Still have not gotten laid using Tinder. Any chance I am not 100% retarded?
Still have not gotten laid using Tinder. Any chance I am not 100% retarded?
Cant even spell her own name
I used tinder regularly for two years and never had a conversation go more than 15 messages. Tinder is for attractive people and I'm a 4/10 at best.
there are a good portion of women who just use tinder as an ego booster, and nothing more.
could also be really terrible at the messaging part too.
I get ghosted every time I used it. Finally gave up awhile back. Figured I was just autistic at talking to woman.
I think it is probably both with me.
This. Many women don't reply
There's a pretty good chance.
It's easy to get matches, but good luck pinning people down when they've got a rotating smorgasboard of validation.
It will happen, but people are so fucking flaky on there. I just use bumble.
I just get fucking ghosted on both
Dumb parents
If you go more than 10 messages without setting up a date you fucked up senpai. Girls want dates not a pen pal.
I noticed tinder doesnt work for me. I have used a few different sites POF, okcupid, tinder, bumble. Okcupid has best results for me. Tinder seems if you're not amazing looking no one swipes you, bumble is the same problem. Okcupid is really worthwhile and anytime I've used their A-list I've gotten lots of replies that month that I didnt need it for a few.
Do you get ghosted? That is my problem
Well that's odd.
You'd think you'd have netted one by now...
How long do you talk to them before you ask them to do something?
not that user but lol I do this. I just feel like no matter who I talk to it won't work out long term and I have almost no interest in hookups... I wish I did though because maybe I wouldn't be so lonely.
I was thinking about it and I wonder if my age freaks them out. Like they swipe right and then see I am 30. Usually get ghosted around 4-5 messages. Does being more upfront work? I guess there wouldn't be time for me to fuck up if I am to the point.
I get ghosted after dates too bro
Shits 10x harder in person especially I live in a big city where it's competitive and you gotta act like you're some Chad living off his rich parents bucks.
I'm 37 and I get mad pussy from 20-somethings.
I also get picky for someone who is lonely. They always look good in the 1st picture and then they actually weigh ~50 pounds more and different.
Oh sorry, I thought you were saying ghosting people is your problem, I actually ghost girls regularly**
Sorry, never answered your question.
You gotta keep tweaking your approach. I can't really coach you from here.
Usually you wanna be funny
Yeah, I am just autistic then. I can go to bars and if I actually get hammered to the point of not giving a fuck can get laid. Problem is I don't like getting shit faced drunk.
Ehhhh a few ghost me. I just swipe right on every single person and then weed them out from there who I want to talk to. Then I just do as much as I can to keep them interested. About 15 messages in I tell them "hey, idk if your comfortable yet, but you're welcome to text me" and give them my number. I noticed they're less likely to ghost through text. If they want to hold off I just keep going on the app and then at the end of the day offer again to text. No one wants a pen pal. You should be setting up a date within a day or two.
Both are to be fair. I do it as well as, the last 5 messages I got on there are me ghosting.
Woah woah woah. Back the fuck up.
Back. The. Fuck. Up.
You're not autistic, you just don't know who you are yet. And the rest is just experience you have to win for yourself. You'll be fine, and I'm sorry you're going through a lonely phase. I've been there.
Every girl I've met up has been a 7/10 stacy except for one who was still decent looking but definitely faked pics. I wouldn't ghost some one because they felt the need to fake their pictures. I just can't stand hook up culture and the people that participate in it. I just want a decent girl that will accept me for my flaws and still find me decent enough to be with that has a personality that I like. Doesn't seem like it will happen.
The one time I actually was fucked enough to meet one on the site I got catfished,
>4:00 am match
>pay $30 one way to her house
>100% fake pictures and obese
>still sleep my drunk off on here bed
>$30 home
>jerk off
Tinder is like an harem for women, they can easily snatch some 8/10 Chadlet for an one-night stand, why would they lose time with betas like you?
you'll have more luck at 3AM in a random bar
All of them look like disgusting mutant people and have the audacity not to respond. Unironically and actually gas every single woman.
I remember reading some bitches article literally about how she can get with 8/10 guys why should she waste her time with less. Probably a typical where did all the good men go waiting to happen but still fuck these bitches.
damn, those bitches are ugly. I don't know about you being retarded, but your standards sure are
>inb4 pointy elbows
those bitches are ugly
I'd be afraid to use this app now. It was good for me years ago, but I was also always worrying I'd have contracted some fatal STD. Of course, that's still on the table. Those things like to take a couple of decades to appear sometimes.
I'll spend my time reviewing every picture next time.
Well your replies are lame and generic for one. Though I can't talk since I haven't been successful either
How do you take pics if you have no friends?
Those are the girls 1st message in the pic. I'm sure mine are worse though,
I have selfies in like 2 of them and 1 picture with a group I used to hang out with. I have the same problem and do not like pictures in general of myself.
I dont even look human in selfies. Is it over ?
I just said fuck it and threw up my ugly ass face and hoped I just have dysphoric views of what I look like. If not I would probably be autistic and take 100 pictures and never try.
lol. fag. you should say "hey tinder isn't always showing notifications for some reason" (after taking some time to reply to their messages) "Is there some other way we could talk? Do you have any other messaging apps?") this almost always leads to them giving you their number
What the fuck? They're cute as fuck to me.
I though I wasn't getting laid because of high standards, but maybe I'm just ugly as all shit.
How do you even make conversation with thots
I don't is the problem. I can match them and then nothing happens.
Well did it work? Or is it time to DSLR maxxx?
Just used my phone. Im the OP, I get matches and no pussy... so no I guess
Big balls. After I took my first selfie and saw my trueself I couldnt even drive to class so I just sat in my car and blanked out. Brutal
You try
No, that's just you.
Agreed, I'm going to pull a No True Scotsman Fallacy here and say that anyone who has ever gotten laid while drunk multiple times is not autistic.
I don't have any good pictures because I have always actively avoided taking them. I hate the way I look in them. Never understood how everyone else just has 100 good pics.
Same bro. pics are the magic bullet for me. I also dont get how people can whip out their phones and take selfies like its nothing. I even had a plastic surgeon comments on this when I went with my mom for a consultation. After taking all the pics for the consultation he was like heh you look very different in picture the fuck does that mean?
I never take selfies either and don't understand them at all. I think I look way different than my pictures. It might be just low self confidence, but I don't know. I also have a problem of not being able to fake smile like everyone else.
I would just get a cheap DSLR and a tripod with a decent portrait lens. The lens you can rent since the good ones are expensive. Use newest photoshop to tweak your face a bit too and fraud all day on the social media hoes
I can't stand the idea of just using my phone to take my picture. No way I could spend money for it. Plus, I wouldn't want to stoop as low as woman who look nothing like their pictures.
Just blow her out by not being generic I guess, but what do you usually write?