Tfw no non slut cute non normalfag friendless lonely depressed suicidal bf

>tfw no non slut cute non normalfag friendless lonely depressed suicidal bf

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You fishing for (You)'s tonight nigger?

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Reminder OP is Chaotic. A popular ban evader on Jow Forums. He's known to manipulate people and dox them and push people to cut themselves, and even kill themselves or leave the internet entirely.


Fishing for a quality bf

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chaotic is my friend and he's pre cool

>tfw no chill commie gf but otherwise not retarded

Stop being such a fucking queer.

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>Fishing for a quality bf
you literally aren't though? why do you keep lying like this

I'm literally fishing right now retard

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you might have big autism

Okay, gf/bf me up then. I'm not dominant at all and am really nervous and can't make eye contact.

>tfw no chaotic bf


Holy shit that's me, and that's my image

Alright well I'm literally everything you're looking for in your post except suicidal, you want to post your discord or prove you're the retard?

Tested years ago and I'm not on the spectrum. Regardless, stop acting like a queer.

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As you can plainly see the thread says non slut and only sluts date someone this fast, you lost the game as soon as you started fool.
Okay this is epic
You're really pushy I don't want a weird pushy bf

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Honest Gay man or LARPing gay man?

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>Literally have been in one relationship and only had sex within that relationship
>I'm 25

The honest one

>I'm literally fishing right now retard
>You're really pushy
Thanks, all I wanted to do was prove you're the retard.

You heard me right, slut.
Pushy and sensitive? What a terrible combo..

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based af chaotic

is she the asuka of flcl?

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Date Max
Date Swander
Date Dante's corpse

Thats the worst kind of gay

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Date dawd

Okay I'll lie and say I don't want to kill myself

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No, I'm not a slut! I literally hold that as the only thing I'm proud about ;_;

Chaotic slapped my dad's ass and turned him gay

Chaotic hasn't combed his hair in his entire life

can you please just do it already?

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Chaotic has gotten 59 countries range banned

Now I'm getting angry by all this queer behaviour.

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But I want a boyfriend who's as good as me first
What are u gonna do about it straightfag

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>tfw am cute boi but am a sissy slut
slut life is fun! nothing more thrilling than meeting new dominant tops each week to make you moan like a little girl

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nice best girl


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Go berserk, then probably calm down with some opiates.

how many people do you calculate to be in the world that are as good as you, user?

Non-slut: O
Cute: ~
Non-Normalfag: O
Friendless: O
Lonely: ~
Depressed: ~
Suicidal: X

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I am testing pay me no mind hehehe ho ho ho haha

>there are people that don't think chaotic is quite literally a sociopath because he can sweet-talk them
>people don't realize that persuasive ability is yet another common quality of a sociopath
>they find it completely reasonable that some random depressed virgin on the internet is able to amass loads of fans from doing practically nothing
>they don't realize that they're just his fan, they legitimately see him as a friend
>even though it's especially clear he gives zero fucks about them and never will
>practically always asking for a bf, despite having so many orbiters

hmm, this sounds surprisingly close to how roasties are orbited when they get on Jow Forums.

i wonder why people hate him... hmmm...

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You have my attention kinsman.


what the hell has the world come to

Dark days, I fear our Fimbul winter has arrived.

You do not know what you've wrought.

hey chaotic, could you record a vocaroo for me saying goodnight? i haven't heard your voice in years and it's really cute and soothing.

>Tfw too autistic to have chaotic sweet talk me when he added me
He was really weird and off putting tho too. I guess only really mentally ill people are attracted.

I didn't know who this guy was either until maybe 3 weeks after we stopped talking and some faggots here were freaking out about him. Idk the appeal tho.

I haven't seen him sweet talk anyway lol. Also his fans? I'm sure are just a couple of his friends that he sits around with on discord and does this because they think it's funny while they same fag and upvote his posts. Then he probably gets bored enough actually find some one pathetic enough to manipulate to fuck with more than the typical trolling post to make himself e famous. The only ones more psychotic and pathetic than himself or the people that he settles on manipulating are his orbiters that probably think they're his "friends", heck maybe they even know him irl!

Cattle die, kinsmen die, I myself must die someday.

Never met anyone yet!
>practically doing nothing
Hey, it's not my fault 9/10 straightfags here are pussy orbiters, you disgust me honestly.
I couldn't do this right now even if I wanted to

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These consequences are beyond your comprehension and they will never be the same.

