Having kids vs not having kids

Having kids vs not having kids

Lets hear your opinions

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White people are in an emergency state where they absolutely need to have kids

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Robot womb kids

I want them engineered with extra autism

>I want them engineered with extra autism


that seems...nice

I dont want to have kids. If someone wants them it's their problem.

if you're a robot you probably have shit genes and it would be unethical to pass them on, both for society and your offspring.

no kids = more freedom, more money and less chores

kids = the "joys" of parenting

Only people that have a lot of money and can pass a parenting exam should be allowed to have kids. Everyone else can fuck off, you're causing too many problems. It's wrong and selfish to have a child just because you want one, because chances are high that you would be a shitty parent.

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If someone wants kids fine, if they don't that's fine too.

Depends on the personand what situation they are in, I wouldn't let most of r9k including myself have kids now

>Do you have thoughts other than "muh sex"?
>Are your genetics good enough to make them at least normal?
>Do you have enough resources to put into a kid?
>Do you know how to properly raise a kid?
>Do you acknowledge that your kid's responsibilities are yours by extent?

If you answer no to any of that and still want to breed you should be forcibly castrated. Easy as pie.

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>probably raise kid
>he still ends up being criminal

I really don't understand why people wouldn't want to have children. For 99.999% of people it is the most important and rewarding thing that will happen in their life.

I feel like the only exception is if you're an Olympian or something where you have responsibilities that transcend your every day life. Even so, loads of Olympians and heads of state have children anyway.

I feel like the people that say they want all the free time and money that comes with not having children are quite naive. Yes there are lots of negative aspects of being a parent, but anything that is worth having has challenges. There'd be no point going to university if your degree doesn't challenge you, for example.

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>no kids = more freedom, more money and less chores

selfish narcissistic fucks like you are the reason why the white race is dying out

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>Are your genetics good enough to make them at least normal?

Criminal behavior and empathy is hereditary.

Maybe i'd be a father but i hate women so that's not going to happen.
>inb4 adoption
that's not going to happen if i'm straight white male.

have kids:
>will ruin my body
>will ruin my bank account
>no freedom

don't have kids:

i see no benefit to having kids

>There'd be no point going to university if your degree doesn't challenge you
how bout money you naive doublenigger

Freedom to do what?

Do you not think that a life without meaning is worse than one with meaning?

>white race is dying out
I literally dont care whats going to happen after my death.

To travel, to study, to work, to move around, to do literally anything without thinking about someone else who relies on me.

Absolutely not.

If your degree is easy then you should go to a better, harder university, get a better degree, and earn more money. If your degree isn't challenging then you just limiting your earning potential.

Who fucking cares, if you dont have kids you dont have anyone to worry about if the world gets fucked, its literally win/win

>To travel

So what do you intend to do when you're 30, you've travelled everywhere you particularly want to go and got your degree etc?

She/He will get a puppy and that will be child substitute.

I'm not having kids in a time where race mixing is legal.

>renowned unis are automatically harder
besides this being wrong your entire schtick doesn't hold up since networking and work experience is infinitely more valuable


Probably kill myself

Look at her fake eyes.

>To travel, to study, to work, to move around, to do literally anything without thinking about someone else who relies on me.

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I can't see much point in life if I'm not going to have children.
Every time I think about it I come to the conclusion I might as well kill myself.

>besides this being wrong your entire schtick doesn't hold up since networking and work experience is infinitely more valuable

>Working hard and networking are mutually exclusive

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are you a retard or did you misread my post on purpose? we're not talking about working hard and the point is that networking and work experience does much more for your career than being an autist

>networking and work experience does much more for your career than being an autist

Who will earn more money?
>someone that networks and works hard to get good grades
>someone that networks and just has average grades

again, that is not what we're talking about. try again

>selfish narcissistic fucks like you are the reason why the white race is dying out

lol i'm not white you dumb supremacist

I'm not having them under any circumstance. If the perfect woman fell out of the sky and told me she wanted to have my kids I'd tell her to fuck off. I wouldn't make a good father, my genes are trash, and moreover, I'm too selfish for that bullshit. This is my one and only life, to be used as I see fit; I'm not going to waste it on producing an ungrateful little parasite or three that happen to have the misfortune of looking like me.

White people need to die. Ok?

Im not even in my 20's and I really think being a father would be one of the best gifts I could get. May be my instict or some shit. For now I just want to develop my life and decide in the future, kids can cost you a lot of time and money and I don't want to be the shittiest father ever.

>I must speak in terms found in National Geographic to sound like I am in a white lab coat discussing baboons
>I want to procreate and have offspring because I'm a monkey who wants muh legacy to live on

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A lot shit depends on mother, so choose wisely.

you are an obvious trolll but it seems that a group from uc berkely has raided r9k

i posted my face here and two fat fucking feminist dykes were staring at me in sequoia national parlk

I don't want kids because thats a fuck ton of money to piss away on someone who won't realise how much they love me until i'm dead.

I have Aspergers and symptoms if schizophrenia, so its a no for me

im bi and I haven't had any relationship since I started my ''adult years'' so much shit is uncertain that the only thing I know for sure is that I don't wanna die alone and I wouldn't mind adopting a child by myself just safe them from a shitty orphan life.

At the end of the day who cares, I'm just an autist outcast with to many fantasies inside my head.

