Is there anything that turns a woman off more than being quiet/shy?
You can be confident, handsome, a great listener and Jow Forums af but if you aren't constantly engaging her or the people around you in conversation about yourself and your experiences, she will quickly grow disgusted.
Is there anything that turns a woman off more than being quiet/shy?
honestly quiet dudes are my turn on since i really cant deal being around loud people who talk too much its just too draining. being too focused on their body and image is a turn off, i dislike gymcels
It's not a turn off, however quiet/shy guys never take the initiative with girls, which means that they can't get anything done. Unless they're in the
>Is there anything that turns a woman off more than being quiet/shy?
You shouldn't use "quiet" and "shy" interchangeably. We who are quiet are capable of having zero problems in communicating. I get women approaching me at bus stops (pic related from today), in trains, etc. Plus I'm married to a gorgeous girl.
Not the same thing as shy at all, which is actually crippling - it demonstrates a lack of confidence.
you're attractive. fuck off.
No, I'm just well spoken and presented.
bump because this feel is known too well
they aren't turn offs, women are just lazy fucks who leave all the work to the guy so if he doesn't approach nothing's gonna happen
Im sorry, but this doesnt happen unless you are gigachad. Stop larping faggot.
for how long have you been on hrt?
original inquiry
It's not a turn off, quiet and shy guys are cute.
However, I can't tell if a guy is shy, or if he simply doesn't want to talk to me. If I talk to a guy a few times and he replies like he's not interested in talking then I'll assume as much.
How am I doing what you're claiming? I posted a screenie of a text I got today from well before this thread was made and I have a gorgeous wife and women approach me frequently and I'm not a "chad" and I'm quiet.
What's your problem?
The fact that your on r9k
>robot virgins actually think they have women figured out more than normal functioning people that have actually been in relationships
>"b-but i've studied them and muh outside perspective makes me superior"
quiet shy people just have a harder time because they don't put themselves out there as much
Had this happen me, it wasnt that I was uninterested its just my turbo autism and shyness which probably comes of as cold or obnoxious.
First it was that I'm making false claims, now it's that I'm on r9k. Please focus.
Why shouldn't I be here?
Because this is a board for losers. Your life sound good you shouldnt feel the need to come here.
>Because this is a board for losers.
Based on what?
>Your life sound good you shouldnt feel the need to come here.
You didn't even ask why I come here.
tldr: Not talking to people doesn't turn women off, it turns you off. Not trying is the definition of being turned off.
To draw a parallel, people, including women, read mystery books. There's no proof that hiding traits and staying silent on plot points makes an author's story less interesting, in fact it is the very opposite.
It is not the quietness that is unattractive, it is the way you come out of the quietness, or reveal your clues so to speak. Knowing how to do that without coming off as a creep or ass all comes down to empathy.
If you come across pissy, people will think you're a misanthrope and you don't talk because you hate people. This short circuits your mystery.
If you sit and watch people and talk to yourself, people are going to short circuit it to just you being a creep.
BUT if you talk about things you're genuinely interested in and be open and honest when you do talk, you can even go so far as to be a creep without being seen as one. Because you are revealing yourself as you are rather than leaving everything open to interpretation or putting up a facade that people might take negatively to.
Why do you come here then, user?
If you still have this problem, talk first to a person that already spoke first to you a few times. If you don't, they'll think you aren't interested.
Finally someone who understand.
I'm quiet, people usually believe me to be shy but i just don't care at all about interacting with other people.
I spoke like 10 sentences since september in university and people still keep bothering me, even more since i told them i didn't came there to get friends.
To have conversations that are fun to me.
Yes. And well, I haven't run into that problem but it might have something to do with our individual body languages differing.
Its hard, user. I always feel like nuisance so just dont ever initiate conversations with people.
if you're quiet being well spoken isnt the reason you're being approached, you'd need to be visually attractive to be approached
>our individual body languages differing.
I think the main difference is that we have a confident body language which is not "normal" according to plebs.
Either you have a confident body language and you're an extravert who like to socialize or have a weak and meek body language fitting your awkwardness and social confinement.
They just can't comprehend that some people like to be by themselves.
If somebody already messaged you first a few times (and it wasn't to ask for something like help with homework) then they are interested in you. Talk to them, at least once.
>if you're quiet being well spoken isnt the reason you're being approached
Correct (and it was a reason owing to which I'm married to a gorgeous girl).
>you'd need to be visually attractive to be approached
If I review my own personal deliberation before approaching someone, attractiveness isn't a necessary qualifier - someone being well presented and having a particular type of body language can do it for me. So why couldn't it do it for others?
I think its too late to do that now, user.
Well, if nobody messages you now, go on /soc/ and leave your Discord tag saying you are female. Attention guaranteed.
/soc/ fags disgust me.
Then suffer, what else can I say.