Jow Forums alternatives?

Looking for something that's somewhere between Reddit and Jow Forums. I don't like how Reddit pushes down unpopular opinions and mods remove whatever they disagree with. I don't like how Jow Forums is full of 15 y/os being edgy and posting porn all the time.
I just want to learn things and talk about things that are interesting. I'm usually in /lit/ Jow Forums /mu/ and Jow Forums for context.
>inb4 hackernews

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The comment section of pornhub.

Forsen's chat

v o a t . c o

Maybe there are also forums that are still active.
Tomshardware is still alive I think.

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That place is super dead though. Might hang around still

It's hard to find a real alternative, so I just use both. At least with Reddit each of the subreddits are all independently managed so you can find some good communities if you look hard enough.

Unironically I'd also recommend making a fake Facebook profile and finding some small interest groups to join. There's good conversation out there if you look hard enough through all of the bullshit on there.

Try 2chan lol

I mostly get on the SA forums OP. It is a perfect mix of the two.

Small community in discord.
They're always Jow Forums unrelated. There's never a good Jow Forums related discord.
They're usually mildly active. Maybe a post a minute on average. With less than 30 total active users.
If you find one, it's a gold mine.

8 chan I guess if you wanna be a fucking traitor to our long established tradition of shitposting.

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its light on chat but good news aggregator

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You need a balance of circlejerk and edge which is basically what old style BB forums are or were rather. So many of them are dead but you can still find good ones depending on your interests.

8 chan, its a cross between reddit and Jow Forums

like how if you disagree they ban you?

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All there is left.

You have to understand that nobody with sense would link them on Jow Forums even though they're not a secret, it's just polite to the websites in question.

I'm a 24 year old guy and unironically considering creating a new gaiaonline account. I haven't had one since 8th grade, I wonder what it's like now

I'm 23 and had one in 07. Mainly used it to watch the movies in the little movie theater since I didnt really know about torrenting

Cool want to be my roommate and make a cool dungeon to play in? Swords and pirates and stuff

i can agree on this, best community in the world sdadsasd

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talk to me)

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sure, whats your username? I'm signing up right now?

Based bajs

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pls respond, I'm incredible lonely user

>Looking for something that's somewhere between Reddit and Jow Forums.
Yeah Niflheim would probably suit you.

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You sicken me to my core

Maybe if you stay on the subforums it's not as bad, but their entire board culture shifted in the early 00's. They are a massively pozzed SJW leftist vacuum now, with almost none of the humor and talent they used to have. They very much will probate and ban you for wrongthink, last I checked all the mods were full SJWs.

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Please just go back there and stay.