Christmas wish thread

What do you guys want for Christmas? I want a female friend when I move to Scotland.

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I want another Raspberry Pi for my computer cave.

I want my ex back. I bought her a gold necklace with a diamond chain that's shaped like her name for Christmas. I hope she likes it.

She'll like it I'm sure. Doesn't mean she'll take you back.

I know. I don't expect her to.

I wish for a reason to live.

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I dont know.I have everything :(

Security in my life and to turn things around

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I want a bayonet like pic related or a gf.

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Hold on a second I just realised it was from smith and wesson, I guess any carbon steel bayonet that is not smith and wesson.

I want precious fembot smiles

i'd really want a new pc cuz the current one is giving up on me and I couldn't imagine life without one

I want one of these genuine restored helmets. They look good and I've always had a thing with WWII German stuff. Sadly they're quite pricey.

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I want the annihilation of all niggers, kikes, arabs, muslims, and spics. Permanently.

I wish I wasn't so cripplingly anxious. I wish I could go outside and just enjoy the nature and reality. I wish I wasn't terrified of losing my mind all the time. I wish I wasn't so hypochondric.

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I want the woman I see weekly that I have an insanely large amounts of things in common to just invite me out for coffee or something, even on a platonic level. I seek only companionship, I'm fucking dying of loneliness.

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I jist want my big brother to love me

I want a pair of my own skis. Good quality ones that can go really fast and have the turned up backs for backward skiing.

Happiness and health for the man I love.
I don't even care about myself anymore, I just want to know that he's alright.

I just want her to come back.

my christmas wish is for a femanon to sit on my face

Realistically, I want a polaroid camera. I want to make one of those gay hipster picture albums. What I REALLY want is a fat jewish girl to fug, but that'll probably take longer than christmas.

you don't need her, there's no point if she doesn't need you. move on. trust me. try to have some self respect please

Realistically? I want some moneys. Truthfully, a girl to lay in bed with me. Not even anything sexual just the warmth and comfort...

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prob immediate death.

I thought this was the Christmas wish thread, not a Christmas need thread, faggot.

I wish to have infinite will power.

I want to be in space

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A more realistic wish than mine:

Why don't you ask her out, dumbass?

It's not one of those situations where I'm in a position to do so. She would have to instigate the breaking of the norms for any non-professional social exchange to take place.

I want a qt amazon varbie to dominate me and make me her plaything. Afterwards I'll fall asleep in her arms.

I want a gf. I know I don't deserve one but I don't know what to do about that and it's tearing me apart.
Please help me!

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>stop being an animeposter
>delete discord, because I know you're the type of faggot who would have it
>lift weights for over a year consistently
>start grinding social skills
A gf will arrive in the mail within 5 months of completing these steps.

Please don't bully, I've never used discord.
How do you grind social skills when you have no social life, also how do I life consistently for a year in 5 months?

Why in your right mind would you ever want to go to that shit hole I've lived there all my life and believe me it's just full of junkies and arseholes go somewhere else any where but scotland

I'm going to study there for half a year. I hope I can get a hot redhead friend or gf.