How wage cucks do it? they work 40+ hours a week and they barely even spend 50% of their time in their homes...

how wage cucks do it? they work 40+ hours a week and they barely even spend 50% of their time in their homes. maybe even 25% if you don't count the time where they're sleeping because they're not conscious.

imagine needing to work so many hours only to experience your home for 25% of your day. yikes.

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This is why I work at home remotely.

>how wage cucks do it?
not very well, here's my routine
>take a shot when you wake up, more if you take the train and don't have to be sober
>listen to audiobooks at work
>nap sitting up at your desk if you can
>play sudoku in excel
>leave 10 minutes early because "i came in like 15 minutes early today"
>get blitzed on the train back home

I'm sacrificing my free time now so I can take it easy later and have a relatively good income during early retirement. Probably will go part time at age 35 at my current rate.

why do you think they spend so much on getting new cars. Because the only way to enjoy their money is buy a car and sit in it during heavy traffic to get that wage for the day.

Its literally not that different from going to school, expect vastly easier.

>Work two jobs for years to support myself and girlfriend who is studying
>Luckily one of these jobs was fulfilling and enjoyable, the other was stressful hard physical labour from 10pm to 8am
>This went on for 5 years
>Was really bad for my health and happiness
>Relationship is loveless and sexless, complete shit but don't have the heart to kick her out
>Try a couple of times when she goes totally fucking crazy (a common occurrence) but eventually cave when she cries and begs me to stay with her
>Life is miserable for me, but she says how thankful she is and she can't wait to make good money and buy me nice things and look after me to repay me
>We move to a different city
>Stay with her parents while we find work and save for a new place
>I work minimum wage shit while she gets a job in her studied profession
>I'm saving for a bond and other moving-in costs at a new place, she wastes all her money as soon as she gets it in spite of getting paid much more than me
>I tell her to stop and she gets mad because she has gone for years without getting to buy things she wants, as if I haven't as well
>I save all the money we need by myself, we move out and she gets a bunch of expensive shit on HP for our house without telling me, considers it fair that she pays that while I pay most of the real bills
>I regularly berate her about money and tell her that after all these years it isn't fair that she still doesn't pull her weight, she always tries to brush it off somehow
>By now she's starting to resent me even more than she already did, and is getting bad ideas put in her already selfish head by a stupid work colleague
>She decides she deserves Chad dick not some stupid beta, says we should break up but stay friends aka I still pay the bills while she gets railed in the next room
>Tell her to fuck off, have a mental breakdown, move back to my hometown

I mean most of us dont have a choice

I'm sick of this fucking house. It's fucking haunted. I rather be working somewhere than be stuck here

I enjoy my work. I've started taking extra shifts on the weekends because it's satisfying, certainly more so than spending 48h lazing around in front of the computer.
And the 120/h weekend rates get me that much closer towards the 6 month holiday I've got planned.

>they barely even spend 50% of their time in their homes.
8 hours work 8 hours recreation 8 hours sleep so its 2/3 of your time out of work (in theory)

how does it feel that some people have 12+ month holidays without ever working for it in their life

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Yikes, what a selfish whore. Should sue her for palimony, you're probably common law married.

>Work two jobs for years to support myself and girlfriend who is studying
dont need your 'Cont..' cuck

>Move back in with my mother
>I'd always had a bad relationship with her and wanted nothing more than to get away from her my whole life so this was a huge failing for me
>Go back to the miserable night shift job that I couldn't wait to leave, another huge failure
>For 2.5 years do almost nothing but work and save as much money as I can
>Almost $25,000
>Quit my job and party around the world for 8 months, have the absolute best fucking time I will ever have in my miserable piece of shit life and do so many great things that I always wanted to do but never thought I could
>Back to work again
>Got a new job that isn't bad but no motivation to keep saving
>Pretty much live just to get high on weekends
>I'm actually OK with this, life is pretty dull but it's better than it ever was before aside from the time I spent traveling
>I understand that this is it for me now, I will do some variation of this forever and never achieve anything noteworthy
>I should probably say here that I'm a high functioning person, was top in my school and stand out at most of my jobs as being better than everyone else, but they are retard jobs where you can not make any progress regardless of what you do
>What I'm getting at is I should be doing much more with my life but I struggle with motivation and self esteem issues
>Don't care, will just kill myself if it becomes too tedious. I've lived most of my life completely miserable and wanting to die so to be bored and unfulfilled isn't really bad by comparison


I unironically think that you can't improve the lives of women without them believing that they can now do better than you.

i have to work 30 hours a week and already feel like offing myself...if it was 40 would have gone long time

But not enough money to leave your house or do anything interesting.
What's the point?

