I made a video about the reiko situation

I made a video about the reiko situation

Attached: reiko 2.jpg (680x560, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Shameless self bump but with intense originality

i like your video

sauce on music at beginning?

you had like 10+ seconds of just blank space in the middle of your video.

>ever unironically talking to anyone ever
that's what you niggas get

Fuck I goof sometimes and leave dead air in

I've talked to a decent amount of people from here, it's insane the amount of effort people will go to fuck with people. I mean they'll literally talk to people for years just to fuck with them.
But here is the thing, I'm practically fuck with proof. I mean you could do identity theft and come to my house and try to kill me, but short of that it won't effect me. There's just people who are easy to take advantage of that probably shouldn't reach out to many people on here. Also avoid the public discords, there is so many psychos that band together on them. I honestly think that's the main reason this place has become less toxic, it's not all the normies flooding in, it's all the psychotic sociopaths that suffer from severe personality disorders migrating and focusing on the discords rather than posting here.

It's okay, it was a good video. I've been thinking about making videos similar to this format but I probably won't ever bother. Good luck, user.

Thanks friend, Looks like im getting raped right now in ratings by saltbots lol

>What do I do?
Fuck off and die hopefully

makes sense, people don't want our culture shared and talked about to the public like that because then normies come. Share it someplace like incel tears or something. they'll probably eat it up.

bump good vid gooood

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Yknow of all the boards r9k has the biggest stick up their collective ass about letting people in on its trash culture, its like a junkyard dog

Do you fucking watch your video before & after rendering?

honestly it seems like most other boards are pretty garbage now and r9k has been getting a lot of refugees. Jow Forums has been raided non stop since 2016, /b/ is filled with so much spam of the same repeated shit it's not usable, every other board is low traffic. It makes sense to be protective of it.

Cool vid. Have you made any more like this?

Not after the final render, I see what I did though, I moved my intermission from one point to another and forgot to close the gap, Im gonna see if i can fix that in youtube editor
Jow Forums has never been good
Check out the boxxy or jessi slaughter vid they're in the same vein

mann vs machine from team fortress 2 soundtrack

>Jow Forums has never been good
>posts on Jow Forums
>covers videos on Jow Forums
user... I'm sorry but you've convinced me you're retarded and not worth the time/support.

>thinking Jow Forums is anything more than a dumpster fire
>not making videos and throwing them into the dumpster fire
Okay one of us is a brainlet and its not me

/b/ is all traps, feet, nigger hate, dick rate, and IG posts.

>shuaibitch was a victim of reiko

he did it because he was a hopeless NEET idiot.

fuckin kony2012 tier level of shilling.

Shill like no man has before thats my moddo

Literally fukking epic dude you should totally post this to /ourguys/ at Know Your Meme!

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>"He's still out there, that monster! We must stop him!"

i hope you meet a chinese elevator. Reiko punished the scum of Jow Forums Now we know whos the most degenerate and who's not.

I never realized how brutal chinese engenuity is

legend has it that an indian chief died in a freak Chinese elevator accident and cursed all chinese elevators to consume little children. They call it wakanasha's revenge.

>wakanashas revenge
Okay I chuckled

>people are still spreading false information about this literal who

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chinese people are asian they're supposed to be smart


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>permenantly scars a board
>lol juss ferget it xd
okay newfag

>permanently scars a board
but he didn't god i hate retarded people so much fuck I HATE YOU I HATE STUPID PEOPLE STOP BEING STUPID FUCK

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you sound like a faggot and I hate you

Taken into consideration

Why didn't the op of the greentext jest send a fake or shopped picture in the first place? And if I were him, I'd just tell them to go right ahead. I'm not a girl. Society and other's opinions of me matter very little to me. I'd rather everyone think I was a gay trap and be straight than have no one know I was getting fucked in the ass every night. I honestly couldn't care less about saving face. I do what I want, when I want, and I'm not even trying to be edgy rn.

The men of this board have a will of cardboard, pretty easily broken down and is especially weak when wet

people like you must get off destruction fuck you pewdiepie and wave titan for making r9k mainstream

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Dubs of truth, unless we change our ways we can never leave this crab bucket hellscape.

>having enough of an online presence that you can be doxxed from a face pic
normalfag gets what you deserve

>changing your ways
fuck off norman

its another newfag who doesnt know anything episode

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>posting anime girls
opinion discarded

I said change OUR ways user. I'm probably a bigger fucking failure than any of you guys are, I just realize the reality of the situation. I've failed things so badly you anons would never believe.

You know this is an anime site, right user? It's in the name.
Carry on, based meguposter.

>worst board on Jow Forums

get fucked Jow Forums is the best board and the least normie board on this site

cringey fucking discordfag

keep the /a/nime to its containment board

And my friends wonder why I dont use discord.

>implying reiko is relevant
everyone under 23 should really just be exterminated

>Implying everyone shouldnt be exterminated period
Fucking moral fags always in the way of progress

Wtf man, it's called Jow Forums, not Mr. 4. This board was formed around anime and Japanese culture since its inception. The ones who really have no right to be here and should either stick to their containment board or preferably leave are Jow Forumstards.

