Why cant robots just admit the simple fact that fembots do indeed exist?

Why cant robots just admit the simple fact that fembots do indeed exist?
>be me fembot
>never gotten approached, talked to
>never had a kiss in my life
>never hugged or held hands with a guy
>never been on a date
>still a friendless virgin at 18

Attached: 5FAE4C75-2412-4946-8968-FC36DEC205F8.jpg (638x749, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll literally suck your dick. If you reject this offer you aren't a fembot.

You can suck my clitoris instead

And this is why you can't be a fembot, femanon.

because you never fucking prove it

>N O R T H E R N E U R O P E?
asking for a friend

Oh shut the fuck up, I guarantee youll lose it by the end of the end of next year.

this can change easily you know, you tell maybe on another where you're from and there is a good chance to experience it all in one night

I usually don't make it to these threads early, this should be good

also this, based fembots post proof

Attached: matrixposttitsorgtfo.jpg (500x300, 20K)

What proof? Pictures of her hug/hand hymen?

Ok, since I know one such, let me shoot a few questions out based on her:

How often do you bathe?
Do you approach random people online to discuss yaoi?
If anyone speaks to you, do you turn around?
Do you have a moustache?
Is it easier to vault over you than to move around you?
If a bum were to try and mug you, upon seeing you, who will scream first?

a) Picture of her hymen
b) timestamp
c) full frontal nude

You may as well be 7. You're not even close to a realized human being yet. You're a child.

But we hate thots and sex workers dude wtf

You can't be a fembot if you dismiss this offer to become my gf and if you accept you can't be a fembot either because you have a bf.

Attached: bfcoupon.jpg (937x881, 133K)

How fat are you? How short is your hair?

This is such basic stuff

Aw this picture makes me sad.
I want to love you user but we will never see each other

i'm a normie chad but all i want is a robot gf. i almost had one once that was super cute but then i caught her eating her boogers....

why cant i find a not disgusting frog gf

post location pls be close

>not disgusting

pick one

>never gotten approached, talked to
This is why robots know that fembots don't exist. You complain about not getting approached while having approached 0 guys, while we have gotten rejected a shit ton of times even by ugly girls.

If you actually try and get tinder you'll lose your virginity in a heartbeat, just look at the pig woman experiment.

Because being a robot has a defining quality that it must be involuntary. Put "will suck dick right away" in your tinder bio. If you get 0 responses, you are a robot, if you get more than 0 responses, you are not.

they do exist. and they're fugly and mentally fucked up. I'd rather fuck a qt trap over a fembot desu. Stupid attention whoring cunt.

go back to your forums that have to ban men


Go on fucking /soc/, leave your Discord tag and mention you are female. I got so many messages my account got terminated.

Attached: vlcsnap-2017-12-31-05h09m52s307.png (768x578, 753K)

not OP but jeez, anons are this thirsty?
ffs guys we can do better than hunting for females here of all places

Attached: a dud.png (500x500, 132K)

Ya, twenty people added me in three hours, and more after that. Unfortunately, I can't recount them now, because FUCKING CUNTISH DISCORD FUCKS TERMINATED MY ACC, REE.

send them some pictures of evian next time

Attached: asset.2596305.jpg (1000x1000, 61K)

Why Evian, is this some Murrican joke?
I did talk to all of them, and that's why I'm so fucking pissed. Six hours of convos into the bin.

i can afford to fly you out here and make you my gf

supply water for the thirst, European joke if anything
YIKES THOUGH 6 hours of absolute bullshit, feel sorry for you really
Chad time?

Why, it was interesting to talk to people once in a while. I'm a hikki, so they only people I talk to are my family, anons, and 3.5 people on social media.

I can accept that fembots exist, and that is exactly what makes me so sad, because I have never seen and know I never will see a girl like this anywhere in my proximity.

Thats due to a simple broken loop on Jow Forums.

>no women come here! No girls are intrested in us!
*girl joins*
>tits or gtfov
*girl leaves*
>no women come here! No girls are intrested in us!

It's a self fulfilling prophecy

Are you stupid?
No fembots =/= no females come here
What happens
*girl joins*
>I'm so lonely
*gets dozens of orbiters asking for contact details*
>teehee thanks for the support
*leaves after getting fill of attention*

>*gets dozens of orbiters asking for contact details*

If such a thing happens I've never seen it. People's only response to women on this site it to weasel nudes out of them, call them names, and say that they want to fuck chad.

Ever been to /soc/? Females in r9k get ton orbiters too but not as many as in /soc/ tho

No, it's because:
Robots don't say fembots don't exist because women don't post on this board, it's because a woman can easily get attention.

People want females to join the community, however females don't join the community instead the do attention posts like this one. If they didn't resort to flexing their gender all the time and be attention whores people wouldn't be mad when females join

And all of the dudes in /soc/ are chads as well. Imagine having a dozen Chad orbiters

Don't lie, every time a girl appear the most common post are "pls be my gf", "pls be at x location" and "post contact"

It seems that female only leave posts like these because these kinds of posts are the only ones where it's apparent a female left them. There's no way to tell if a guy or a girl left a post if it doesn't have anything to do with the sex of the poster.

this board is actually all girls LARPing as incels idiot.

>tfw stacy spoke to me today
Get fucked fembots we moving on up

I visit a ""SECRETZ"" fembot forum. I know you exist. But let's face it. We hate each other. We don't want to end up together. We wish to be with normal people that can make up better.

Because it's easier to tell myself you don't exist than it is to accept that you exist and know you will never be mine.

Attached: feel cry.jpg (509x619, 66K)

>Why cant robots just admit the simple fact that fembots do indeed exist?
If I had a dollar everytime I saw this thread. Everyone knows that fembots do exist. Anyone who refuses to believe that hasn't been on Jow Forums for more than a week.

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This, can relate with Satan

quality bait thread femanon

source on that pic!? gregsgr

Some asian chick in a rate pussy thread from a couple of days ago on r9k iirc

Don't worry sweety, you'll sucking plenty of dicks within the next few years, probably even be spit roasted

I don't reject it, I just find you all whorable

>thinks it means women literally don't exist

No I really liked the idea of a girl as damaged as me before I understood reality

Not women in general, just fembots.
I don't want a normalfag woman.

All women are normalfag women, sad reality. Not sure why you'd want a girl larping as lonely as if that's the same thing.

>source on that pic!?
it's an actual fembot from 2 days ago

This is a chick who posted not too long ago

Attached: QT readhead.png (443x393, 400K)

Oh well, I'll suck your dick. You're not a robot either then

Lol are you stupid? Robots aren't joking around about being lonely like you they will take you up on that offer.

I'm serious, I'll suck your dick, let's meet up. You're not a robot either, you have a female that will suck your dick

Can we attempt an actual relationship instead?

I'm actually that original user, prove it, I actually would. if you live on the north east coast usa I'll give you the chance.

We have rules, now provide the proof.

>You can suck my clitoris instead
I'd love to

Because any female can go out and find someone to sleep with. They are onley lonely by choice because they reject guys they dont want.

Stop with this bullshit. Go to lolcow. This is our board and this board wads founded on the common agreement that women are over selective whores.

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pls be in northern midwest usa

l want to make love to a fembot.

Attached: thatfeel.gif (633x758, 14K)

Because robots are selfish and immature