A couple of buzzwords compared to decades of minimal self-awareness and independent though?
Nice try, but it's not even a comparison.
>A couple of buzzwords compared to decades of minimal self-awareness and independent though?
>Nice try, but it's not even a comparison.
we got a live one, boys.
*tsk* tsk* *tsk* another "Y-YOUR AN NPC TOO!" statement. Well OP it should be known that even if robots are just another kind of NPC, they are still a minority. But they aren't NPCs, we here have minds of our own and don't rely on groupthink for the soul reason that no one here has an identity, so we must all come up with our own conclusions until convinced otherwise.
but you couldn't think of all that yourself, you can't even think in words, only code. So you had to parrot buzzwords instead of making a case.
yes those are all NPCs, what is the point of this thread?
>we got a live one, boys.
>*tsk* tsk* *tsk* another "Y-YOUR AN NPC TOO!" statement. Well OP it should be known that even if robots are just another kind of NPC, they are still a minority. But they aren't NPCs, we here have minds of our own and don't rely on groupthink for the soul reason that no one here has an identity, so we must all come up with our own conclusions until convinced otherwise.
>but you couldn't think of all that yourself, you can't even think in words, only code. So you had to parrot buzzwords instead of making a case.
Thank for you posting the appropriate image for the OP
>left is literally following the rights lead on the npc meme
>Using the NPC meme while admiting that it's for NPCs
Well at least you admit it
Well for the record for those of you who who give a damn in the slightest. Mimicing your opponents argument is not a rebut but an admission of defeat.
Perhaps you, OP you are trying to express your frustation at being called an NPC, your arguments dismissed and not given a proper dismantle, so in an ironic fit of seething anger you try to do the same to i. So if you got anything to say i'd be willing to answer to it. But if you should keep this childish posting, i will be on my way.
>Call out detected
>initiating copy+paste
>copy complete.npc
>what do you mean you don't drink?
>what do you mean you don't smoke?
>what do you mean you didn't watch the game?
>what do you mean your a virgin?
>what do you mean you don't have friends
>what do you mean you don't like the beach?
>what do you meant you don't like to go outside?
>what do you mean you don't care about politics?
>what do you mean you've never had a girlfriend?
>what do you mean you don't want to have kids?
>what do you mean you don't have a job
>i simply cannot comprehend or imagine myself in such a situation, so i hate you
this is the post that gottem
All woman should be killed.
is that the normie internet equivalent of threatening?
They don't actually know how to meme because lefties are kind of vapid control freaks, generally just assume they are saying they are mad that you don't believe what they do.
Please stop posting this shit meme thank you
>your pic
thats what happens when normies get their hands on a meme, they misuse it and run it into the ground.
>tfw smoke cigarettes because they help cope with depression
>tfw everyone "smokes"
>tfw not a pothead and are frowned upon for not getting high all the time
hoo hoo. It is not a necessity more than it is a vice. I, i have felt the worst the human mind has to offer, i've spent hours in the lowest frequencys, those were the ones that have drawn me to tears and even screaming, aye, i have spent the majority of my life in sustained states of misery that very few people would accept. Yet, i've always resented drugs. Because after those horrible moments i'd be left cleansed in a sense, i'd become so detached from material that i'd only be left with the truth, each time i had an episode each time i was left with a nugget of insight. And when i dared to follow it i saw serene beauty and peace so great even a stone faced man like me immediately shed tears. I can feel it guiding me as i type this, the beautiful blue/indigo white light. And to conclude, to say drugs are the way to anything other than hedonism, is the biggest insult to this ancient and peaceful light that humanity has spent the better part of centrys trying to describe through religion, but even then. It lies outside the boundaries that words can address. It is forgiving and pure.
if this resonated with you in the slightest, then you know of it too.
Your lack of self awareness makes this a great thread.
You're the dumbest motherfucker on the planet, you know that? No, you don't. But you are.
i agree with this one, we have to stop saying normie, only normalfaggots say that, we need to start saying normalfaggot,they can not say that because they have the need to be political correct
>I, i have felt the worst the human mind has to offer, i've spent hours in the lowest frequencys
>literally just "no u"
Why can't people just put the bare minimum of effort into their bait?
He's just a brainded blown own stoner normalfag retard who saw a bunch of new age stoner buzzwords in a blog once. Pay no attention to the cretin.
Degenerate is an undefined term used by exlibertarian trad LARPers to justify regulating other peoples actions that they dont like.