I want to take the time to thank all the hard working men and women whose taxes contribute to my disability payments. Your involuntary donations help fund my lifestyle.
Look at all that my NEETbux have paid for!
Glad I found ways around it so you can't thank me OP. Have fun wasting your life though and thanks for being one less competitor.
clearly it doesnt pay for any electricity, or the common sense to turn on a fucking light when taking a picture.
Couldnt afford a light bulb?
Tax evasion is a federal offense. Now get back to work, wage slave!
Obviously I have electricity if I have a working computer monitor. But all my electronics is glow-in-the-dark, so I don't need to turn on the light.
el glowo... la cia... yikes...
Nice lamp, OP.
Love how NEETs never post sports gear or anything relating to the outdoors. Their possessions are always in their darkened hiki cave.
As someone on neetux, how do you deny the overwhelming feeling of dissatisfaction? How do you continue to be bored for years and years with no end in sight? Why havent you killed yourself? I need to know.
Why would I want to leave my cave? Everything I need is right here.
How much do you get, poorfag?
You can't be motivated to work on projects without money and fear? How sad. :(
lol I know, precious, I know.
what could you possibly work on then? Ive been pretending im productive by learning japanese and german but I know its for mothing. There is no reason to do anything and you know it. If you have a concrete way to distract yourself from this feeling then please share
A little over $600/month. I live in a retard house, so rent is really cheap. Plus the staff cook us dinner every night. I'm playing life on easy mode, and all because I was born with shitty neural wiring.
Enjoy being a poorfag stuck in your cage the rest of your life. I make in a day what you make in a month, and am allowed to go outside, how does that make you feel?
Die in a fire. Why should you get to be more reetarded than me? Life isnt fair
Everything is pointless in a meaningless universe. Being a wageslave won't change that
How do you get on with your flatmates?
I'm glad you asked, because I love talking about my personal goals and projects. Let's see, right now I'm working on setting up a DNS server on my Raspberry Pi. A couple days ago I installed Windows 95 in a virtual machine because I love messing around with old operating systems and now I'm looking at ways to get it networked. I've been writing a password generator program in C, which I'm currently working on Version 2.0 of. I do photography of abandoned buildings and do artistic nude photoshoots of myself because I'm an exhibitionist. Yesterday I made a playlist of all the songs I wanted to share with my roommate, and we listened to and enjoyed them together, thanks to my new Bluetooth speakers (paid for by your tax dollars of course).
The moral here is that you don't need some grand external purpose to be motivated. The best motivation is to realize that life is fundamentally pointless and that it's up to us to create our own meaning.
The only way to end this purgatory is to do something aweful. I understand. Youve been a lot of help.
>how does that make you feel?
He said, arguing with a literal retard on Jow Forums.
Fucking kill yourself dude.
fuck man, this makes the fact that Ive been playing pirated visual novels obsessively for the last couple months feel not so bad. I guess Ill continue to pretend I dont exist.
Glad I was able to help. :) I really only made this thread to piss people off and to show off my unearned material possessions, but if someone found solace in my post-nihilistic life philosophy, I'm glad for that.
It's a mixed bag. Some I'm good friends with. Others I tolerate. The more severely disabled and vulnerable ones I take advantage of. What can I say? I'm a psychopath. Other people don't mean shit to me.
jesus christ clean up your workstation
what are you even using that breadboard for
>3 vim shortcuts
it seems like your life is a smorgasbord of indecision
you really need to shape up dude
Wagies are mad now lmao
>Bet you never go outside
>tfw spend my disability bux on steroids and fast food
>The moral here is that you don't need some grand external purpose to be motivated. The best motivation is to realize that life is fundamentally pointless and that it's up to us to create our own meaning.
It is impossible to create your own PURPOSE in life for the word literally means the reason you were created, which by definition and logically only your creator can choose.
Are you a virgin?
Existence precedes essence, nigga
>Existence precedes essence
Makes literally no sense, kid.
Why's that?
Are you saying we are born with a purpose.
>I believe in the invisible sky friend, and anyone who doesn't must be a virgin.
KYS, retard.
All created things have a purpose, whether car, human, coca cola bottle or whatever
t. low intelligence young teenager
So what's the God-given purpose of gay porn?
ahah, the brainlets are awake
Did God create gay porn, you literal retard?
The purpose of gay porn, as created by your Jew masters, is to reduce population growth, weaken nation states, destroy institutions whether religious or governmental, etc.
Okay, then what's the purpose of homosexuality?
Are you mentally retarded? Nobody created it, it's the byproduct of mental illness.
