What makes a school shooter?
What makes a school shooter?
White people feel great injustice in this world and their intellectual mind is rebelling.
They want to stop Shit skins, Roasties and Government from fucking everything up.
>What makes a school shooter?
Bringing a gun to school and shooting other kids. Duh.
>image seems like a humor montage
>it's a real article about something that actually happened
Alienation. Imagine living in a family where your grandma would actually turn you in to the authorities so you can spend your entire life in jail.
>Betraying your family
His grand"mother" has to be killed.
>in the past
easy popularity
damn that sucks they could have just let him off with no internet and house arrest couldn't they? fucking normies and they're retribution witch hunts.
>Betrayed by grandmother
How on earth did she find out, did he steal grandpa's gun?
>Pleading guilty for a plot
Guess he had a shit attorney if he pleated guilty before even being tried.
women have no sense of loyalty, they will betray their own sons for other women
Globalism, overpopulation, etc.
Basically young non-Chad white males are seen as worthless scum.
They're expected to grow up and toil away so their tax money can go towards allowing women to raise Chad's kids, and then politely killing themselves where they won't bother anyone.
These boys who rise up against the system are martyrs.
Read Industrial Society And Its Future. Modern industrial society is cancer for mental health.
Nonattainment of important goals results in death if the goals are physical necessities, and in frustration if nonattainment of the goals is compatible with survival. Consistent failure to attain goals throughout life results in defeatism, low self-esteem or depression.
>black guy runs from cops
>white kid plots a mass murder and goes to jail
r9k: damn, that punishment is too harsh, poor kid
>being attached to people for no other reason besides them sharing some of your DNA regardless of how shitty a person they are
Why are nepotists so retarded?
>Having a loading gun
>Pulling the trigger with the safety off
>Inside of a school
implying she didn't pull the "i'm ur grandmother card" or "i'm ur mother" card to her dna members many times
>u need to take care of me i'm ur grandmother i don't care if you're an incel when i was ur age i was blowing sailors
>punishment is too harsh, poor kid
the difference is nigs didnt do an honorable thing like kill women. all nigs do is rob hard working pakis.
>no one dies, disaster averted
>fuck it let's throw this sped in jail for 30 years
american correctional system
>Joshua Alexander O'Connor pleaded guilty to attempted murder, robbery and possession of an explosive device charges Thursday
>He was arrested for allegedly plotting a shooting on February 14 - the same day as the Parkland massacre - and originally pleaded not guilty
>The 18-year-old's grandmother handed officers his journal which showed plans to shoot and use explosives on students at ACES High School, Washington
>Authorities found a semiautomatic rifle and grenades at his home
school shootings create more school shooters, similar well off middle class young males with massive inferiority complexes are influenced by other shootings because they think being the villain is epic and they'll finally get the validation from society they think they deserve. it's a teens emo phase gone way too far, and because their prefrontal cortex is so underdeveloped, their conflict resolution skills and behavioural controls are poor.
Self inflicted alienation is the core of the problem.
Listening to Nine Inch Nails the band and Jinco jeans.
seems p good to me
Honor is a male abstraction, it doesn't serve women
Forced racial integration, supression of normal male behavior, an increasingly empty society plauged with cultural marxism, uppity females, etc. Take your pick.
Industrial Society is the problem ; however martyring people who go postal at school is fucking stupid. What good did they achieve?
Now imagine it was a brown person and they were plotting a terrorist attack. You'd be asking why they haven't executed him yet.
haha sorry your incel hero got caught. His ass is tyronne's now.
neck yourself
That stupid bitch now has no one to go see her or take care of her anymore. kek
evil exists in this world
Old people are the cause of everything happening recently.
>A person.
>A gun.
>A school.
Those 4 things.
I think it's a bunch of insecure shits that think that the world revolves around them at first. They come to realize that nobody gives a shit about them (which is always true). For this reason, they become so desperate for attention that they will go to an overly-extreme measure for a chance to be noticed anyone.
The media glorifies (and contributes to this problem) by slapping the shit's face onto the TV of every single American. This provides proof that you can get noticed by people for shooting others like the true retard you are.
>28 years for not shooting people. Does anyone else think thats a little excessive?
Quite Iiterally this.
Look, a retard
*snort* Okay, buddy.
Go back to Jow Forums, you comedian.
failing that usually schizophrenia
when have losers ever gotten laid?
school shootings have literally been happening as long as guns and schools existed
She wouldn't see him either way, dumbfags. He'd either kill himself, die by cop, be one of the first school shooters to live on the lam for more than a few hours, or spend life. He already forfeited his freedom by making plans.
Do you think the dads of incels are all Chads? Bad genes are a real thing.
Yeah and romanticizing and popularizing Columbine has started a whole new age of school shootings that perfectly matches what user is talking about.
>topic is about a guy who had written plans to kill dozens, hundreds or even thousands of people with bombs and guns if he could
Are you guys fucking braindead?
>She should've talked to him about it
Lanza killed his fucking mother, these people are unhinged and directly threaten the community and their own family. They throw away any specific obligations we once had to them with their machinations.
If he went through with it then thats his burden to bear, she isnt responsible for it. If you betray your family you are literal fucking garbage, the lowest scum on the planet. Dante put those people in the lowest circle of hell for good reason.
