Name a better feeling than this

name a better feeling than this

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having a real man do that to you instead

Your father's approval and love.

Whats with all the /lgbt/ raids lately? they actually seem to be increasing

y'all just want revenge for gamergate and milo

you are no hero

same bless you friend

this is the first wholesome post ive seen in ages

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this is gay, can you please stop making gay posts here? thanks

Sauce on the vid haha

I quite like it, unironically

>name a better feeling than this

not a straight thread so dont care

Nothing gay with masturbation, not gay until you're actually having sex with a guy

>name a better feeling than this
Getting dubs

this but unironically

i have a long term gf but enjoy fucking the cum out of my balls with a dildo because prostate orgasms are much stronger

how does one build up the butthole endurance to do this? Everytime I try to stick stuff up my ass it wont go up, I think my butt is too tight or something

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copious amounts of lube
enjoy faggot

its been like this for a year now this is why i stopped using this board

Lots of lube, more lube on top of that, go slow, start small

a lot of robots are sissies/prison gay

dry orgasm is supposed to feel better

cant name a better one, you should join here 6cyJmj

I just fucked my ass for the last hour or so with a dildo, came like a fountain, and am now browsing Jow Forums with lots of blankets and pillows around me, enjoying the feeling of my gaping boipucci leak out lube. A pretty good feel.

I've never been able to do it :( i'm a bad sissy

a big juicy mare pussy

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>I just fucked my ass for the last hour or so with a dildo, came like a fountain, and am now browsing Jow Forums with lots of blankets and pillows around me, enjoying the feeling of my gaping boipucci leak out lube. A pretty good feel.

There's no better feeling that fucking your ass for hours desu
The feeling of being right on edge is amazing

>I've never been able to do it :( i'm a bad sissy
Get a man to do it for you

A hug senpai.

Doing that to a biological female.

Any tips to achieving that?

I wish I had more money so I could buy one of these neet traps and make them my live in sex slaves. Chastity belt is mandatory of course

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Doesn't your arm get tired?

>went from being interested in traps to being prison gay to seeing muscular guys walking around campus and get a tingle down my spine
>gotten so gay that i dont even feel the homoshame anymore
>now trying to find a guy near my age to date instead of just scrolling through grindr looking for quick sex and then getting disgusted and closing it
Stay away from traps. Or don't, you could become gay as well and be my robot bf if you want

where u from? orginael

i wish you had more money so i could do that for you too, user

I live in Florida, since writing that post though I think I may have scheduled my first date though

>/lgbt/ raids
Does it ever occur to you that virgins at the depths of depravity are more likely to be gay, without a need for external "raids"?

well were too far from eachother anyway, good luck with your date user! i hope you find love

That's Jes. As far as I know "she" only posts in /b/ threads every now and then

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Just friendship first at least, we're gonna hang out and its implied it will lead to gay shit