8 hours recreation:
>an hour getting ready for work
>an hour each way sitting in traffic
>an hour of just sitting and recovering because you are exhausted after work
>1-2 hours doing various necessary household tasks, cooking cleaning shopping etc
>If you have kids then basically all other spare time goes to kid related shit

You're really lucky to get 2-3 hours of recreation. That saying was thought up in a time when only the man worked, so 8 hours per day even at a blue-collar job was easily enough to get by and he could just come straight home to a clean and tidy house and a hot meal then do what the fuck he wanted. We are being bent over and anally raped by capitalism every day.

I hate being at home. That shit sucks and I start feeling like shit if I stay there too long. I gots to be out and about nigger. I'm not saying working, but fuck sitting at home like a retard.

You are fucking cuck and women whore enabler, please kill yourself sooner before you create more wealth that you will redistribute to whores.

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anything spook?

Yes I think I agree.
I was really close to beating the fucking shit out of her after she broke up with me, like first I just said I agree we should break up and was kind of relieved because it had become obvious by that point that the relationship wasn't getting any better. Then over the next couple weeks I got more and more mad, I would come home from work and she would just be sitting there on dating apps laughing away with this smug bitch look on her face, totally validated in her selfish whoreishness. We'd argue about the most ridiculous things, like she complained that I didn't buy her flowers and jewelry and such for all those years that I was just barely keeping us afloat. At some point I lost my temper completely and threatened her and smashed up the house a bit, then told her to get out and not come back.
Yeah I was an idiot but I learned some hard lessons and I won't get fooled again.

Whatd you do for the 8 months?

I second this man's disposition.

Yeah we were and I could've got some money out of her but not all that much, but I wouldn't have done it under any circumstances because I find it kind of undignified.
Begging the courts to make her do the right thing because I was such a fucking idiot cuck, embarrassing really I'd prefer to just cut my losses and go.

That's one way to look at it. Or the other way would be you're getting back some or what you're owed since you supported her for so long.

I mean obviously I'm never going to do that again.
I was a complete loser at high school and thought I would never get a girlfriend so I was so relieved that someone would accept me even if she was a fucking cow, and I'd been brainwashed into thinking that women are humans like us with empathy and respect.

I spent most of the time in Europe going to festivals, seeing bands I never thought I'd get to see, going to places I'd always wanted to go, doing typical backpacker shit like getting drunk and banging dumb hoes, stayed at a hippie arts centre in the countryside and volunteered at their festival, just driving for sometimes days at a time to go wherever the fuck I felt like on the spur of the moment, doing coke and partying up a storm in Amsterdam, etc etc. I tried to do a whole range of different things.

I am so grateful I got to do that, I don't even care if I never top that for the rest of my life because I loved every fucking minute of it, even the stuff that I hated I loved the fact that I got to go and do it.
My life might have been shit til that point and may bit shit forever after, but >95% of the world's population will never get the chance to do what I did.

How do wagies handle having to constantly be nervous? At a job you have to keep continually acting to keep the job and act sociable, happy, and busy 24/7 and then your co workers and manager get pissed because they can see through your facade.

That's nice. It's something that always impresses me about modern society - just how easy it is to survive with minimal effort. Hell, with an internet connection you might even be able to live a satisfying NEET life.

It's not for me though. My hobbies are too expensive to fund on NEETbux.

>30min getting ready for work
>15 min each way commuting
>If you think basic household chores take 1-2 hours a day then you're life wrong.

