
kiss and tell with the lads edition

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How many lads have you slept with, lasses?

How has /britfeel/ been today lads? Any news?

vaporwave is fucking gay

I've taken 10 boys virginity. 3 I met on /soc/ 4 I met on WoW the others tinder.

Gonna get PLASTERED with cum at the virgin gangbang next week

ive only slept with one lad


me and the gf


2 and 3 times in total

Just re-answering your question, it's approx. 20 birds and five lads for me. That makes me exactly 20% gay, not factoring in tranners


Let's make a new general boys

I don't believe anyone in here has slept with a woman

Meant to reply to this fuck myself

being gay 'bi' is just being gay

Fucking kill me, I fell asleep and missed my train stop

>tfw only just discovering XXXTENTACION music

Actually some pretty decent choons, shame he's dead.


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Vapourwave is so cool lad, sometimes I just cycle about at night listening to it on my headphones, feels like floating away on a wave of vapours

Absolutely disgusting. Hope this doesn't affect my recommended videos.

Imagine if a person was a big fan of jam, but occasionally went for marmite. He'd hang out with the lads, enjoy some jam. Whenever he said how he liked jam one autist shrieked at him
Bit silly int it lad? I have no problem with being called gay, but it isn't really accurate. I have no problem with fucking a bloke if that's what's on the cards but I'd prefer not to. Women feel better and they're easier.

gonny catch some zeds, na night leds

Ahrite, donuts. You like donuts?


Sleep tight, diamond geezer

I'm kinda getting into X atm too. Not my typical style of music but peep is great aswell. Good stuff if you're feeling like a sad lad

>Women feel better and they're easier.
what fucking planet do you live on

>fucking guys and trannies.
So less than 20 real women.

Imagine being 'straight' but fucking trannies

jesus lad, his new albums are absolute shite, his old stuff is pretty good, go listen to his soundcloud recordings

many more people in the trap metal / trap goth scene that make music thats 10x better

No m8, 20 plus the others. Having a bit of trouble counting aye?

Not difficult when you're young if you put yourself out there, know your audience and look after yourself a bit.

Just fuck whatever, la. I feel sorry for those who have a crisis of conscience about it when they got pissed and had their end away. Why make it more than it is? A cheeky fumble and a nice little orgasm.

If you want to be a fatarse and never get laid then yeah have it

>Not difficult when you're young if you put yourself out there, know your audience and look after yourself a bit.
what a load of absolute arse, literally don't reply to this I don't need to hear anymore.

>Just fuck whatever, la.
absolute state

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>20 birds and five lads for me. That makes me exactly 20% gay, not factoring in tranners
>not factoring in tranners
That is implying you don't count the trannies as blokes but as women. When they are not.

Your wife's going to be getting a lot of salt from my pillar the second she turns round, lod.

Actually I'm just counting them out of the equation because it'd get too complicated. You're assuming m2f, when in fact the opposite is true.

Might not be fun to hear, but the power is in your hands. Most people can do it if they try. So why don't you try harder? Growth mindset.

Hullo lads, i'm kinda like the guy that looks out for all the kitties in the park, otherwise there would be nobody to take care of them. This cocksucker here, I found him in a storm drain. "MEEEOOWWW" I'm going outside now to pick fights with homeless people. Wish me luck my fellow NEET incels.

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you said being young, which in relative terms I'm not

>tfw on the underground with a load of slags earlier

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You're the definition of degenerate. Jesus christ lad.

Really looking forward to waking up without a hangover tomorrow morning lads :^)

>tfw not young, hot, interesting or rich
haha i didn't want to get laid anyway

I wasn't expecting this to happen
You're.my bf now

You gay poems ain't got shit on my amazing /britfeel/ raps.

Your best bet is women with the clock ticking then.

Actually I've been monogamous for a good span la

I dont deserve sex

Literally getting memed into being a faggot by Cola's voice. I need to get out more.

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This place is full of larpers

It's not gay if we cuddle and you don't see my dick n-not that I have one

Not really about deserve though, is it? Dickheads get it all the time. Just go after it because you want it, not because you think you deserve it.

any you nonce lovers watch the one where the dude said he'll fuck his sister too? fucking hilarious, lads so fugged it's a joke. literally his familam will hate him, he'll be on the register and will prolly be kicked out and fired from a job(if the creep had one). he looked a right cunt anyway tbqh, ANUVA ONE OFF THE STREET.


