ITT annoying things old fucks (30 and over) do

One of the most disgustingly annoying things I've seen adults over 30 say (20 something here) is how "dumb" and "immature" young people are, or how they need to "grow up". Whereas most 30 year olds are even more plagued by insecurities and failures than young people are. They are not better, few of them truly learn from their mistakes, and all of this parading around as authorities on what is mature and proper is one of the most condescending and pathetic things I have seen in my life.

Attached: 1543603337144.png (1417x2006, 993K)

Don't worry you'll get there one day

unless I kill myself before 30

Pic related cancels out your whining about maturity, bud.

>proclaim you a fucking genius just because you study mathematics
I'm just a normal fucking human being who likes solving puzzles for fucks sake. Why do they have to make such a big deal out of it?

You're proving the point. You are dumb and immature and clueless about what people in their 30s are like. You forget that people in their 30s have already lived through their 20s and can look back and realize how dumb they were.

>be under 30
>cry because you don't understand how bad things really are yet
soon, newfriend. soon.

It's a meme picture meant to atract atention

The older you are the more you should and will learn. If you're meeting lots of 30+ failures you need to learn how to make better connections. The only people who truly are failures in their 30s are NEETs, drug addicts, and roasties who were too picky.

Same here, people seem to think only 170IQ spergs study STEM.

Also "You've changed, you used to hide in your room when people came to visit." That pisses me off so much. I didn't change, I'd still like to rip all your faces off and go lock myself in my comfy room. But society expects me to come out and "hang out" with you normies.
The only thing that's changed is I've become more depressed, started cutting myself, going to mass and reading the Bible. Also slight antisemitism. Everything else has stayed the same.

Obviously I cant understand, but the whole "acting like im better" thing, and telling people to grow up.. thats not how it works. This stage in my life also has difficulties, looking down upon someone inexperienced is retarded.

Lol fucking no. You think Ive not spoken to a 30 year old before? I see dumb cunts like that on the daily. All insecure. All dissatisfied with their jobs. All giving out advice like candy and following none of theirs.

That has nothing to do with their age, it only means that you surround yourself with shitty people.

honestly if he didn't learn by 18 he won't learn by 30

Most people are quite shitty.

>I see dumb cunts like that on the daily. All insecure. All dissatisfied with their jobs. All giving out advice like candy and following none of theirs.
And you don't have insecurities? You really thought people are supposed to enjoy their jobs? You sound like you got your ideas about life from movies. The real world isn't full of happiness.

I fucking know im insecure mate. The difference is I know where Im lacking and I still want to improve parts of my life WITHOUT acting like I have it all together because of my age and experiences. Even though many go through life, and have all these experiences and learn NOTHING from them. My point is dont be a condescending trash.

So let me know if I understand correctly : you are an entitled little shit who thinks he's figured the world while also playing the "I have my own insecurities" card to avoid criticism right ? And you wonder why you are surrounded by shitty people, you are one of them yourself.
Pic related is you

Attached: UHevHz5.png (659x885, 359K)

>My point is dont be a condescending trash.
It's easy to say that now but you won't once aging sets in. Aging changes your mindset on everything.

The best about this is that growing up just means wageslaving

Anyone under 25 should be in a fucking death camp

>all the 30sfags pile into the thread to prove him right

They actually proved you wrong, OP.

They probably are better than you. The fact that you're here whining about this proves it. Grow up.

No, I mean what I sayabout the insecurities. What I mean is that I'm not a cunt when I see someone less experienced than me, and I dont expect them to be more than they are, and than their age allows them to be. I dont surround myself with any old fucks, but I happen to have known some, including my parents. Do you find it a sign of fucking maturity when instead of receiving genuine advice on how to deal with an issue, I am told to " grow up" or "stop being a kid"? Get the fuck out. All I ask for is for cunts to stop being condescending. And age is not a fucking excuse, that's just weak people talk.

haha all these angry boomers showing off their perceived moral superiority. when us zoomers take over you'll be forced to work in camps with all other welfare retards like niggers and beaners hahahaha

I had that experience too. Old people want to believe they become wiser even if they do nothing with their lives. I've had alcoholics living on the streets try to lecture me.
zoomers don't even have jobs bruh. Not to mention medicine and diet is making many aging problems mild or even reversible. Boomers are going to be in power for a long time.

>soon, newfriend. soon.

I almost feel sorry for him.

This is why you need to stand up for yourself. Old people hate it when young people talk back but it's an important part of life. Aging, especially for normies who drink, makes you dumb and forgetful. They start to believe their own lies. Remember, every day you grow stronger and they grow weaker.

Endless amounts of 30yo trying their hardest for research. Their PhD wasn't enough, strive for the divine.

I'm 23 and I think 18 year olds and dumb as shit

I felt like this at 23, and now at 28 I feel like 23 year olds are dumb as shit

I agree wholeheartedly. Whenever someone starts saying I should respect the older, I ask them:
>do you really want the only reason for me to respect you to be because of your age?

That's what everyone says, user.

You sound like an asshole. But I like your pic for some reason, so I'll give you that...

You're right OP, zoomers are definitely more adaptable and less likely to be wrapped up in neocon bullshit. But I also think people 20-30 years old don't have fully developed brains and are exposed to cancerous shit on the internet way too early in their development, so they basically grow up thinking memes are real.

But the drug addicts are the cool 30+ people.

I am 33 and think 28 year olds are dumb as shit