the true redpill for those on this board
The true redpill for those on this board
sure, i could go with nr 4, problem is that im not in contact with anyone really, so i cant be ignoring them
I feel like there's a 5th scenario
Like... Dead? I basically am.
Fifth scenario is indifferent to all the bullsh
But that's not true. Plenty of people just give up
E. None of the above
i understand now why normies are here, they simply will never fathom robot life, there's no getting through to them and this board was dead a long time ago. makes perfect sense now
the second one hurts so bad even just looking at it cos knowing it is already embarrassing
number 4, definitely
but what if the girl who wants me is a sandnigger?
god says bestiality is a sin
user open your eyes, your mommy is lusting for your big cock.
e) cause no one knows about you, since you're alone in your room all day
tom chooses secret option 5: tom doesnt care about girls and watches hentai instead
1. No
2. No, but I did have an e-gf across the world from me once, not sure if that counts.
3. No.
>don't know any girl's to talk to
>Never had a gf
>Not chasing anybody because don't know any one to chace
>No girl's know don't know i even exist
This was clearly made by a norime and clearly you are too not every one gets love faggot
1. I don't even know what "talking to someone" is supposed to mean.
2. I think about an ex, but that's because I'm single. If I wasn't single, I wouldn't think about my ex. OP's image has the causality reversed.
3. Everyone's taken, so I chase no one.
4. LOL. Yeah. That's what I'm doing.
Or 5: took the MGTOW red pill
I am not. I get ghosted every time.
Nah, she got schizophrenia a few years ago, I will pass on that, thanks.
Not chasing taken women.
No women talk to me, so clearly if someone wants me, they know how to cover their tracks.
Whoever made this, is a roastie who Is very disconnected from reality.
Some people honestly unironically can not understand that there are undesirable unlovable's among us.
Its bait and ice ignored it up until now.
Fuck this life.
None of the above, I'm too busy enjoying myself shitposting getting high and playing vidya.
>Not stuck on her but she did kinda ruin relationships for me
>How am I even supposed to know this?
>talking to someone
All I do is work and sleep
>stuck on ex
Heh, feels good to be stuck on something you never had lol
>chasing someone
When I meant I only work and sleep, I mean literally. I'm not even going anywhere with my only friend.
>ignoring someoneyeah
Yeah, I sure prefer to ignore coworker stacy who bitches how slow I work and spreads rumors behind my back.
>talking with someone
I don't get why talking is even considered here but no.
where do you think you are? I get Jow Forums is filled with normie trash these days but when you make a thread targeted at the core Jow Forums users then atleast get it right, fucking ex, jesus you're retarded.
>chasing someone
I wish I even knew women irl to chase them, taken or not.
>ignoring someone
see above.
moddos deleted the r9gay hate thread but not this bait tier shit, kek
1. Nope, nobody
2. Also nope
3. Stopped hoping for that lying cunt in feb
4. Lel no. Girls do not really want a guy anyway, at best they consider him.
gb2 fb with your femcentric take on relationships faggot.
I don't care about relationships. I got too much to think about and I don't talk to women so I doubt it's number 4. Maybe some ugly ass, but I don't care.
>Ignoring someone who wants you
So I guess wallhacks can be done outside of vidyas...
What if you're a shut in so you haven't met anyone?
How do I get over number 3? Found out last week the girl I like has a boyfriend and its still bothering me and I don't know how to get over it
Time. Simple as that.
i dont think you understand how this works at all OP
Yeah? I'm getting the feel that's what it'll take, one of the problems though is that we're in the same course in college together, so I'm gonna have to see her on a regular basis for the next 5 months, but hopefully I'll get past my crush on her over the Christmas break
KEK AT THAT LAST ONE! I mean it's not like I'm autismo and not picking up the really obvious signs that someone wants to bang me right, hehehehe...
Holy fuck this only applies to tryhard normie pieces of shit
>Talking to someone
Thots are insufferable
Never had one
>Chasing someone who's taken
>Ignoring someone who wants you
Lol I wish
Thats a bit true for me. I've ignored several people that wanted me. Partially because I'm gay but partially because of my self consciousness of my genital wart.
Do not miscegenate.
I was somewhere between 2&3 until I gave up on the retarded thot.