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a girl shouldn't fuck me when she could fuck someone far better


I could do with some fanny desu

proper bored lads, not even tired, could play Rimworld or Arma 2 idk

Why? Why would you have any respect for the women you want to fuck? Just take pleasure in them. It's a mutually selfish act.

>trying not to say words out loud
That's me right now user otherwise I would sing more
Are you American? Rip cuddles

wtf is going on exactly?

well why would you? you can have Guy A over here who looks good with all the bells and whistles or you can have user, a total mong

Wouldnt mind if magic was real and I could do magic tbqh.

its a song and i recognised it.

no im english

In this age, she'd take both. More dick the better. Having a three course meal doesn't mean you can't have a Happy Meal.

thats bollocks and you know it lad

Are these girls or trannies posting vocaroos?

An ode the tranny


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It's the tranny that's preying on SP

Not with some birds. Just aim low. Simple as/

The lyrics for my fans
>is fucking a tranny in arse gay?
>i ask the question every single day
>didnt mean to end up this way
>get it off my chest I just need to say

>you're not a fucking girl you're just mentally ill
>should have manned up and took the red pill
>still dont know why you post on /britfeel/
>you pass about as much as ian beale.

my standards have always been low because I knew even when I was young that no decent looking girl would be interested in me

Just took some Phenibut, feelin' fine.

Get in better shape, get some money, go on /fa/ or whatever, correct your body language/ assertiveness of tone. The last two are actually the most important. There are videos you can find.

no I am being myself and you can suck my nuts and the very last thing I would ever do is fall for the PUA meme

absolutely gutted, my show I was wathcing just finished and theres no more episode now, end of the series. fucking hell

Just want a bf to cuddle desu is it really too much to ask for

I have noticed a few mongs in here that keep repeating the same bollocks, out of respect i am not going to bring any attention to who they exactly are.

i am most definitely not a tranny

Still missing The Bill lads. Fucking state of me.


my english teacher in year 8 was on the bill once

Do got any idea which episode lad?

no idea im afraid lad

I think this might be me. Sorry lad

Sounds like me lad, sorry for being a mong

Sounds like me desu, sorry lad

sorry lad I can't help myself sometimes.

i think it might be me who repeats things alot, sorry laddo

Telly and cats lads, what else do you really need from life?

>when you're outside the chippy about to make a roll-up, but there's no rizlas left

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Mate just sent me a snapchat of him in A&E after too much drinking. Why do normies think thats ok? Like they'll judge me for taking drugs that make me happy in the comfort of my own home but think its all fine to just go and drink too much then be a burden on the NHS. Madness.

the banter in britfeel is non-stop tbqh, which I do appreciate. And unlike brit it's not overbearing. There are feels too, and people in this general are at least genuinely funny.

>friend got stomach pumped
>nurse came in later and couldnt find him
>he was in the room next door watching netflix on his phone and drinking a can

what was he watching?


Once can be chalked up to daftness, but making a habit of it is really shitty.

Right lads ive got a dillema
>be uni lad
>pull girl
>take her back to mine
>snogging and shit
>finger that gash and eat her out
>she dosen't touch my cock once
>still wants to spend the next morning spooning
>my cock is diamonds but she won't do shit
>she leaves

Gonna hit the town tomorrow but if I see her im not sure if i should go for it in hopes I'll smash or just try chat up a new bird
desu she was like a 4/10 im just a horny bastard and wanna flex on my virgin flatmate who thought he was gonna lose it before me

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the sooner bellends like this start getting charged to use the nhs the better desu

Sounds like normie problems and not our problem

honestly? it were a wee larp which sounded funny in my head

bollocks, tell your normiescum friend to stop wasting the nhs time and money

The best larps are undetectably mundane. I believed you lad, well done.

why this fuck is this stupid general still around go to /soc/ retards

wehey alreet yank lad

A lot of anti British sentiment leaking in here tonight. Alright lads, fess up: which one of you hurt someone on outer/r9k/?