What is the best level of drunk?

so im a few drinks in. i feel a llittle buzzed but not a ton. is this the best point? should i stop?

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you could go for maybe 2-3 more drinks in and hit the golden spot as long as its not it too quick a succession. nothing better than keeping a buzz going but i hope you never get hooked op. cheers

what does the golden spot feel like

I always go for either:
>three drinks in an hour or two
>five drinks throughout the evening
usually beer

Ignore this nigger, OP. Drink maybe 2 more beers if you're drinking beer, or do a couple of deliberate shots if you're drinking liquor.
You will get drunk and it will be much better than the buzz you already have.
Like an eternal uberbuzz until you go to stand up and then a dizzy euphoria
t. drunk alcoholic 4 beers and 3 shots in
I drank these over the course of an hour so pace yourself, If I had done this when I could enjoy a buzz alone I'd probably have puked and then passed out in the bathroom.

Yes, you should probably stop. The perfect level of drunkenness is just enough to feel good

you sound like youre in a good place irght now already op. i just dont want you to become an alckie like me
man you shouldnt encourage people to get deeper into drinking if you claim you are an alcoholic

The best level of drunk is where you feel flushed l, relaxed, and you consciously have to keep yourself steady otherwise you'd be kind of wobbly.
You feel like a couple more drinks is a good idea but usually it isn't for any number of reasons

My personal level is around 20 units (1/3rd of a 70cl bottle of whiskey, or 2 bottles of wine, or 10 cans of 5% beer).
Obviously I love drinking more than that, but 20 units is more than adequate and much more than that, the chance of a hangover increases drastically.

Being an alcohol, I have to drink a lot more to get as wasted as normal people.
Drank a 70cl bottle of whiskey every night for about 5 nights in a row last week and at the end of every bottle was just drunk enough to not want to carry on.

My bad, meant 2/3rds of a bottle not 1/3rd.

are you a qt girl or a lanklet if you get drunk off two beers

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Not encouraging hime to "go deeper". Just saying that he needs a couple more drinks to get truly drunk, and true drunkenness provides a euphoria unavailable through a simple tipsy buzz.
If he's genetically predisposed to alcoholism it was too late for him when he picked up a bottle to begin with, my own addiction began with a single fucking Landshark in 2016. It hasn't had detrimential health effects yet beyond feeling like shit so I don't worry about it. Live for now, I'm doing what DNA dictated. OP should get drunk at least once to see what it's like, I personally enjoy buzzes a lot as they feel so pure but I can never stop drinking.
reread the post retard

Keep going OP. Here's an objective way of assessing it. Drink until you look can look into the bathroom mirror. If you need more than 2 seconds to focus on your pupils, you are at the best point.

Death by alcohol poisoning.

Can this be a drinking general thread while its still up? What are you guys drinking? I'm on my 4th double of jack

Just beer, on my 12th Sam Adam's Winter Lager

I personally can't drink beer. I get too full and bloated after a few but then again I am a skelly. Anyways I hope you enjoy your beers, user

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I'm on my second glass of pure vodka, i cut it with some water dunno if that helps or not

Is pure the name or are you just saying that its straight vodka? I'm a stolichnaya fan myself

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Yeah same, I have to space them out pretty well or I'm forcing it so I usually can't binge a bock like this but it's all I had plus it's freezing in my house tonight so the spices in the beer are keeping me toasty
Also helps that I haven't eaten anything since this morning.

i'm saying its straight up vodka, personally i love belvedere but rn i'm poor so i'm forced to drink absolut.
i've never had stolichnaya before, is it good?

Can you still feel the passage of time like you normally do? If so than you aren't drunk enough. Doesn't matter if it's sped up or slowed down. Just not normal.

Personally it's 2 or 3 beers. Enough to make me social, happy and relaxed.

Any more than that and I start to slur my words, anger/sadness/wistfulness starts to creep in.

Or if I want to go full stupid it has to be 1 with some childhood friends laughing the night away or 2 shitfaced alone without access to my phone and some good movies.

I enjoy beer, but don't drink it too often for that reason along with having to piss all the time
And my favorite beers are typically darker brews like porters and stouts (excluding all that sweet "caramel" crap), which fill me up even more. IPAs, ales, lagers, and plenty of other types are still good, though
That's why whiskey is my friend
They also taste the best

You're already pretty close, when you feel the happy sensations of a buzz but you're not tripping over your own feet or puking everywhere you're doing alright

Sometimes it's hard to stop when you have something that tastes good though, I don't really like tequila for example but I'll gladly finish a bottle of sake by myself

Never had Hennessy
What's it taste like?

I feel like people who drink tequila don't really enjoy it they just do it for the buzz, like you swallow it and that's that
also have you tried tequila wwith lemon and salt?

