I was involuntarily checked into a behavioral unit after almost jumping off a bridge and they prescribed me citalopram...

I was involuntarily checked into a behavioral unit after almost jumping off a bridge and they prescribed me citalopram for my anxiety and depression, never took meds before ever.

I got a therapist, but then the meds ran out and I didn't know what to do, and so I told my therapist and she said my regular doctor could get me a prescription while I looked for a psychiatrist, so I made an appointment and it took a week to get in but I went and told him what happened and he said he'd give me 2 months prescription while I looked and I thought that it was gonna be okay.. But then he said bye and walked off, so I thought maybe they send prescriptions digitally sometimes and that maybe he was just gonna send it to my pharmacy? But I just went and they said they didn't have it! And now I have to wait until 8am Monday to even call my doctor because it's the weekend and they are closed!!!

It's been 2 weeks I just want my medicine again, what did I do wrong? Was I supposed to get something from him? What if I call and they say they won't give me a prescription or I have to wait for another appointment or something? I just really want my medicine, I want to feel better. I'm really upset what do I need to do

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>almost jumping off a bridge
That's an interesting way of saying 'standing on a bridge'

bet jumping off that bridge is looking more and more desirable huh chief?

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Just call the doctor's office and explain what happened and ask what you should do. Doctors are usually in a rush because they're forced to see many patients each day, so either he forgot to do something or he forgot to explain something to you.

Wow user, way to fuck it up and ruin everything yet again
just remember, no matter how many times you think it's almost over it never is

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Whatever call it what you want I don't care


They're closed! I can't call till Monday!


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Hey user, this is actually a good thing. Those anti depressants make you even more depressed, because they emotionally numb you. WHile you feel no pain, you feel no joi either after a while, so it's best to find other ways

Learn for example this and practice is, it is simple to learn and hllped me greatly:


No-one cares.


This guy is an idiot ignore him OP. Obviously you don't sound like being off them makes you feel fine.

Call Monday and just explain your situation. Detail by detail and calmly and they should figure something out. I know I've had this happen. Being off meds when they work sucks user. Be sure to explain Monday it's an emergency. Should help speed it up.

No this guy is retarded, anti depressents don't solve shit, you have to adress the root of the problem

Here you could just go to a random doctor on the weekend or to the hospital(non emergency), but I am guessing that's way too expensive since you live in the US(?)

are you male or female? if you're male then you should find a way to get a male therapist, it'll help you more in the long run.

Thank you for being helpful. I hope it'll all be fine by Monday.

Yes, my hospital stay was like a thousand dollars and I'm sure all this other stuff is gonna cost a lot too, I want to not spend any more than I have to

I'm a guy but I don't really trust a man to be able to help me in any way.

why is that the case? Are females less empathetic to males? it's more likely a male will try the tough love route. Therapy itself is probably worthless.

women don't really understand how men process and deal with thing and will view it through a female lends. also if you problem have anything to do with women they will take there side and blame you more for said problem

OP you need to get off Jow Forums this is not the right place for serious advice. Try looking up suicide hotlines or possibly your local hospital okay?

You deserve it shiina. Hope you kys yourself.

toppest of top keks I love this meme

There's got to be someone there you can talk to. An advice nurse, maybe? Depends on your insurance provider I guess.

I know I just need to tell someone. I'm just worried and upset that things aren't going correctly. I'm supposed to have my meds right now

I don't really know anything about that.

You need to go back.

those anti-depressants are better at treating anxiety than depression. like the other user said they remove your emotions so it's still possible to be depressed

everyone reacts to them differently though, so maybe it will work for you

you forgot to be yourself bro if you just be yourself and by that I mean accepting yourself than it will be fine haha

It's clearly a tranny. You can tell by the Kaos-posting and suicide attempt.

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I think my thing is mostly anxiety with some depression. But mostly anxiety

I'm a 27 year old dude, no idea what Kaos is

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It takes time for prescriptions to arrive at the pharmacy its usual 1 bussiness day and if it doesn't , you call the the doctor and he prescribes another one and it will also take another bussiness day for it go through , just hang in there user .

Thanks. Hopefully this weekend will be calm so it's not too bad