He has over a thousand subs on his youtube for just existing and gets attention without even making it obvious its him.

>here are pussy orbiters
I agree, orbiting should be punishable by blood eagle. However it does not justify faggotry. Do not shame your ancestors blood, fair fame shall pass through time for the man that wills it.

bitch, you know how easy it is to get youtube subs? Talk to me when he has a million, fuck even 100k will do.

Turn on your trip to prove it's you

>Hey, it's not my fault 9/10 straightfags here are pussy orbiters, you disgust me honestly.
>implying I'm straight

I'm not saying straight > gay, it's just a logical contradiction and the fact we let that illogical shit in our everyday language is part of why society is going to shit. Too many fucking idioms and too many people accepting them without question.

Similarly, too many references to remember. Who gives a fuck? I get 0% of references. It's not fucking worth my time to be interested in everything that's existed enough to spawn a meme around it. I don't fucking care.

reminder to sage


maybe you just have a brain cell unlike most other people who try to contact him.

also, you didn't approach him as a crazy orbiter, so his e-fame meant nothing

Eggman and ciara don't even have that many you retarded fucking zoomer

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As long as I die honorably so that my valkyrie would carry me to the golden hall with the rest of the Einherjar.

that's even more sad
at least public some videos with your voice please

>Who gives a fuck?
The Gods tend to give a fuck when they watch their playthings spar.

Pic related happened to me once like 12 years ago in the 6th grade and I freaked the fuck out internally. It was like 7 PM and really dark. Luckily some guy had a cellphone and wasn't a pedophile so I called my mom and she eventually came. Pretty reasonable zoomer fear though.

Never encourage the tripfaggots kinsman.

I'm bi but I'll never meet a quality girl who's around my age who's above 4/10 and a virgin soooo
That's a bad idea since I'm so famous now lol

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Now, that is what I like to hear!

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>google eggman r9k
>videos that aren't even on his account have hundreds of thousands of views about him

>google chaotic r9k
oof, user I'm sorry but I think you're going to have to kill yourself. :/

Allfather watched over you that day.

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t. namefag
just retarded

eggman is a normalshit who's popular for being ugly and incel, not even comparable to chaotic.

Do not desecrate yourself because women are whores. Harness the runes and direct your life away from faggotry.

Not just a namefag, it's my life goal from now on, the pursuit of vikings. Join me and prepare for ragnarok.

I can't stop liking boys just the same as I can't stop liking bullying retards and newfags

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Kek, like they care enough.

I'm all that but suicidal and I just wish I could have a cute twink bf

>yikes: the post
chaotic has no friends you paranoid retard

Imagine how popular Chaotic would be if he actually posted videos and showed his face

imagine how popular chaotic would be if he fucked cvnka on cam

I will leave now, heed what I have said and learn the lore.

OK now imagine if he streamed his suicide to apologize for the pain he's caused

Silly bois ITT, chaotic doesn't exist.

""Chaotic"" is a collective meme propagated by fan hysteria

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>when chaotic calls you a degenerate for being a stupid slut
muh pain

you know i saw his post asking for a steam friend the other day.I considered doing it mabe because hey why not.Loe and behold steam kept bugging out.I mashed send friend request but always issued a error.I guess fate saved me

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boogeyman chaotic will dox you and call you a faggot

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Dam I mean just wtf

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Dante 2020

>>tfw no non slut cute non normalfag friendless lonely depressed suicidal bf
Kill yourself

Go back to rebbit and shill yourself where people will actually care.

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He sounds nasally and frail, just exactly like male cvnka
What's so soothing

Never used rubbet.. People seem to care here so I think I'll stay and hold the fort

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not nasally just frail

Reminder that these posts are "chaotic" and one or two of his butt buddies samefagging to create the illusion of him not being a literally who

I say "chaotic" because "chaotic" is just another alter ego of chara/piety/cvnka. Its the same mentally ill faggot

Gosh you are really so dumb

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What is his YouTube? I wanna hear his voice

>just like cvnka
Because it is cvnka lol

Chaotic was here a decade before that tranny

chaotic started hrt young OWO

>ad hominems
not him, but this is exactly what i expected of you

Literally nobody is falling for this. Not because its not good enough or not well enough constructed. Its because no one even cares in the first place. LITERALLY NO ONE GIVES A SHIT FAGGOT. Kill yourself

saved, thank you anony