
Does Jow Forums consider Mongol life top-tier?

>You spend your days hunting on the steppe with your sons and brothers in arms
>You spend your nights fucking the wife of your choosing (see pic related)
>You go to war, fighting for Tengri, taking gold, prizes and women as a reward

Need I go on? Do you wish you were born Mongol in the 1200s?

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Sounds like quite the life OP

only if youre a mongchad. likely youd be a bottom bitch and trailed along after the horde milking yaks and preserving horseblood

Rape tho

but you might get raped tho

By who? I'd definitely have a chance at the raping and pillaging. All guys would. Being a woman isn't supposed to be this fun, you had downsides once.

raider raped weak guys too lol the ones they deemed unworthy of straight killing or just didnt see a threat it. ofc being a women isnt fun, it never has in history and still isnt but its ridiculous to think living in a mongol tribe as some beta would be top-tier

>no mongol wife

Just because that appeals to you does not mean it is for someone with self-respect like me

>be lowborn
>get executed for doing literally anything that annoys a noble

huh? can you read? im saying itd be awful do be in that position you retard lol you should thanks the stars you live in a pretty cushy society if you had your brain back then youd probably be executed right away to stop your poor genetics from spreading

You're retarded lol, this incel shit is warping people's perceptions of history now. No society just killed off guys except retarded tribe monkeys that never developed a culture.

You'd be kept silent like you belong back then lol

yeah i was just fucking around. desu the only knowledge i have of the mongols was from a historical fiction series i read ages ago based on the secret life of the mongols.

Your opinion never mattered in history, and we can all see why.

my opinions have nothing to do with it lol. curious though since you consider yourself to be able to pillage and rape back then. what are your stats? height, weight at least

>be peasant that makes up 90% of mongol population
>arranged marriage with ugly 3/10 peasant wife
>live in extreme poverty whole life and nearly die of starvation every year
>fail to pay proper tribute to Khan because poor, get dragged out and pulled apart limb by limb in front of family as punishment
>left to bleed out on the grass
>daughter and wife are dragged away to be raped and discarded

sounds like heaven

Attached: mongolian_nomads2.jpg (671x450, 21K)

I'm no manlet but even the manlets would get in on it sweetie. Literally any guy can overpower you. Keep talking like you're not inherently pathetic woman, desperately needing others to feel safe.

The steppe will turn into a desert eventually once the climate changes I prefer dense comfy forests.

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what gave you the idea im a woman lol. and i agree from what i know mongols werent famous for being tall but were broad as fuck and their best wrestlers had thick necks and limbs but im not convinced you would be celebrated back then bro. youre not wanted now, and you would likely be shunned back then as well

>tfw no mongolian nomad gf

Attached: bzwnz3N.jpg (960x960, 141K)

Women would be kept silent like they belong though.