What's the hardest you've ever REEEEEEEEEEEE'd

What's the hardest you've ever REEEEEEEEEEEE'd

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This post got over 3000 upvotes. Are redditors truly hopeless?

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i hate people so much. this comment won't be orgiginal so i have to follow this dumb rule implemented that made this board shittier

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Most are, but a few (not on r/three21chromosomes) are willing to call out liberal bullshit

They even banned the MDE subreddit, one of the few non-cucked places left on leddit

>This game that ive been comfortable with and enthusiastic about
>not always because he locked me out

>*Ive never licked it*

>But was in the mood for it
>I was furious

Sums up woman in one post. 'I do thinks that degrade me because it turns me on but I hate it even though my misogynistic husbands makes me do against my will I go along with it because it returns me on yet Im angry.

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Why are white men so obsessed with tits?

are you a retard?

>in NO mood for it

try reading next time

Ur literally retarded lmfaoooo

I like tits because I know titty fucking feels really good with a nice pair of tits

just go back already nobody wants to read your man hater subreddit

Yeah, but you guys fetishize tits almost as much as black men fetishize asses. Idk what asians fetishize, as their women tend to have neither large tits nor asses, so my best guess for that would be "kawaiiness" and neoteny. Middle eastern women are usually at least partially covered up, so idk what middle easterners fetishize, and I have no idea what latinos and indians fetishize in general either. Of course, everyone likes a pretty face, so there's that.

>Middle eastern women are usually at least partially covered up, so idk what middle easterners fetishize


Because they store milk to feed children. The larger the females breasts the more children she is able to provide food for. This is 0bvious even infants know this.

I am middle eastern tho. I like feet, ankles and legs

fuck off kike

>I have no idea what indians fetishize in general either.

Belly buttons. Not kidding. Look up "indian navel facebook"

That's more like the Muslim version of the prison gay phenomenon, that drives them to fuck their goats out of desperation and blue balls. Belly dancing originated in that region, so I think they might fetishize bellies and navels more than other cultures. Now we only need the latino and indian fetishes.

Thats a load of bullshit. Le goatfucking maymay is a kike/boomer meme

t. Middle Eastern

Yeah, but whites have a noticeably larger appreciation for tits than any other race or culture. Why is this?

That might just be because they're the only uncovered parts on a woman in a burqa. Idk if foot fetishism is THAT widespread.

Hmm, good observation. I guess we'll just have to lump the indians in with the middle easterners then.

Idk user, I've seen some videos...on pornhub...

Maybe the latinos like legs or something? Just a shot in the dark here.

>Talking with bros abut tits.
>Teasing your wife.
People are cowards and just vent their neuroticism on the internet.

Why did it take her ten years to realize he was a misogynist?

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I don't have any particular obsession with tits over ass, just not a fan of B's or C's. You're gods plain girls and that's okay.

More or less, yep.

It didn't, she just chose to ignore his less appealing habits because he was either a chadlite or a stacked betabux provider, or considering womens' standards nowadays, probably both. Now that she's used to the lifestyle he provides, she's starting to get annoyed by those same characteristics she chose to ignore a decade ago. Or maybe it's something else, I don't know.

I don't know about you in particular, it's just something I've noticed about white American culture in general.

>titties on the glass
based and alpha-pilled

I just don't understand how would you force your SO into doing something that they don't like just for your amusement.

He didn't force her to do it by lifting up her shirt and pressing her against the glass, he was playing around.

you might be a beta male

I would beat my wife for fun

>My husband of almost 10 years is a misogynist
How did it take her that long to realize it? Also the things the husband did are sexist, not misogynist

It's not just white men, user. Japan is absolutely obsessed with oppai even though they don't have any.

What you said along with going onto plebbit

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It was posted in a sub specifically for women to circlejerk in. Of course it got tons of upvotes.

Playing around by denying her entry into her own home for 5 minutes even after she asked him to cut his bullshit.
The first example is retarded, but the second is on point. Shit is frustrating to no end. If you've ever been bullied, just think of the times you were "just teased bro" by keeping something out of your reach or hiding something from you, even for less than two minutes.

Are you implying that the relationship you have with your SO is the same as the one you have with a bully?
Because yes, it's frustrating, but it is meant to be a game and not something that actually hurts you. If a stranger denied me access to my house it'd be terrifying, if my husband did it it'd be different because I know he cares about me and would eventually let me in.

He should have stopped if she was in serious distress, but to make him out as a terrible man is a bit blown out of proportion.

Unironically because we're not scat loving niggers

that woman in OP's is at fault, she is a piece of shit for having marry that guy, lel.