>He'd either kill himself, die by cop, be one of the first school shooters to live on the lam for more than a few hours, or spend life. He already forfeited his freedom by making plans.
Or, in 99.99% of cases, he wouldn't go through with it and those "plans" would just be embarrassing and cringeworthy juvenilia.
the hate for others, the feeling of not being in place, not having a home, hearing about columbine, going on Jow Forums, see threads like this, my vision goes red, all i feel is hate. and disgust. Sheep, i will awaken then. i will let them know true sadness. they will feel true pain, not as much as i felt.
Reminder the author is in JAIL so user just looks like an idiot here.
and i dont know what it is, i think about murder. i think about death, i consider it. i could do it. i have acces to a pistol and explosives.
i have bows, i have an arsenal. i could just bring my pistol along with me, then when its the right time. i go out with a bang. i line them up on a wall, and i choose who gets to live. i am god, as society decided for me that i was not allowed. i will put unto them a terrible punishment for no reason, maybe based on thier looks, or thier laugh. or how they do thier hair. it will be i who chooses. i might even just flip a coin! how funny would that be? but its all fake, i wouldnt hurt a fly. i wouldnt consider joining the army. theres no way i could kill someone and just keep on killing.
Not even trying to get him some help or talk to him.
Nope, straight to government pen by your own damned blood.
If he was a good shooter, I wouldn't be sittin' here discussin' it with ya now would I?
>If he went through with it then thats his burden to bear, she isnt responsible for it.
People probably would've died if she hadn't called the cops, she's responsible for her grandson not being able to take those actions. So if she hadn't called the cops she'd be responsible for him being able to take those actions.
>If you betray your family you are literal fucking garbage, the lowest scum on the planet.
Who cares? You saved potentially dozens of people. At the worst this is means to a greater end. You need to stop watching mobster movies, they're rotting your brain.
I don't care about your made up statistics. He had the explosives, he had the guns, he had robbed a store for cash while armed for funding and he had the plans to do another, much bigger, crime. This is a confirmed felon who was about to do something worse. Fuck off, retard.
>Try to take a violent adult robber with murder on his mind to a therapist after revealing you know his plans
>Get shot, killed and disposed of before you can rat him out
>Dozens more people die
Brilliant plan. Jow Forums is intellectually and morally bankrupt.
>to someone who planned on killing a bunch of innocent kids
The reason school shooters exist is the same reason serial killers don't exist anymore. Zoomers lack patience or planning and just want to kill a bunch of people easy. They have no style or finesse about it, and can't contain their urges long enough to become a figure of interest like Ted Bundy. Instead, they shoot their load (no pun intended) for a chance to be this week's news highlight before the next guy overshadows them.
This is why we're fucked, mass killings didn't really happen in the past unless they were terrorist attacks of some kind. The criminal minds of this age have degenerated along with the normal ones, they're all overstimulated and dumb.
based & redpilled
>So if she hadn't called the cops she'd be responsible for him being able to take those actions.
Wrong. Humans have agency. It's his decision, not hers.
>At the worst this is means to a greater end
Utilitarianism is one of the banes of the modern world. Betraying your family is intrinsically wrong, regardless of the supposed "ends." And as I already explained, she would not be responsible even if the shooting was carried out.
>You need to stop watching mobster movies, they're rotting your brain.
And you need to stop spouting ad-homs, they aren't arguments.
>"nooooo grandmommy why did you turn me in, waaaaah"
*snort* damn you're gay, bro
Non-traditional family structures. This violent degenerate was raised by his grandmother, probably dumped on her by his mother who then ran off to get loaded with another man's semen.
ew spotted the pro-rape incel virgin
>tfw told friend in highschool I wanted to shoot the people who were bullying me
It's been like 8 years, I can't get in any legal trouble.. right?
>28 years for thinking about shooting people
Literal thoughtcrime.
You have no argument because you know he's right.
Honestly, I wish he had gone through with it before it was too late.
I don't feel bad for the victims when a school shooting happens. Not even a little bit.
Ostracization, bullying, or both.
>muh ethos
>muh ad hominem
End your life.
>tfw just the thoughts in your head could get you 30+ years of prison time
oh look, a high schooler
you need to go back kid
t. Assmad wh*te incel
Wtf grenades?? How ?
Normies bullying the weird creepy kid to elevate themselves in the social hierarchy. Normies literally bond by picking on the outcast
He has a pretty cool hairstyle. Good hairline too. Wish I looked like that.
This is the only good answer here, honestly.
yea its called The Will to Power retard, if the world is fucking shitty and there's no way to expand yourself in a positive direction, then you'll expand in a negative direction.
>arrested for plotting a school shooting
>for plotting
>28 years in prison for what is essentially a thoughtcrime
This guy seemed to know what he was doing, would've loved to see him in action, moral of the story, never trust anyone.
>"Dude, you'd be a hypocrite in this situation because I SAY SO!"
good riddance retard
Based white people.
The would-be shooter betrayed his family by plotting to commit mass murder. The grandmother just saved some lives, and did not nothing wrong. Forcing your family to harbor a criminal is worse.
No chin beta face incel, was only a matter of time before he shot up a school
>What makes a school shooter?
Someone shooting in a school.
A culmination of many factors not helped by the perpetual circular cycle of hate by society in general
>other kids
Not necessary, they tally it with "school shootings" even if someone shoots only themselves or just the ground outside, at a school.