I want to have kids because I legit think my genes are good and that I should pass them forward

not having kids when there's a risk of popping someone as retarded and cringey as you in the world

>I legit think my genes are good and that I should pass them forward
>posts on r9k

Put my life into my thesis. My body, mind and soul into my work until I achieve perfection or die trying

This. People only start worrying about society when they have kids

>implying that everyone in r9k is a manlet like you

>heads of state
all leaders in europe are childless

>the only defining feature of his is height

>not having a 10/10 gf and watching you retards over a glass of wine
lmao at your shitty life

>he's so devoid of activities that he's watching retards ON purpose

>denying your basic instincts of watching disaster happen without being involved in it
as I've said, lmao at your life

never had interest in having family.

Why don't you want to help create the race of the future?

fair enough, if you're one of those that can go above your instincts. I'm not, sadly.

What about if the perfect woman had the opposite conditions to your trash genes?

Doesn't change the fact that I'm too selfish. I'm taking an axe to the family tree desu, the buck stops here.

I know but I think that historically childless heads of state aren't that common.

Can you afford them?
Are you without mental illness?
Are you without inheritable diseases?
Simple as that.

Unless you're filthy rich and have several exit strategies as far as leaving your country is concerned it's a stupid idea. The bare bones traditionalist larp is a huge mistake and a lot of people's children are going to needlessly suffer because they wanted their family to look like a picture perfect 50's painting of a family sitting at a dinner table. A lot of these people raising families don't have good job security too, all their hard work can be taken away from them in the blink of an eye the day someone gets hurt without insurance or crashes a car.

I like the idea of having kids but we don't make enough money in NYC to even entertain the idea.

Putting lipstick on a pig

The opposite of this is true, once you're a parent you don't care if you're buying Nestle water and fucking over people living near the great lakes as long as you and your family are the ones to receive it first. Trust me on this one.

>have 10/10 gf
>post on Jow Forums anyway because it's trendy to be a loser

>letting others dictate about what losing and winning means
no wonder you're an incel

>I want kids because muh purpose in life

I have so much shit to do, wasting time and money on something I don't want is stupid, not even that, you'd also have to spend time and money on your girl, fuck that.

I'm killing myself once I'm done experiencing all the things I want to experience, not like it matters if I kill myself now or 10 years from now. Nothing matters in the end, I don't want to play this fucking game and fall into that routine everyone falls into, free will is a lie.

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>agreeing on objective measures of winning and losing means you're a loser

>let others dictate
No, it's a given that the shit you post here is too edgy for your friends on facebook to digest, meaning you're 100% guaranteed to be a coward and a loser with an 8/10 gf at best. Nobody here will ever be impressed by you.

I dislike children, and any spawn I brought into the world would probably have all the same problems I have and thus hate an resent what part I had in their coming into existence. So I'm generally down on it, personally, but do as you please.

Why would I want to have kids in a Western world that's getting more and more shitskins every year? First the race war, then we can talk about having kids.

Uh user that sounds like paranoia to me

What are the odds of someone recognising you from a competitve goat circumcising bulletin board? Not to mention this isnt a place fat dykes frequent

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50% chance of divorce initiated by women.
see kids on weekends if your lucky.
alimony and child support.

Pic related.

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>have good genes (at least for physical attributes)
>no interest on having children
Why would anyone willingly take care of another person for 18 years? For the 1 in a million that they make you "proud" and you can take their achievements for yourself? I have my own achievements so I don't really care

>procreation of your bloodline
>joys of parency

>drains your money
>drains your time
>will be taken away from wife after divorce
>having a daughter is the ultimate cuck

>actually wanting society to continue
>bringing someone into this world just to become a slave to Capitalism/Jews
>contributing to overpopulation and the end of the world
>they have your genes so they'd probably end up a robot as well and suffer even more than your Average Joe

It's a big yikes from me guys

It's essentially cursing new sentient people with a shitty life full of filler and ultimately death.

I just realized that things really will get better and easier once we are done with our human lives. Most creatures do not suffer like we do. So even if we are forced to live again after this life, it will very likely be an easier less stressful experience.

I am for breeding because
>my ethnicity should grow
>I want my family name to remain
>I don't want to end as a complete loser
>I wanna leave something on this planet
>if I wouldn't want to breed, I wouldn't be a man and I don't wanna be called a faggot

Yea I had a fear of that but I think that's just my ego screaming in terror.
Got a cat recently and she's constantly playing and just relaxing enjoying herself.
Of course in the wild it's different but at least you're not fully aware of your oncoming brutal death 24/7.

I don't see why anyone wouldn't want to pass on their genes, and doom themselves to a lonely bitter life.
either way I would like at least kids

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life isn't shitty though. it's pretty fun

I don't wanna have kids, I just don't, for me spending my lifetime raising someone else n' all of that isn't fun.
But I don't see it as a bad thing, if you wanna get kids then do so.

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I wish i could have a kid. I would invest a fuckton of money into the best diet, the best teachers, the best supplements, the best... everything i didn't have. It's like your own eugenics game.

no, women's insane requirements brought on by hypergamy and the sexual revolution are the reason the white race is dying out. now fuck off.

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you sound really unhappy about all that

You know, when I was younger I wanted kids
but the nearer I get to 30, the less patience for kids and even dogs I have
what's happening? I used to be so patient and have baby fever

Not having kids.
>I'd be a shit dad
>Another thing to tether me to this planet
>Money sink

Along with my personality in general, it just wouldn't go well

what are you talking about
white men are the most desired

That's your personal opinion, not your childs.

>Having kids vs not having kids