Poltards keep the lights on in sheer numbers, them and /b/

It still blows my mind mods are in complete support of all this trap and tranny shit on this board

>Poltards keep the lights on in sheer numbers
I'd gladly subscribe to pay Hiroshimoot 20 dollars a month if he would only delete that board from this site. All it does is bring normalfags and stormfags in to shit on everything and generally decrease the enjoyment of this site for the average user. They are quite fun to trigger and troll though.
t. not even black or jewish
>them and /b/
Does anyone even really actually read /b/ anymore? Isn't it all just porn and shock threads nowadays? I think Jow Forums and [s4s] are the closest thing now to what /b/ was a decade ago.

send this shit to internet historian

>internet historian
Ok now we're really getting normie

Forgot the most important piece of info OP. The part where Reiko confesses.

Attached: reikoconfession.png (896x82, 11K)

>I'd gladly subscribe to pay Hiroshimoot 20 dollars a month if he would only delete that board from this site.
>not even black or jewish

That only leaves tranny or roastie. Which butthurt one are you?

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Yea this totally looks legit you fucking mouth breather

Reiko has not been doxxed, the dox in that video is fake. I don't know if r9k is just full of retards or genuine underaged but there have been like 8 "doxxes".

Also reminder literally anyone can change their name on discord and say some stupid shit.

>it's fake!
>it was a joke!
We;ve been down this road before. No one believes you guys anymore.

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Too bad, thanks to people like OP the infamy of Reiko will live on. This is a victory for boipucci

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I warned you guys about them gay discords

Yea cause everyone on r9k that posts about beating their mom and pooping in jugs is legit.

And anyone can change their name or avatar on discord.

How underaged are you

>I honestly think that's the main reason this place has become less toxic, it's not all the normies flooding in, it's all the psychotic sociopaths that suffer from severe personality disorders migrating and focusing on the discords rather than posting here.
huh, never even thought about that but it makes perfect sense. skype was never used this much. thank fuck discord allows them to stay on their containment servers then. too bad for the souls who join them and become retard fodder but i guess someone has to do it.

you're a few months late

Thank you for clearing all that up Reiko.
Then what are the exact steps one must take to make perfect looking screenshots of anyone's account?

Hur dur if u disagree ur reiko!

Not an argument. And the screenshots posted were never perfect evidence at all.

The only evidence posted at all has been random greentexts with no proof to back them up or random discord screenshots that could be out of context or faked.

You have no argument.

>Posts stop
Yeah, that's a lose

>this hard evidence is clearly shooped. I can tell by the pixels & from seeing a few shoops in my in my time.

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How is the evidence hard?

Are you braindead? Is this the best you can come up with?

>Point out the flaws in your evidence

If it was fake you wouldn't be so adamant on sperging out.

Only flaw you have pointed to is your guilt. You need to give up the damage control Reiko. You suck at it.

Holy shit the beginning of the video and the music...well fucking done OP. I'm down on killing that trapfucker any time. All you need to do is give the address

>Posts bullshit that everyone believes
>Argue against it to clear things up

You have no real argument, your iq must be nigger tier. And I like how you went back to the HUR DUR YOU DISAGREE SO YOU'RE REIKO "argument" too.

You btfod yourself here little sad

regardless, anons who post anime thots are always cancer

I'm not watching a 10 minute video of your mouthbreathing narration, op.

Just post the doxx

>You have no argument because I said so without proof on an anonymous image board. Therefore my continued butthurt & anxiety over hard evidence that I was involved in manslaughter is proof I didn't do it.

You feeling ok over there Reiko?.

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>this level of butthurt
>this level of damage control
good early morning keks, thanks pham

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Yes. Rise up as you all bake in the oven.

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Burden of proof is on the accuser.
Tranny discord is still up and Reiko isn't doxxed or even banned off discord so

>Burden of proof is on the accuser.
So where is the proof of your innocence? That's what I thought. His account has been banned countless times. His server banned whenever it's reported for CP/cutting/doxing/soliciting minors.

But I'm sure everyone will suddenly forget all about that because Reiko decided he needed to damage control hard because he's scared.

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Reiko's account is literally still up and you can add it at Reiko#3333

His server is also still up you fucking mongoloid

>Proof or innocence


>created after the drama
>pays for nitro

Proves you're retarded. What else you have in your damage control kit, Mr.Reiko?

...Except if you pay for nitro at any point it displays a badge on your profile which Reiko doesn't have.

r9kers truly are a different breed

So you only buy the Nitro to change your number after your accounts get banned, then cancel it. Thanks for letting us know Reiko.


End your miserable existance you pathetic faggot

Cis hetero white males are fucking SEETHING lmao.

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Tfw you get btfod so hard you have to make shit up in an attempt to look half decent to the other mouth breathers on this board

Reiko isn't arrested or even doxxed, the discord is up, his discord is up, and trannies are still here to stay.
Thanks for the laffs tho

>Everyone I don't like is Reiko!


You forget to take your meds Reiko? Your schizophrenia is really acting up today.

Its over for you. You will never find a gf(female) and now you will never find a gf(male). There is no such thing as a 3d trap since they all kill themselves and so will you

>Trannyposting is still a big thing on r9k
>The only thing r9kers can do is call random people Reiko and claim they're going to magically dox and kill people

Booty... Blasted...

>schizo accusing others of being one
Reiko isn't even real, Jow Forums is a girl(male) board and that's a good thing.