How do neets spend their entire life in a room? you know this your only chance at life? Unless you're a trust fund baby your going to have to work evebtually neets. And when you do you'll be that 50 yo guy who works at mcDonalds

The bosses and managers are usually the laziest of them all. Most working class people spend half the day doing literally nothing

>imagine needing to work so many hours only to experience your home for 25% of your day

Unless you're one of the tiny fraction of people lucky enough to be independently wealthy, you need to work full time to afford a home. Honestly, you probably need two full time salaries to afford a decent one.

>But mummy's basement is free

That's not your home. That's someone else's home.

>But muh neetbux

Any shithole you can afford with neetbux is never going to be a true home, just a place to live.

Damn sounds dope. I wanted to go to europe for a couple months but I'm a bit too autistic to party as hard as you did. What were the bands you saw?

>The bosses and managers are usually the laziest of them all.

Very true. I recently became a project manager and I do a hell of a lot less work now than when I was an actual engineer.

Well I'm not much of a morning person so I prefer to give myself an hour before work, commuting time is dependent on location but most people I know it's 30mins-1hour, and just cooking yourself a decent meal and cleaning up after is the better part of an hour. Unless you eat takeaways or microwave food for every meal, which is quicker and easier and have fun dying at 45.
I was exaggerating slightly, but my point is that no one gets 8 hours a day of recreation if they work full time.

Mostly metal bands I've listened to since high school, I'll list a bunch of them if you want but if you don't know heavy metal then it's probably a waste of time.

I wouldn't be doing anything otherwise. I want to get more skilled, manipulate, move up the ladder, gain influence, all towards my plan of world domination. ofc a neet would never understand

Sure I was getting into thrash recently

>world domination
You're off to a good start by sitting here shitposting on Jow Forums user. Good job, I'll keep an eye out for you when the world is electing its new GOD emperor.

I can't break the cover through my manipulation, Jow Forums is the only place I can speak as your emperor... Thank you, I will make sure you're fairly rewarded

Agile? What do you do all day? Just play around in workflow Management softwares and gnatt charts?

Oh nice. So this was mostly at 2 major festivals then also a couple of smaller shows. Megadeth, Kreator, Gojira, Mastodon, Clutch, Rammstein, Korn, Suicidal Tendencies, Devildriver, Children of Bodom, Obituary, Mastodon, Opeth, Rob Zombie, Ensiferum, a bunch more that I didin't care much about but were kind of fun like Steel Panther and Alestorm, probably other good one's that I've forgotten too. Fuck there were so many man those festivals are just off the hook. Best time of my life.

It's either I work or we lose our home my dog and become homeless.
Now imagine college full time working 60 hours a week.

I've rarely gotten 6 hours of sleep the last 7 months.
I hate this.

Wow thatd be awesome. I love Opeth and Mastodon with a passion, others I'll check out. I was actually planning to book a ticket to an Opeth show at Waken when I go to europe, but it sold out like half a year in advance, shit

I prefer have no working. My mother is taking care for me :)

We use some agile methods, but full-on Scrum or Kanban isn't really possible in my field (automotive ADAS and HAD).

I work 3-4 hours/day on average, with about half of that being meetings. The rest of the time I'm just fucking around online generally.

My boss doesn't give a shit because I keep my projects on time and under budget.

Yeah I was planning to go to Wacken but the lineup wasn't as good as usual so the biggest one I went to was Graspop in Belgium. I'd mostly recommend Gojira, Devildriver and Megadeth off that list. I'd say start with Fury of our Maker's Hand for Devildriver, Peace Sells for Megadeth and pretty much any Gojira album.

Yeah, you're not gonna achieve world domination by chasing the carrot on a stick that your boss is dangling in front of you.

As long as I'm not an entrepreneur yet. I'll manipulate people into being my friends and better learn the tools of the trade, the minds behind the money. I'll do what I need to as continue to achieve perfection. But it's also important to achieve a chad lifestyle and always be fearless and determined, as any god should

Some people don't have a choice sadly user, I'm very lucky that I can NEET for a while but I need to find another job soon because the ever expanding work gap in my resume doesn't look good to employers.

How do they keep going to work without the constant fear of being fired? How do they go in there without being nerve wrecked because they have to put on an act all the time so people like them? How do you smile and be sociable 24/7? How do they go in not fearing the bosses and managers trying to fire you, bully you, or hurt you? Work seems too scary.

