuccy for superior cocks

it's actually a liberal leftist concept

Big dicks are for the enjoyment of both women and small dicked guys.

Small dick is only a problem if you want women.

I am a straight guy and I love big dicks

The big dick is nice tho

not nice to look at though

t. watches too much porn. I don't have a tape measurer so here's a tp roll for scale
Nope, I have light brown hair with some stray blond hairs scattered in there.
>bi guys are gross
It's all in your head user, it would taste and feel just as good.

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if only any of you were in the northeast US to do this to me

gotta disagree on that one senpai

nope str8 boys only but thanks for the aids offer

>str8 boys
>fucking sissies
larp, unless you're a perfectly passing post-op trans woman

I'm 6.5" although I do have a feminine benis, everybody says so! I'm too tall though, and 4 hours late so oh well

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where can i find someone around boston to dress up for who can take me aaaghhhh i need it i'm too horny ;___;

not fucking sissies, just lurking the thread until I saw a sploosh worthy dick

a simple compliment from a nondick haver

This is what happens when your mom doesn't breastfeed. You were given formula made from onions. You should become a trap.

but what use is that if there's no one around to fuck you >:(((

Reminder that half the posts in this thread are women larping as men.

>aids offer
>implying I'm not a shut in retard who only got laid once in his life and that was with a girl who broke my heart
>compliment from a nondick haver
That's like getting your house complimented by a hobo

this is probably the only post by a woman in the thread, because you hate when you're not part of the topic of discussion.

I only know about this thread because a friend on discord sent it to me who is indeed a woman larping as a man.

so ur saying a tranny fag?

why are you friends with tranny fags?

and also
>That's like getting your house complimented by a hobo
How will w*men ever recover? *dabs*

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>to me
looks we got ourselves CRINGE and NORMIEpilled fella over here


I dunno, by bearing children and ensuring the future of our species?

It looks like a rotting slice of bologna
2d and bad dragon dildos really is the correct choice

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>What's gross about it?
the circumcisions

>bearing children
What kind of a moron would bring a new person into this retarded world. Women are inhumane and should be put to death

t. retarded incel

imagine my shock that this is unoriginal!

Wait so like
>attends abortion rally
So you're like totally saying that
>tweets about how overpopulation is a problem in china so people should stop having children in europe
That like, us womyn are
>takes birth control
So we're like better than traps because
>throws abortion party to celebrate 16th fetus killed
We can like bear children and stuff?
>takes morning after pill

Wait, 6.25"x5" is considered big now?

Hell yeah brother. I mean I'm not a faggot but still proud of this dick.

based and basedpilled desu

It's big enough for any woman worth keeping around.

>you may have minds of men
they literally don't. their mind is feminized

>wants a big dick trap
>lock it away

What even is the point then?

Goddamnit user, why are you so fucking weird?

Its hot. Being hung is a sign of power. You would think the one with the bigger cock would be the dominant partner, but having them locked up turns that idea on its head. You're taking the control away from them. You can only use that dick when I say you can.
Am I making sense here?

is this you, i love size difference


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that's a fucking shop nobodies dick is that small

Never mind brainlets who think small dick sissies are superior, user. Just keep fighting the good fight.

>nobodies dick is that small
I've got some bad news for you, user...

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how the fuck is he producing more semen than me with that shrunken ballsack

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Well, unlike you, he probably doesn't masturbate to Japanese drawings six times a day.

it is written, only Link may post textless on Jow Forums

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Thank you based user. How do you feel about roughing up traps?

I feel like it's not fun if I'm not being rough, and the rougher I'm being the more fun it is for me.