So if a man gets cheated on is his fault for getting with that said girl?

That's like asking why an artist is obsessed with beauty.

I don't know, it seems like he wanted to call it off right then, not eventually.
It's just a game, right, but what if one of the two doesn't wanna play? Not in the oooh nooooo :) cutesy way where you can tell she's clearly enjoying being teased, but in the stop this now way.
Does being married enable that sort of behavior? "Playing" after being told that it's not a game anymore?

Indians fetishize rape
t. Pajeet

Pretty much. Women are horrible at hiding red flags that they're whores. Most women haves cleavage pictures on social media, many male friends and orbiters, dress like whores, wear thong underwear, wear leggings, drink without their husbands supervision, openly have a long history of men they ''dated'' (fucked) and openly espouse feminist ideals so you know they are whores and only an idiot would trust them
It's proven that marriage with virgin women are much longer lasting or likely to last for good. So don't get with a whore or you're fucking stupid
Women that cheat make very little effort to hide hints and often drop hints on purpose because women feel too empowered these days ''lol I'm just gonna heart chads picture on Facebook because I want everyone to know how empowered I am and don't let my boyfriend stop me from flirting ;)''

r/MDEmemes and r/cringeanarchy are *mostly* left alone by libs. You can also write almost anything in the r/Jow Forums comments.

r/cringeanarchy is Jow Forums incarnate on reddit. It's more Jow Forums than Jow Forums4chan.

I'm not saying he behaved well, I'm just saying she's blowing things out of proportion.
Going from "my husband took a joke a little too far" to "my husband is a misogynist pig" is a big jump.
You can literally just tell him "Hey, this thing you did really upset me, please avoid doing it again or stop if I ask you to stop" and most men will understand. Maybe she'll need to remind him once or twice, but it's not a big deal.
It doesn't make him misogynist or sexist, it makes him a dumbass who doesn't know when to stop with his games.

Okay, I think we can agree on that, while it eas shitty behavior it's not really misoginy and she's not expressing her anger well.

What a fucking garbage man
Hope she divorces the sack a shit as soon as the kid grows up or the kid is ready

I can already guess who the bootlicking incels are defending here though


I don't think you know what that word means.

>Hope she divorces the sack a shit as soon as the kid grows up or the kid is ready

Goddamn bitch, from what we know he isn't that fucking bad. The first example is a complete non issue. That's just how men talk with their friends. As for the second one, he was just messing with her, and took it a bit far. That's what friends and SOs do. How boring must your life be if you don't joke around with people.

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>that 9gag tier pic
>uhm acktually....
>>Goddamn bitch
stopped reading right there
keep bootlicking you tribal cuck

Lol, ok. You type like a woman, and you're still not using that word right btw. Peace, cunt.

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this picture

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Please, lets not defend this shit head guy, there are plenty of more deserving men

white tits look the best

That husband sounds like a badass, thumbs up from me

Men like tits, it's not a white or American thing

I dont think there's any chance I could ever love a woman now and it's this fucking board's fault

Because she didn't start reading feminist propaganda until 9 years into her marriage.

From what I understand middle Eastern guys are into ass as much as blacks/Africans are, I think because middle Eastern women also have phatties. And according to some pornhub map, North Koreans are really into ass. I'm not sure why or how this information was gathered though, since North Koreans lack ass or internet access.

>obviously likes women
>somehow this means he hates women
fucking women

Is that Rick from the walking dead?

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>Middle eastern women are usually at least partially covered up, so idk what middle easterners fetishize,
Moroccans have a serious fascination with cuckholdry, which is extra fucked up when you can be locked up for it.

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There has to be more to this for her to call him a misogynist. She sounds like a fucking prude holy shit. This is one of my biggest fears about getting married, ending up with some stick-up-the-ass cunt who thinks you're a misogynist because you like womens bodies. He's trying to be playful and do some sexy shit, she can't even press her chest against some glass for her husband. There's nothing wrong with not being in the mood but she sounds like she actually resents her husband for being attracted to her. I bet she was a fucking freakazoid before they got married and had a kid too. She was probably sucking his dick all the time, along with everyone else's, until she got that ring on her finger. The only reason she probably ever had a kid is because she wouldn't let him fuck her unless it was for procreation. They had to do it missionary at 9 PM with the lights off. Then there are the pro-slut fags who think that marrying a whore prevents bullshit like this, but whores pull this shit too. Women also have Madonna-whore complexes and think that just because they're in a serious relationship now, they can't be nasty freaks like the old days. Then these retards sit around and wonder why their man is rolling into the city after work every Friday night to hit a strip club or fuck some hooker.

I really feel for my white brother here. He married a fucking clown.

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