Because I'm their rightful god and will never be fired. I can come in late everyday, steal from them, and they still won't fire me. If you fear it, then you deserve your fire.

People just target me and victimize me. It's their animal instinct.

>be me wagecuck
>have to wake up at 5am
>get ready till 6am
>drive with the bus to work 7pm
>work till 4pm
>have to wait for the bus till 4:40 pm
>home at 6pm
>go to bed at 8pm
and then there was all the abuse at work and I was only an intern
Being a neet is a way better life can do what I want can sleep whenever I want, can go outside for a walk with my dog whenever I want.

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Was the pay good? Part-timer life isn't so bad for me rn, but still on the lookout for higher paying jobs

I get "victimized" at my work too, you embrace it and basically don't give a fuck about it. You're there for money if it's a minimum wage job, and a guy who's been basically mocking me since he joined on is now trying to go to a bar with me

Not at all It was a fucking one year internship that we had to do in my country (not anymore) 400 euro a month for 8h of work is a fucking joke and I had to do literally everything there. And my fucking supervisior was a fucking feminist cunt.

What were you interning? Didnt it still help out in the longrun to ur resume

>a month
Wow, hopefully it wasn't fulltime. I'm making $1000 a month parttime as a tipped cashier

Well, what's stopping you? Quit your job and start your own business.

Oh wait, you can't. 'Cause if you do that you'll quickly realize that you can't quit your job because you don't have any other source of income, and you don't have any other source of income because all your resources are tied down to your current job. That will be the cruel moment when you're hit with the soul-crushing realization that you're stuck doing the same thing forever. Kek!

Itt was either being a wage cukc or dying out on the street in the middle of a small town thousands of miles away from home. Ain't a wagecuck no more, but the pain I had to suffer through. I will never forget those years.

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Not quite pal. I still live in my parents house and am working towards upping my 3.5gpa towards computer engineering, and thought why not get some capital resources on the side to help fund the beginning of my conquest of this planet. Currently sitting on 13k

These are sad people who need to make themselves feel better than others.
Look at it like this, if you get paid minimum wage you are basically near the bottom of society, but no one likes to think of themselves like that. The only way they can resolve it is that they are too good for their work, that everyone else there are morons who deserve to be making shit money but they themselves are above that but have just been unfortunate in their life circumstances. So they'll take this out on the easiest targets, try to make you look stupid or whatever. Act like the whole place is completely incompetent and they are the only ones who really know what's going on.

In a way this is my own point of view too, it's just a cope and a covert means of self-promotion so don't take it personally.

social work in a school for retarded kids and not really their report on me was meh. The work there even drove me nearly to suicide because of that advisior bitch

It was fucking fulltime 8h a fucking day as an INTERN. I had 2h of freetime everyday expect weekends

>how wage cucks do it?
By not having any other choice. I am not eligible for the dole, and my parents wouldnt support my life style if I moved back with them. What else am I supposed to do?

So is that specific intern required, as in with special kids? I've never heard of something like this being required, thats odd
Thats hell

Woman like that should be crushed you dumb fool, but for some reasons boys around here like having their nuts in a vice. Never do that again.

i have to because of probation. i get shaky/bad anxiety and have heart palpitations everyday now and i just started last week (rite aid in the hood). thought working in a small store would be easy but the customers make it hell. just hoping I can learn the extra things on register fast so the job is a breeze. my old jobs years ago were working retail folding clothing alone or helping hardline people in the warehouse. I want to cry all the time now and I don't even work that much. going back in 2 hours. fuck me

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Its a social year or military service and it was the last year of that shit, to bad I wasnt born one year later

I didn't work until I 28. Honestly by that point I felt like I was slowly going insane. I had so much time to myself, nothing was enjoyable anymore, I couldn't find anything to do, there was nothing but an endless wallowing in my own misery. That's not to say that I'm happy now that I work, but I have 40 hours each week to take my mind off of things. My thoughts are more focused now as well.