Who created mental
Do you ever think that if you changed your ways, how you would justify and make up what you've taken? Would you donate all of that shit? Sell it, then give the money to some charity?
Humans create other humans though
>Implying that I have a conscience.
You realize you literally just defeated your own argument? You said all people have a divine purpose because they're created by God, but now you're saying people are created by other people. If people are created by other people and not by God, then by your logic, no one has a purpose. If people are created by God, then their mental illnesses are as well, so homosexuality, being a mental illness, has a purpose. You literally could not have contradicted yourself in a more perfect way.
Fake and gay, there's no reason a NEET would even need to own a graphing calculator, let alone have it out on their desk.
I'm the nerdy autistic kind of NEET, not the fat gamer kind.
The sad part is that you still have more than me.
op used it for ohm's law one time
Material possessions are fleeting. But who am I arguing with again oh. A mentally I'll dumbass neet. Bye.
Eh good for you. I'm paid shekels to do the same kind of work and its less appealing now that it's a job.
I get double your neetbux and keep a better living space, too. Don't draw fire or they'll find ways to fuck it up. Keep your head down, retard, you're messing it up for us autists.
Anything worth having you mean.
I don't resent paying for people with genuine disabilities. They will never know the nice lifestyle I lead. It's a shame. Absolutely nothing to envy about their sad little neet caves.
>get almost 900 in NEETbux a month
>blow it on fast food, Nintendo and twitch streamers
Yeah, but the government's not going to take away our NEETbux as that money makes us useful to Big Food, Big Pharma, etc. As long as we're drugged up on prescription meds and giving the corporations money for it, we've got it made. Corporatism truly is a double-edged sword. It's fucked up and I fucking hate it and have vowed to defeat it, yet it enables a sort of socialism that allows bottom feeders like you and me to live comfortably without working.
Also, I know it may not seem like it with this thread and all, but I actually do want to get a job at some point. It would be nice to have the extra income, as long as I'm not working 40 hours a week. I figure I'll just stock shelves for 20 hours a week and make enough money to build a much more badass rig than what I have now. Still, it's fun to identify myself as a lazy NEET and sort of rub it in people's faces that their tax dollars are paying for me to do absolutely nothing all day. :P
don't worry about these hypocrytes who say you are taking tax dollars, there are so many working people who take subsidies for thing like childcare that would be much more than you get
sure you do
working everyday then getting shoved into a nursing home is a great way to live too
the gym membership is enough
>get 800 a week doing easy work
get $1120 a month :D thx centrelink
So a bunch of junk?
I feel so good I don't have to survive on $700 a month in retardbucks
oh yes, deus vult indeed my friend
dont you have a fundraiser for your churches new roof to complete?
OP is based. Normalfags work their entire lives in the vague hope that they might get to be NEET for a few short years when they're old and demented and can't do anything anymore. True NEETs cut out all that and live their lives in young NEETdom when they can still enjoy it all to the fullest. The economy is totally rigged anyway and will be falling apart soon, may as well sit back, relax and enjoy your time.
>laptop with separate keyboard
are you fucking kidding me bro
>living on 13440/yr
Thats literally less than min wage. What a terrible life.
tfw i could buy that in a month
and dont live with the constant fear that one day i might get kicked out and have to provide for myself
i can also actually bring women home and fuck them because i dont live with my mom
worth imo
you can see them if you're driving.
How is that living life to the fullest. It's a grimy little hovel. I don't really care if that's a satisfactory lifestyle for some, but it definitely isn't for the majority of us.
You'd be surprised how much of an extra convenience it is to be able to lean back in my chair while I type at my desk.
FYI, that "bunch of junk" is hundreds of dollars worth of fully functional electronics. Some people blow their life savings on jewelry or fancy clothes. At least my junk actually does stuff.
I don't live with my parents. I live in a government-subsidized house for retards. And while you don't live in the constant fear of being kicked out, you do live in the constant fear of being fired from your job as soon as your boss decides they don't need you anymore, and then losing your home because you can no longer pay the mortgage.
Wish america wasn't stingy with the neetbux, though I may go get hit by a car and become cripple because honestly that sounds better than wage slaving.
Do it, my man. The more people stop supporting the capitalist system through their slave labor, the sooner it will collapse from the inside.
Trust me I'm neeting for as long as possible, unless there is no alternative then I'm getting a part time and living frugally.
I hate society, I feel no desire and in fact take pleasure in leeching off it.
what do you do all day. give me a break down of your typical day
why did God create shitskins? was it so i can enjoy blacked and cuckoldry?
It was because he created white women and knew immediately what they were for: black cock.