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The only cognac I've had was Grand Marnier and I wasn't a huge fan of it though I like brandy, how does Hennessy compare?

For me tequila is in the same spot as plain rum or vodka, I don't like it unless it's mixed with something

When it comes to drinking alcohol straight I really prefer sake or brandy but I'm always interested in trying something I haven't had before; gin is "decent", sambuca is okay in small sips but too syrupy and sweet to do anything more than that, I'm curious about trying absinthe but the cheapest bottle in my state is $50

i've never had sake, but i really want to try it. I'm also super interested in trying absinthe especially from what i've heard of it but i really have no way of getting some, also i heard it's pretty expensive but $50 might be too much.
also speaking of sambuca have you ever tried amaretto?

I haven't tried Amaretto and the only sambuca I've tried is Romana, from what I understand chartreuse and pernod are very similar French variants on sambuca so I may have to try those next; what's the deal with Amaretto? I don't mind red wine but I really prefer a dry white wine or just skipping the wine and going for sherry instead, any suggestions there? I'm not sure what my next liquor purchase will be, I was thinking Slivovitz since I like brandy but I figure it's best to try a new and different types of alcohol every time so I'm open to ideas.

I forgot to mention, if it's available where you are then you may want to start with Tyku when you try sake; one thing to keep in mind is that the cheap sake is meant to be served hot so it's not as harsh, the actual good stuff (anything graded "junmai" or higher) is usually served chilled and the bottle should indicate the grade on the back

I like sake since it's a lot less acidic than wine without being fizzy like beer, the ones I've tried were mildly sweet with flavors like pear and don't overwhelm your palate with one flavor like sambuca or most candy flavored liquors do

if its only been 2 years of drinking stop now man. you wont, and my words are hypocritical but it gets bad user. i wont try to talk about how much i drink or tell you ive been where you are but all i know is heavy drinking is the fucking worst and i would nt wish it on anyone else or encourage it to anyone. even in your case where you are giving decent advice to op i just would never be able to tell someone else to drink more. take care user

the level where you're throwing up a gallon of pizza and beer into your clogged kitchen sink and then passing out on the floor and waking up so hungover you get up and start puking back into the stagnant pool of rotten vomit that never went down the drain and then start drinking again as soon as you can keep liquid down

haha just kidding don't do that, i've tried it a bunch of times and it's totally lame


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Well amaretto is it's own liquour made from almonds and stuff, it's really sweet and kinda tastes like macarons, i brought it up since you mentioned sweet/syrupy liquour. Also about the wine, i'm not really into wine, i only drink white wine that comes out of boxes, but i know that wine paired with some nice food make a kickass combo. maybe you should try amaretto it's definitely unique, and sometimes they hand out small sample sized bottles in hotels. As for new liquour i'd go with like whiskey, unless youve had it before, whiskey with ice is the bomb.

that sounds good actually. And as i've come to find out right now there is literslly no sake here unless it's like sketchy sake, so i will definitely get some while away or something

I'll have to take note of that, almond flavor sounds like a good mix for liquor; I'm generally not a big fan of candy or fruit flavored liquors since they go too heavy on the flavoring (Fireball tastes like they just took the syrup used for Hot Tamales candy and mixed it with ethanol then called it whiskey) but I imagine almonds aren't too strong of a flavor for liquor

I decided to try sambuca since I like anise (same reason I wanted to try absinthe) but it is incredibly sweet and syrupy when you drink it straight; I hear the Italians mix it with their coffee so I should probably finish it off that way

I'm in PA and our liquor selection generally kind of sucks since liquor stores are all run by the state (private stores are allowed to sell beer for some reason though), even here we have access to a few decent brands of sake like Tyku, Gekkeikan and Tozai

I currently have a bottle of Jim Beam honey whiskey I'm slowly finishing off, it's good though in general regular whiskey falls in the same category as gin for me where it's "okay" but I don't love or hate it; any in particlar you'd recommend?

I'm still hesitant to give up completely on tequila since I just had one bottle (Aztec Gold) that I didn't really like, I imagine there have to be some that are good when drinking them straight

I think you'll like Amaretto then, it's also italian, and the name literally means bitter, although i did find it a bit sweet. Also i really have to try sambuca with coffee, i adore it when alcohol and coffee mix, but the thought of trying sambuca with it didn't cross my mind for some reason.

i'd consider you lucky, because here we have the worst of the worst and even then we don't have all the brands.
(also i'm the same guy who posted those two meaages you responded to, when i posted my first reply i saw your second one so that's why its 2 different posts)

The best level of drunk is sober, you fucking degenerate. Face your problems instead of altering your mental state.

