>tfw no bubbly, assertive, affectionate black gf to break me out of my shell and inspire me to be a better man and improve myself for her
How the fuck do I find this lads?
Tfw no bubbly, assertive...
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I wonder is she takes it up the butt.
Black girls seem like the type who don't like anal
>>tfw no bubbly, assertive, affectionate black gf to break me out of my shell and inspire me to be a better man and improve myself for her
Yeah if you think a woman CAN and/or WILL save you or fix your personality problems, you're gonna have a really bad time.
No, I want to fix them myself. I just want a reason to fix them and help taking the first step.
because they are not as degenerate as whitoid women
If you want that it will be more likely from a white woman. Black women are barely nurturing to their own children, why the fuck would they nurture a literal beta to come out of his shell?
t. blackie that has only thrived with wh*te femo*d companionship(platonic).
>highest std rate in the us
>not as degenerate as white women
That just means the black men are the degenerates desu.
stop making these posts every single day nick, you fucking loser
True. It's a lot of guys that get STDs and pass them around or guys that fuck gay guys and pass the STD.
I think it's ebony.
>break me out of my shell
wrong, black women literally have the highest STD rate, but muh dick
How am I or that guy wrong?
>small number of degnerate black men fucking larger number of black women
put two and two together brainlet, I'm not going to spell it out for you
>Assertive woman
>Dating a total cuck
Lel ok
guess I read your posts wrong, I still wouldn't risk fucking a black woman desu
It's just a dream user
It's more likely Trump gets a sex change than me getting any sort of gf
Just find one you like and don't do ONSs. Ask for medical records.
>Ask for medical records
how would a woman react to this? Any non autistic way to do this?
I don't know.
>hey, I'm very particular about who I'm with and I'm clean and I want the person I am with to also be clean
go on a date to get tested together lmao.
It's not their job to bring you out of your shell. It's your job to improve yourself.
huh, seems simple enough, thanks user
This actually looks moderately fun.
A good couple would help one another. black women would be especially shit at it, so it's a good thing that it's not their job.
no that's a therapist/pyschiatrists job, moron.
I said would. I didn't say they have to. And I did preface it with "good." I'm very familiar with couples that do nothing for one another emotionally, intellectually, etc. And most of those couples I've known happen to be black.
That is their job but it would be even better for someone to get someone that loves you for you AND helps you through shit.
Here's an idea, shortly presented:
Your gf suffers from internalized racism. She hates being seen as inferior because she is black. By dating a white guy, she thinks she will be seen as better, she is "dating up-wards". Does she speak negatively about black people, especially black men, and black culture? That's a redflag. You on the other hand get to have a gf who is not white, but loves white people. Kinda like those Asian women white male type of relationships. You get to feel superior because of your whiteness and you get a girl who is willing to put up with it because at least she won't be seen as much of a nigger now. Most likely you're a low tier white male who just couldn't get a white girlfriend.
>t. Black
based et redpilled
nigga shut up
t. black
Nah, he's right. Why do you never see any AM/BF or literally and other interracial relationships with black females? Because the other guys aren't the dominant male demographic and so they would be almost seen as "marrying down" and would still be seen as niggers. I'd still fuck the shit out of Uche Mba tho.
T. other black guy
Did she cummed at 0:16?
I see many WM/BF or Latino male.
Tons of AM/BF in Brooklyn.
lmaooo no
latino more likely than wm but still not often
Do you not live in a big city? I probably see at least a couple WM/BF couples a week. But I go to a Community College in the downtown area so I guess it's a little skewed.