>tfw no short pale fembot gf to love forever
>tfw no short pale fembot gf to love forever
I'm short and pale but gave up on love long ago.
I'd make you believe on it though :( why did you give up?
>tfw no nerdy musical user to love me forever
Musical user? What does that mean? Cause I can play some instruments lol
Someone who plays an instrument, friend
I play the guitar if that's something?
wish i was short kurwa
Once bitten twice shy, as they say.
Had a bad experience that's left me too defeated to try again.
More than something! What sorta genres do you like to play?
I know what you mean but you shouldn't give up on it you never know with it, I've bad experiences but I've learned, was bad though but here I am.
I play metal, classical music with my classical guitar, rock too, ballads, some reggae when I'm on the mood, bossa nova, punk, and we'll all of this nowadays but I do play more stuff depending on the time. Do you play something?
I understand but it's hard to even want to when you had to change so much for a person and something comes along to take it away.
Neat, that's a wide variety!
No, unfortunately not. I wanted to pick up guitar as a kid, but my mum couldn't afford it. I never really got the time as I got older to learn.
To take it away? What do you mean? Well every person is different and you never know what will happen you'd miss so much things if you just give up
whew i was about to post my gf but im not drunk enough. trips will convince me though
Uhm you can learn by yourself though, with internet and some guitar youd be fine, I want to start teaching kids how to play it but I'm shy and paranoid and it's kind of difficult but I def want to do it
I travelled 12 hours on a flight (first time flying) to meet someone who I thought I was in love with just to find out they were a catfish and didn't really exist.
It kinda crushes any hopes for something in the future.
i had a short pale fembot gf but she was goblin like and spoke italian so I had to end it... ive regretted it ever since
Jesus thats rly bad, why didn't you realize before they were catfish or something like that? Who were they? It could've been worse like finding out theyre already with bf/gf and they were just using you that'd be more devastating imo, where are you from?
I wouldn't even know where to start finding somewhere online, or even knowing what to buy :(
You should definitely do that!
I'd be up to teach your or something but I dunno if you wanted, I always use some yt channels to learn songs or stuff and I know some good ones, you'd be okay a classical guitar to start with, it's easier for beginners in general since they're not that difficult to play, yeah in some future I will for sure
Oh, thank you, that's nice of you! I'd absolutely be too nervous to start now.
Don't be it's just question of practice and practice, you'll find yourself playing so well after sometime, can you afford a guitar though..?
I could probably, but it's finding the time too
If you wanted I'd teach you the basics but you gotta get a guitar or something first..
It'd take me a few months to be able to afford it
Same here, my angry Polish sister, ja pierdole.
Tfw never will be perfect fit for robobf,
>that demands self worth
They don't cost that much I mean not the best quality but at least itd be something, maybe 30 idk if it's used
Haha, that's still a lot of money for me right now
omg holy hej wanna be friends
He didn't want to share a photo. So I didn't push him to. He helped me get out of my comfort zone and leave my home for once.
I apologize for the late reply, I had to make food.
I'm from Europe.
Why? I mean you could get that on 2 months? Where are you from? I've seen some for 20 but they're but eh it's something lol
A very broke British student
Oh sad to hear that, it can happen when you meet someone on internet but there's no reason to give up on it, if they really want to be with you they'd make sure you don't get hurt like that, and what they did to you is just an asshole thing honestly, but whatever it's not your fault it's all theirs, oh no it's okay also this late? I'm in Europe too
It's past midnight yes.
I hadn't eaten all day so decided to now. Very late I know.
Yup, why didn't you? I ate a soup today and damn was the best I had and I was also cold asf so it was even nicer
Eating disorder if I'm honest.
i play an instrument but not a nerd be gf now ty
i play musical instrument and AM a nerd. pick me instead ty
Pff that sucks, since when have you been dealing with it?
girls dont want nerds you loser LLOL
nerds are 10x times cuter than gymcels and all of you freakazoids
im both your gf now i love you anons
Since I travelled to America and had my life change.
I found excuses to blame myself for what happened instead of coming to terms that I was lied to for years.
i play guitar can i sweep pick arpeggio your asshole with my tongue
Now i gotta say, you were dumb there for not confirming if he is real or not and as a result you gave up on it all when you have no one to blame but yourself. 12 hour flight for someone you have 0 clue who he is or what he looks like...come on...
not my thing, but thank you
I know its a decent amount but, how many of you femanons want to huff robot cock funk and worship robot dicks?
Im probably under but I think its 80 - 89% of you.
Wow that experience rly messed with you around, but I'm sure it's gonna be alright for you honestly, I'm rly sure, also I gotta go would you like keep talking if I dropped my email? If not it's fine.
German semi chad in lerning here just on r9k vacation, you sound really interesting where in Europe do you live?
We had met on an online game when we were both young teens and talked for years so I didn't have much reason to doubt someone I trusted.
I am able to cope somewhat yes.
The Netherlands. I don't want to say where and end up doxing myself since we're small.
now i had this experience too online, but for years there should have been some proof, you oofed on that one sad to say, dumb reason to give up
can i pinch harmonic your boobes
Hope you really get over it, also if you wanna talk or smth feel free to email me
I did. And that's why I don't try to find a boyfriend anymore.
I'm not confident enough to find someone in the real world and online I feel it would only end the same.
Hey guitar user here, you could get a cheap guitar like I said, would be nice teaching you, have some contact?
It wont be the same if you actually exchanged personal info over time. if i gamed with you for a while i would get curious and eventually exchange info. you are a good person but naive. take it as a life experience and try again but be smart about it
I don't game anymore.
It was just Maplestory back then.
I'm not a good person though.
Try again with me I assure you things won't be like that bad experience you had.
>absolute loathe the idea of a shorter partner
>I'm 6'3
I have given up
drop ur discord
Okay email me yours here
I'm okay but thank you.
well i guess the only thing to do is to move forward on a diff aspect, you dont have to beat yourself up over that mistake, and if you do wanna game im sure ppl here already dropping their emails as we speak (if you actually want any of them lmao)
The netherlands are great, funny language you can understand as a german but not speak a single word, its magic