I find working in those environments is the easiest for a robot god like me. It's so easy to manipulate them, they let me steal food and give me personal benefits, like not complaining when I'm personally late. The work is already such a mess that when you have balls of steel they become reliant on you. But I do feel "unfortunate in my life circumstances", while not that I'm "too good for my work". I've been slacking off as your god and I'm sorry, but I've been picking up the pace and will learn talents to give me more resources to once again regain control.

Wow, I think I might've chosen military service to at least have time to get fit

Do they ask about coupons and EBT all the time? I lived in the sheer ghetto once and that's all I'd see. It looked absolutely brutal. I can't do those jobs anymore due to being an emotional shaky mess that used to contemplate suicide more than anything else. I actually had a mental breakdown at one job then tried to drink myself to death. Didn't take and now I'm trying to brace myself for whatever more shit life will throw at me.

I wish I had done the same, but my parents atleast my mom is 100% liberal and thinks that soldiers are murders so she talked me out of it

Holy fucking shit. I'm at the point to where I find no joy in anything and anger's one of the few things that makes me feel strongly. I ended up hallucinating for a while and losing stretches of time. The only thing that I'm banking on pulling me out of this abyss is that I've chosen one skill to get better at that I will work on everyday whether I like it or not.

nah disability is a thing

I didnt know the term liberal correlated with being against the military, but she doesn't realize how necessary it is to keep things in check. Humans aren't all hubbys who just want to give you flowers

I don't feel I'm owed anything for being a god damned idiot, even if it is the law.

No OP, that's cuck mentality. Take the money next time

Yeah fuck that shit. There's a they have ingrained the sheeps with the thought of being a NEET should be something to be ashamed of and shunend upon. If that wasn't the case fucking everyone would just be a neet and no one would be a contributing citizen.

ebt/food stamps are on cards so the customer just scans them and i press a button to accept their payment. so that's okay. my problem are bottle collections (we dont have a machine), western union shit, giving people a new wellness card though I don't plan on asking them that once I'm good enough on register. if I could only scan items and they all pay with cards and we had a bottle return machine I would be good

Just get a job, man. Go to a tempt agency and they'll find you something. Stick with it no matter how hard it is. Things will eventually start to clear up some and your free time will start to feel valuable again.

I'd say the opposite, I think the most """"manly"""" thing you can do in that case is keep your dignity and don't go begging to anyone else to pay you back for what were obviously stupid decisions.

I had a $50k salary out of uni and more than $500-$1000 spending money every month. If I got a roommate earlier I would've had another $600, but I could afford to live by myself.

I liked my job more than I liked being at home. You know all those things you tell yourself you'll eventually do? You can get paid to do that. Know how you tell yourself you're good at things? You're really not. People don't respect you or think you're a good person.

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fuck "dignity" and take the money. What do you want to still look impressive to that whore? Why top a stupid decision with another one?

temp agency, I man

I've been NEET for a long ass time and I always thought working (even at McDonald's) would be awesome - obviously I haven't changed my ways, but seeing my parents live the same day in and out doesn't look much better than what I'm doing. Obviously I'm a giant loser, but the opposite doesn't look like the promised land.

I liked it more first time

You should definitely replace the alcohol with phenibut.

>I liked my job more than I liked being at home.

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>You know all those things you tell yourself you'll eventually do? You can get paid to do that.
I can get paid to play Minecraft? Wow!

You dumb fool. I've already worked for most of my life in terrible situations in various jobs. I want more than that now. I want to climb to the top of whatever this is. Failure doesn't scare me anymore. I've been chewed up and spat out and now I'm pissed about it all. Even if I feel no fulfillment I will let this anger guide me through life. My life may be terrible, but I will keep working myself to the bone till it changes.

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who else kind of wants a job but is too shy to apply or even go to an interview?

Computer Engineering is a thing. I'm waiting for a callback on an FPGA job.

I work my 40 hours in 3 days so I can relax the other 4

Calm down buddy, I assumed you were a fellow long-time NEET like me. I recommend to you the anime Texhnolyze. I think you may relate to it.

It's not about looking impressive to her, it's about feeling that you make your own way in life and don't need anyone to help you out. It's worth more to my self esteem than the money, and that's not even taking into account the time and stress caused by actually going to court over something like that.
Are you American?