Wished I was a girl since age four, cried about it a lot before my parents started spanking me for it

>wished I was a girl since age four, cried about it a lot before my parents started spanking me for it
>normal, non-traumatic childhood
>dad was a big part of my life and was a good father
>have literally never watched or masturbated to porn
>had my hormone levels checked, normal / upper range for testosterone
>still want to be a girl even after working out for two years
>still want to be a girl even after three years of christian counseling specifically to remove these feelings
>pain of not being a girl has increased every year, if not every day
>getting called he or hearing my birth name makes me want to break down crying every time and I consider suicide daily
>actually tried anti-psychotics for a while that my friend gave me and they removed all ability to feel any and every emotion EXCEPT the desire to be a girl
>happiest moment of my life was a few days ago when a female friend told me out of the blue I'd look pretty as a girl


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Get a job to try and raise enough money to transition? It sounds pretty bad to me. But some people's lives, depression, pain, fear, it's all decided from birth. It seems completely illogical to think that. But, in my opinion, "The game was rigged from the start".

Unironically suicide, disgusting faggot

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why do people have zero empathy for people in my situation? I never asked to be this way

Then don't be this way you fucking dirty faggot.

I have literally spent every day of my life doing everything in my power to not be this way, what more do you want from me?

Why do you exactly want to be a girl? You know you will never experience what true womanhood is like?
Getting periods, having a womb, carrying a child in that womb for 9 months, breastfeeding-all things that biologically define a woman that you will never get to have because youre a man with a penis.

Let's be honest, your options aren't great. But what else is there to do but get away from your non-understanding family and transition?

There is no why, it's compulsive. When I was a little kid I didn't want to be a girl, I thought I was one until my parents told me I wasn't. I feel like I need to be a girl, being a guy is wrong, I feel deformed and broken, I feel imprisoned like I can't be myself ever

>You know you will never experience what true womanhood is like?
>Getting periods, having a womb, carrying a child in that womb for 9 months, breastfeeding-all things that biologically define a woman that you will never get to have because youre a man with a penis.
Don't you think I know this? Thoughts like this torment me every second of every day, of course I know this, that's what hurts so much. Would you go up to someone in a wheelchair and tell them they'll never walk, never run, etc.? Why are people so fucking cruel towards this specific issue?

I think this: user gave some pretty good advice

Just ignore it bro, ignore it and it'll go away.

You're supposed to talk to a therapist about it. This will be the only good advice you're going to get in this thread.

the friend that gave you anti-psychotics probably wants to kill you

You've gotten legitimate advice, I tried to give you advice but you don't seem to want to follow it. Now fuck off please.

You won't get advice here, seriously talk to a professional about it.

What legitimate advice, transition or suicide?

I mentioned therapy in my op

Talk to a doctor. Drop the Christian counseling, start taking hormones and find a job with full benefits

If you feel that being a guy is wrong what makes you think being a girl will fix your problems?
Why do you HAVE to be a girl, why cant you just pass as someone that is gender non-conforming. I mean you will always be seen as a freak to society, and your biological reality will always be male, but at least youre not on hormones and cutting your peenor off.

And I thought I was fucked up. Fucking kill yourself you faggot.

Become a trap. Simple

>OP was a girl who was brainwashed by parents into believing he was a boy
>OP has never watched porn and doesnt know what a penis and vagina look like
>OP has repressed all traumatic childhood memories transition surgery at age 4
OP would look pretty as a girl because OP IS A GIRL

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It will fix the problem of not being a girl, that's the entire point. If I'm a girl I won't feel the burning need to be a girl, that feeling will just not be there. Being a guy is not wrong by itself, being a guy is wrong because it's not being a girl.

Stop being so obsessed with sex and gender. It makes no difference to you as a person. Focus on your goals in life, and forging platonic friendships that will stand the test of time. Such trivial aspects such as gender have plagued your mind as you convince yourself it's a big issue, when it in fact is nothing more than hedonistic wanting. Be strong and act as a person, not as a man or even a woman. You are your mind, not defined by what's between your legs

>normal childhood
>christian conversion therapy

Yo, shut up faggot. Just reading that pissed me off, do you whine like this in real life? I can tell why you want to be a girl; you have the emotions and mentality of one. Get over it, take drugs for it or kill yourself. I can't see any other options, bro.

Suicide is the best choice. It will allow you and your parents to save face. Sorry you couldnt have been born a girl or a non-faggot boy.

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Would gender still matter to you if you were stuck in the middle of an island with no food and shelter?

Gee, Jow Forums sure is shit with all these "kys" Jow Forums posters. Every transphobe I've talked to in public has expressed their distaste while whispering. Daily reminder that internet tough guys are only tough on the internet.

It still matters every time I go camping and hiking by myself so yes I think it would. It mattered to me when I was too young of a child to even really know anything about gender.

I smacked a tranny once, does that make an IRL tough guy

>faggot bitch slaps tranny
Sure thing, tough guy

im a woman and I hate trannies.They will never be women, and will always be mutiliated men with a birth defect.

t. Seething tranny

I'm a guy, buddy, nice try.


it is very shitty that u were spanked and have gone to the christian counseling stuff. there is nothing wrong with your desire to change your gender, a couple of degenerate sociopaths here shouldn't convince you otherwise. consult with a professional - a licensed therapist. find a good one, it takes time. take it easy, it's your life and fuck naysayers

Assuming this isn't a larp, don't post about it here. We've been overrun by Jow Forums and posting here is only going to make you feel worse. I wish you luck.

>there is nothing wrong with your desire to change your gender
>a couple of degenerate sociopaths shouldn't convince you otherwise

Men are biologically degenerate. R9k is full of them. OP included

Nice there cope femanon. Projecting much? You're a degenerate too wouldn't be here otherwise.

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