>hurr hurr hurr you degenerate

Not everyone has to get sloppy drunk to enjoy alcohol. Besides, practically every civilization has enjoyed alcohol to an extent

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Turns out the Italians have a name for coffee with sambuca: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caffè_corretto

Where are you located? We're under the iron grip of the state when it comes to distribution of wine and liquor in Pennsylvania but we still manage to have some good stuff on offer. If you like mixtures of alchohol then give sherry a try, it's Spanish wine fortified with brandy and tastes pleasantly unique compared to either of the two

Part of me is really curious to try pulque but it's pretty much only available locally in a few shops in Mexico (it doesn't stay fresh long enough to ship it overseas) and the last time I was there was in 2010 before I learned to enjoy drinking

Personally i love irish whiskey, my favorite being jameson, although it's a bit pricey.

i don't know too much about tequila, but a general rule that i follow is that if the brand has the titular worm in it, its good. also you should try eating the worm someday, although it's kinda gross it has absorbed so much alcohol it gets you ultra drunk almost instantly without having to drink much, but be warned it's really strong.

I've tried Lagavulin scotch and I found the smoke and mossy flavors incredibly strong, that's definitely an expensive bottle at $95 in my state; how do Irish whiskeys compare with scotch?

t. user that is too young to drink anyway

The worms are only placed in mezcal, I'm not sure what else is different between mezcal and tequila but some brands of mezcal don't have the worm in them so there must be some inherent difference between the two

Working on a pint of Jameson myself tonight, Anons. I've always been a whiskey drinker. I can't stand rum because it is way too sweet. Never tried tequila though. I prefer scotch to Irish whiskey, but unfortunately I drink way too much to be able to afford the kind of scotch I'd like.

well i'm not from the u.s so that's a bi reason why, also seems italians really like ending stuff with etto apparently.

Sherry sounds good desu, might be the next thing i try. Also what's pulque? i've never heard of it before

Pulque is a brew fermented from blue agave nectar, it's the same thing that they distill to produce tequila and mezcal; only certain states in Mexico are legally allowed to produce any of them

i have never tried scotch so i wouldn't know, but i do recomend irish whiskey to anyone

from what i know mezcal is a type of tequile since they are both made from the aguave fruit/plant. for the worm and wormless thing, i've found the ones with the worm are more like strong and "luxurious" in a way, either way i would definitely go with any mezcal i could find

>that feel when you realize you're at the peak of the night
>that feel when your friend is talking about some boring shit for the past 10 minutes and you realize it's all downhill from there

How do you get a girl drunk on a budget?

If she's not down with the whole pregame thing and I have to order from a bar too.

Give her a martini or a margarita

What brands of scotch do you prefer when you have some spare cash? What's your go-to whiskey?

I usually ask the bartender for the cheapest beer on the menu
Ecen though I prefer whiskey, beer's usually cheaper for the alcohol content
Although I very rarely go to bars because ot's more expensive and there are people
Maybe don't let her hear you say that, though

give her one beer, that should be enough

Scotch is my favorite, but I rarely purchase it because other cheap whiskey is better than cheap scotch
If I buy scotch, it has to be at least decent
Ardbeg's the best I've had so far
But Monkey's Shoulder is decently well-valued for the taste

>well i'm not from the u.s so that's a bi reason why,
Which country? From what I understand, Scandinavian countries are close to the model that's used in my state (PA) where distribution of wine and liquor is controlled by the state

Omg that sounds exotic as frick, and it's right up my alley, why haven't i heard of this?

Pulque doesn't get exported wide and far because it has an incredibly short shelf life, in the US you can find a rare few places that sell it in a can but that's about it; you basically have to take a trip to any of the tequila-producing states of Mexico (not all Mexican states are legally allowed to produce tequila) if you really want to try it

I'm not from any Scandinavian country, basically I'm in a shit country that's barely in the map, also is there like any way to order sake from overseas? Is that a thing?

Seconding monkey shoulder

There should be a discord server or a chat of sorts for robots into alcohol, or who are drunk

It really depends on which brand of alcohol you want to order and which country you're in, Ararat brandy from Armenia ships to a bunch of different countries worldwide for example (and doesn't ship to my state, which pisses me off greatly) but I'm not sure if Tyku sake is easy to find outside of the US

As drunk as you can get before you get to the point where you'll be hungover

The level where you can dance and not be ashamed. Yet still sober enough to carry a convo

That takes a fair bit of experimenting before you find that point though, this is difficult advice for a new drinker to actually apply in practice without crossing that point a few times

Aw man, well it's definitely gonna be on my bucket list

I think Glenfiddich is the best readily available bang for buck Scotch out there, so it's my go-to.

Always ALWAYS drink water when you're drunk, atleast 2-3 glasses, then you won't have a hangover and also will still maintain your drunkness

Well it is something I'll have to go investigate on my own. Also lmao that sucks i can empathize

Tell me user have you been drinking enough to get drunk/buzzed or has it passed by now?

