Tfw no bf

tfw no bf
tfw no good bf

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i want to sleep with tsugu
do you look like tsugu?

tfw no bf
tfw no chaotic bf

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I'll be your good bf, user. post discord.

kys sociopath

tfw a sociopath homo is one of the only real robots left on this wasteland

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filter slut threads, generals, discord server threads, racebaiting, pepe and wojak threads, 99% of anime threads, and you'll find some more

this and also fem"bot" threads and /b/ tier threads

It's another drinking alone on a friday night episode
how have you been?

It's another "sober alone on a friday night with no bf and nothing but my thoughts and ocd" episode

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I haven't been sober in months, I don't understand how you never get addicted.
I'd like to stop it all together desu, do you have any tips?

keep it neet boi

idk, it's not hard for me to stop at all when I want and I don't even have anything to live for besides my own amusements
just quit it

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>just stop being addicted bro
fuckin hell

guess what happens if you go to aa and read their books and do their larping and all that shite?

they tell you to just quit it

I don't have anything to live for either yet I can't even give up alcohol.
It's not bad advice obviously I just don't know how

>snorts coke like an anteater
>drinks acid like water
>asking this person how to quit drugs
u wot

lmfao, what are you talking about?
OP doesn't do these things.


Chaotic isn't parsa and even parsa is just a dumb pothead

tfw no the smiths bf

tfw no white supremacist morrissey bf

Good bf right here, I got all the gbp. I'd like to trade them in for 1 gf or 1 trap bf please.

shut up shut up shut up newfags

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Which tranny gave you this fake blackmail

sorry bud but you are truly more of a newfag than I am

shut up shut up shut up newfag

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No u
Who dat

Cebruz left your group and deleted all comments after I made fun of him

Alright chaotic it isn't funny anymore stop stealing all the fucking waifus
I don't want to get attacked by rabid orbiters and butthurt sluts every time I want to post my wife

Obvious bait niga

i want to punch you in the face and lick the blood from your nose

Why wouldn't you rather pat his head and kiss his cheek

>i want to punch you in the face and lick the blood from your nose
That'd be nice if someone did this to me

because i want to beat chaotic until he's blind in one eye but also wanna have sex with him

but are you chaotic?