If you were about to be executed, what would be your last words?

If you were about to be executed, what would be your last words?

Attached: cubanpussy.webm (500x554, 466K)

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pornhub.com/video/search?search=ana de armas

>If you were about to be executed, what would be your last words?


>My ancestors are smiling at me imperials, can you say the same?

"May your future be dark and a curse be upon you and your lineage"

Who is that cutie?

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Still toasty, huh roasties?

Ana de Armas


>If you were about to be executed, what would be your last words?

ill probably threaten to haunt the executioner. other than that just curse and curse

*firing squat raises rifles*
>"just another day in paradise, eh boys? "

>>"just another day ln paradise, eh boys? "

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Here's a tip for you as well
don't eat yellow snow


my last words

how can you be on r9k and not seen blade runner 2049

>Elliott Roger, Alek Minassian, and Nikolas Cruz did nothing wrong. The only good norman is a dead norman. If she breathes, she a thot. Fuck jannies and minorities

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>that's just the way it is on this bitch for an earth

>"You're probably doing me a favor, anyways."

I kinda had a dream where I got executed last night, except under a non death penalty circumstance. Funnily enough those were my last words.

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simple, but I don't need to try to be funny for you guys

this is pretty related

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pornhub.com/video/search?search=ana de armas

"For whatever i did and failed to do, i'm sorry."

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I probably wouldnt say anything. Anything I could think of would probably not be that good. Maybe I would say something to insult whoever it is thats executing me.
>"Can I ask you a question? Is it true that most executioners are fags?"
something like that.

"my suffering here is over and yours will continue"
give them a big ugly toothy grin that only the subconscious primate would understand

>Such is life.

Originally, plagiarizingally. /

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see you, space cowboy

L take it

Rip and tear your guts
As I'm gunned down by police

More. Weight.

Surprised this isn't original.

Patreon dot com slash asterios

We just respect Giles Corey for being a bad ass.

boring movie
those of you who like it have shit taste

by god have mercy on my soul
I have led a life of sin

Attached: another day, another feel.jpg (720x696, 56K)

I wouldn't want to speak.
>light a cigarette
>gesture like pic related

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based god shaped hole user

>Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner
Then i would dab on my executioner xd.

"wouldnt be the first time"
not very orginal but fuck it

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country billy made a couple milli

i like these words

"at least let me hold a sword while i die, it's my religious prerogative"

Ooey gooey, rich and chewy inside. Golden cakey, tender flakey outside. Wrap the inside in the outside. Is it good? Darn tootin'! It's the big, Fig Newton! Here's the tricky part, it's the big, Fig newton!

>imagine thinking a film is bad just because it's not action centric
maybe kevin hart's more your speed, faggot

For my final wish, I would ask to go free, and when that would inevitably be denied, I would just start struggling and running, cursing them all the while, and probably get shot by one of them as I try to make my escape, going down running. "Honor" can honestly go and fuck itself. I would try to spite them in way I could, because dammit if I kms and shuffle off this mortal coil at long last, at least it'll be on my own terms, and I won't be getting cucked out of my life by some self righteous bastard. Fuck anyone who thinks otherwise, they are simply cattle.

>imagine ever seeing a kevin hart movie

commit suicide

>Get a job.

[Official seal of OC.]

"Hitler was a great person, and niggers are vile discusting subhuman scum."

A fine dark soul, to you.

This tbchqkd wk

Yeah just three

Firm handshakes Always Firm Handshakes.

My last words would be:


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This faggot not appreciating one of the best series ever made.
>being this stupid

>If they came to hear me beg, they will be disappointed.


But in an original way.

>Brute ships. Staggered line! Shipmaster, they outnumber us, three-to-one
>Then it is an even fight

And they actually fucking won BTW

Strike true with that axe, friendo.

"Like all of you I lived each day hoping for more. A dream of peace, an endless nightmare. A dream each and every man and woman longs for. I part this world in terror, and unforgettable grief. Just as I lived and experienced each day. With me dies this dream, another empty name, another lost hope. As you take solace in my demise take onto you this bit of unforgiving advice: "The greatest tragedy is not death, but letting what matters most to your heart die while you still draw breath." To live, and to have failed to live. To have all that matters taken from you, by you.. We all share this gift, and one day you too will be faced with this sobering moment. I pray you all find the strength I lack. I'm nothing if not regrets. I will always love you, Karla. Even though I never deserved you. Mother, father, I love you both ever so and given the time I'd show you appreciation I never made known. And to my dearest brother, I leave you today, but you have all of my heart. All of my fight, and all of my soul. I am so sorry for burdening your hearts with who I was. I was not strong enough to see that dream through. My failures, my legacy, and that's all I'll leave you. I love you all, truly. I am sorry.."

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The tianmen squ-

Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I'll be back.

Can I get a last fuck?

One rule. This board has one rule. Follow it, or fuck off.

Mistake Not My Current State Of Joshing Gentle Peevishness For The Awesome And Terrible Majesty Of The Towering Seas Of Ire That Are Themselves The Mere Milquetoast Shallows Fringing My Vast Oceans Of Wrath

>"I still haven't been told why I'm being executed yet"
It's true as well. What am I being executed for?

explain user
t. just opened thread

I would say one of the following
>History is written by the victors
>To those who are depressed keep in mind that you are a fucking amazing person and don't ever doubt that, God bless.

Hitler-chan did nothing wrong, desu

GAMERS RISE UP !!!!!!!!!!


*turn head to hooded executioner* *tip imaginary hat toward him* Thanks partner, you shouldn't be sent to hell for performing this favor for me. *Turns to crowd* peace out wretches and wenches! *Crack goes my neck*

>le I heard about le edgerunner on le /tv/, so being the mentally ill conformist that I am I even found an waifu in all of this
kill yourself

probably like 'i'm not ready for this' or 'i'm scared to die'

FREEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOM originalissimo magnifique

*taps mic* ehem, testing one two one two, yes is this thing on? Heh alright...


That is all

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Fucking finally
What took you guys so long?

not original

at least i wont have to be worried about dying now

I guess that prostate exam wasn't necessary after all

>Guard shouts "Aim"
>Firing squad raise there rifles at me

If anyone gets the reference then props to you

>You filthy niggers
Because i guess that's who'll kill me

This is the end. My beautiful friend.
This is the end. My only friend, the end.
Time to ride the snake and break on through to the other side.

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"My ancestors are smiling at me Imperials. Can you say the same?"

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams. (origiblox)

his just reads im a weak faggot who lacks confidence in my convictions

>Skyrim belongs to the nords

skies are watching

I wouldn't say anything

God didn't say "thou shall execute" so I'll see you in hell dumbass.


"FUCK JANNIES AND FUCK NIGGERS" as loud as possible, unironically.

>Those orphans had it coming and you cowards know it!

you're doing me a fucking favor faggot.

>"I did what had to be done! My men understood that and that's why they loved me. I would order them to go out and kill Normie scum. And they would do it! They'd murder them! And they'd come back covered in blood, but they felt clean. Now why did they feel that way, Major? Because they were clean."

woah almost cut myself on that edge user be careful

I'd say the N word and then do an epic style dab

Why say anything

I do not envy humanity's future, you're all going to burn.

"traps are not gay! all high IQ men love traps"

>>If you were about to be executed, what would be your last words?
This hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory. Fuck all of you.

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I would ask for a cig, smoke it.
>let's finish this.

"To those that seek truth; Between the windswept plains of turmoil and the rocky shore where the waning crescent meets the stars, beneath a crippled giant you will find my treasure."

It would be nonsense but I'd like to be the subject of conspiracy and urban legend.