Is it normal to never get a hangover? I have been drinking pretty heavily for the past year, yet I have never once gotten any symptoms the next morning that would constitute a hangover. I usually feel fine in the morning. I've certainly never been sick. Maybe I just don't drink enough? When I get drunk I usually have a pint of 40% whiskey like Jameson. How many drinks does it take before one gets a hangover?

Do you blackout from drinking?

I'm still buzzed, I finished a bottle of sake and some red wine I had laying around and now I'm tempted to go back to the liquor cabinet but I'm not sure if I want the brandy or the honey whiskey now (fuck the tequila, the gin can wait for another time when I feel like mixing it with tonic); maybe I should finish off this bottle of moonshine with apple and cinnamon flavoring I got a couple months ago

It's hard to quantify "how many drinks" it takes (it depends on your body weight and really nobody knows what the fuck a "unit" of alcohol is), basically when you're a point where you stumble over yourself as you're walking around the room then you'll probably be hung over the next morning and you'll definitely be at that point if you drink enough to vomit

Drink till that click where the lights go off and you're running on autopilot.

Yes, I have occasionally blacked out from drinking. In all cases, I woke up the next day feeling pretty much normal, maybe a little more tired.

I've drunk enough to stumble and black out, but I've never thrown up from alcohol. I've heard people tell me that the lack of hangovers are because I am young. I'm 24.

My man. Also yeah i think it's normal, although i think you're not gettin drunk enough to get a hangover

Jesus how do you have so much alcohol atm? If i were you I'd finish the moonshine while drunk/buzzed and leave the other stuff for another time, I can't see people enjoying moonshine while sober its gross.

if you are in your early 20's they rarely occur. your body is still new to the abuse. I was a daily drinker for about ten years. 33 now and they can be debilitating. I drink once a week now and not nearly as much as I used too. It will catch up to ya.

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Does anybody have a breathalyzer? I always thought it would be fun to play with one of those while getting hammered, watching your BAC go up and up. I'd be curious what it feels like to be at the legal driving limit and see how high the BAC ends up going at maximum drunkenness.

Alcohol addiction is the strangest one. I used to do opiates, and while that came crashing down, the effect of the drugs always felt really good. Alcohol doesn't even feel good, yet I can't go more than a few days without it despite the huge downsides. I went 4 days in a row without drinking this week and I thought I was starting to pull out of the spiral, but I fell back into it tonight for no reason other than that I was bored.

I have a bunch of bottles that are half-finished, each time I go to the liquor store I like to buy something I've never tried before; right now I got 2 different bottles of brandy, 1 gin, 1 tequila, 1 sambuca, 1 gin, 1 whiskey, 1 moonshine (probably the lowest proof of the bunch too)

i really admire your willingness to try new stuff, it's pretty cool
Also damn that's a lot, even if they're half a bottle, how often do you drink?

Just the weekends, one time I polished off a bottle of vodka on a work night and the next day I just sat my desk with no ability to focus for several hours before puking twice in the office bathrooms and finally admitting that I needed to take the rest of the day off sick; not going to repeat that stunt any time soon

>Drink so much you puke
>Instantly feel 10x more sober after
It's really unpleasant to vomit but was kinda a cool effect the 2 times I actually drank that much.

Oh same then. I've never gotten to the point of drinking on work nights, sounds awful. The most I've done is that once in highschool i snuck some amaretto in a flask and drank it in the bathroom, spent the whole schoolday drunk

been up for too many hours and just finished a six pack of some good stuff. been making an ass of myself on voice chat but the shame wont sink in for at least 12 hours.
hangovers get worse as you age, and can last for days. alcohol is a dirty shit tier drug and should be used sparingly

I also don't get hangovers, but I drink every night and rarely eat anything until after I've been drinking for a few hours (so I can get mpre drunk with less alcohol, also because I hate feeling full)
The most important factor is probably tolerance along with the fact that I drink a lot of water, but even if I don't drink that much water, I still get no hangovers
I black out every so often, but usually hust drink wnough to get pretty drunk but not hammered
Still, even when I black out, I wake up feeling fine aside from being sober

I don't go more than two beers an hour if I'm really wanting a buzz.
Last time I went on a bender was a mess.

I'd like to get one to gauge how many drinks I xan have before not driving, but the cheap ones are probably unreliable and someone told me even the good ones only work a few times

>is this the best point?

>basically I'm in a shit country that's barely in the map,
Don't cocktease us user, which country?

>taking shots makes me gag
>dont like beer taste, can make me gag sometimes.

I struggle to get a buzz help!

Try soju or wine

>1 gin
>1 gin
>mfw you're buzzed but still drunk enough to repeat yourself needlessly

Drinking a lot of water is very effective at preventing hangovers, if you're also heavy (either from muscle or from fat, doesn't matter) then you'll be able to handle more alcohol before you experience a hangover