So apparently the girl I've been dating for a month has been fucking her boss, thing is he is disgusting...

So apparently the girl I've been dating for a month has been fucking her boss, thing is he is disgusting, fat and short and she only did it because she needed to make her rent and she cried to me apologizing
Should I forgive her? I kind of feel for her considering she needs a home and food for her kids and it's not like any woman would be remotely attracted to the guy

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I hope for your sake youre baiting. Tell her friends and family what she did and break all contact.

>her kids

Well you accepted being a cuck when you started dating her, I don't know hat you expected.

If you don't have the nerve to stand up for yourself and dump her
then you deserve to be stuck with a cheater.
so yea, sure, forgive her

She was desperate to provide for her children. The reason I feel for her is because I understand doing anything for your family
I'm not remotely a cuck, but I feel this is a different sort of situation
No way she enjoyed fucking him

>Dating a woman with children

Had to someone many proxies to post this

Attached: awWjmaPR_700w_0.jpg (383x384, 16K)

You think she enjoyed fucking a fat short brown guy when she can have a decently in shape 6 foot white guy? I don't think this is a typical cuck situation at all

Not how cucking works buddy

>she only did it because she needed to make her rent

do you really want a gf who's willing to prostitute herself? she already had a job, she didn't need that.

>her kids


If she did it during the time you've been dating, the answer is no. You gotta show the world that shit won't fly.

t. cuck

muted for 2 seconds for this

lmao no wtf dude she sucked someone's dick

>her kids

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>a home and food for her kids and

did it happen while you were dating
if you weren't yeah just move past it
if you were that's pretty fucked up but she's got a family and stuff so idk

i guess if you don't really see yourself as the cuck from the standpoint that shes still more attracted to you, and because you feel so much better than her boss its cool that you can live with it.
But trying to find affirmation from others is autistic, because to a normal person, she fucked another dude, also someone who has power of her that you do not possess, his cock pounded her cunt to the point where he came and he plans to use her more. Most of the robots are so sensitive and yell about cuckery BECAUSE no one wants to be a cuck. but you my man, you're just a cuck thats ok with it.
You my brother, are a true cuck, you even have the personalty that makes being a cuck bearable for you. congrats you are an autistic cuckold

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>Getting cucked by a manlet


But no boot her ass to the curb.



You can't have a relationship with someone you can't trust

>she can have a decently in shape 6 foot white guy?
If she did fuck a hot white guy, I would be royally pissed for them not inviting me to join to fuck them together

thats just some photoshop with emma watson's face you autist

Do what you gotta do, but that woman is low quality. You two could still be a good match, though, so don't worry too much.

No you shouldn't forgive her you pathetic normie cuck
She probably isn't even attracted to you either you jackass, she's fucking you because you could provide for her, same as her boss

Do you think women enjoy the thrill of a guy with money and power even if he's physically unattractive?

Pimp her out and profit.

most girls i know have a slight kink towards men who have power over them, teacher, boss, or even sometimes cops.

Not OP but fuck that hurts because I think my spiteful boss fucked a girl he knows I had a crush on and he did it directly after finding out because I think heard her voice on the phone with him. I kept telling myself, at least he's ugly and fat and short. What if she likes that he is an abusive asshole? Fuck fuck fuck fuck

man what a cuck,and teh fact that you even wonder if you should forgive her makes it even worse,you are pathetic man

>doesnt think raising another mans kids is being cuck
and this kids,is a cuck

get rich and be a boss yourself, there is literally no other way, if theres any game worth buckling down to git gud, its this one, life my nig.

not that guy but i honestly think thats not worth it, life itself is not worth it most of the time

Nah if she cheated on you once shes going to cheat on you again. Get rid of her.

OP here, apparently his dick was bigger than mine. Okay now I feel fucking sick to my stomach, will dump her

No shit. People are attracted to power, especially women. Enjoy raising a prostitutes children while she fucks her way up the corporate ladder

You're right, cucks just have girlfriends who fuck other guys

>datibg soneone with a kid
Why are u so desperate?

I would forgive her, but she should have told you sooner


>Should I forgive her?
What? No, dumb fuck.

>her kids

Are you joking?

She has kids. Pretty cuck in my opinion.

Also I bet she enjoyed it. Women are liars, but I bet she loved feeling worthless.

I find it strange how you're so certain she didn't enjoy it. Were you there?

The little relationship experience I've had drilled it into me that keeping secrets/omitting information is very important, even more so for women who basically breath this kind of lifestyle and mentality

Yes, you should forgive her but tell her she needs to stop fucking him if you two are going to be together.

Pics of your GF? Im so fucking jealous bro, if I was you i would beg her to let me watch her fuck him again. Did she use a condom or not? Where did he cum??

Up to you. I don't really judge girls in that situation, I know most men would do the same. But she should have told you, gone to you first, it's still cheating.

But you knew exactly what response you'd get on this board of roastie whore spouters.

Huh, guess her boss browses Jow Forums.

top fucking cuck mah dude
The fact that your even asking means you're a lost cause