Why would anyone want to waste their lives/time in a relationship?
Still want a gf?
Get your reddit shit out of here before something happens
I don't think so buddy boy
What sub reddits are good for this kind of thing? I enjoy reading it, for some reason.
Just be better in bed than her exes, it's not that hard.
I feel bad for the guy, but I like reading shit like this too
sorry that you've been cucked
heh... good luck with that microdick
>hey look at my one cherry picked example of a shitty gf this totally justifies being alone forever
>yeah I'm absolutely doing the right thing giving up on life
>no I'm not miserable shut up
this is why you date a virgin
Lmao homie cucked himself into oblivion by showing how insecure it made him now she is gonna be craving a confident hung dude BADLY
Where this thot at?
TLDR; Can someone sum up that picture?
As if stories of this sort aren't a dime a dozen. I recall reading one a while back about a man finding out his wife had named their son after her ex-boyfriend that passed away. That was a good one.
As it turns out, stories about exceptionally shitty people spread like wildfire and are easy to cherry pick. That doesn't make them representative, you imbecile.
I mean it's easy, all you gotta do is be the best lover she's ever had. Instead of being a lousy lover, he should have tried being a great one. I don't see how that's anyone's fault but his
You have to be well endowed though, women crave big dicks, it's in their DNA. even if she never had bigger if you aren't big to be began with chances are she will lastingly gaze at a bigger dudes bulge, I've seen married women go into full flirty slut mode when I was sporting a semi
There isn't anything exceptional about any of this. You're just waving it off because it threatens your worldview. NAWALT, etc.
>I've seen married women go into full flirty slut mode when I was sporting a semi
Its ok user did your mommy tell you to put your pants on?
Haha you wish needle dick
No, you're waving off reality because it threatens YOUR worldview. Because if women are, on the whole, worth it, then you're making a huge mistake by giving up on them like the shitty coward that you are. This way, you shitting your pants whenever a woman is nearby is a good thing; it's a justified fear instinct and it's not worth trying to fix yourself.
Yeah, blame it on the relationship and not the guy's insecurity and immaturity to become a better lover to her. He heard something in confidence she never would've said out loud to him in case she bruised his ego because she wants to protect his feelings. She loves him, and all he can think of is himself and he's too pig-headed and selfish to work on himself for her. This is actually a blessing in disguise, now he knows he's shit and can WORK AT IT. THAT'S what a relationship is.
No, I don't wish for your needle dick
Feel free to prove that a woman is worth it. No anecdotes, please, since you're quite adamant that they have no value.
My dick is 8 inches, cuck
You can't work at having a bigger dick, bozo. He's just a provider.
No way to prove it, nigger
Why are you so butthurt at the concept that women lastingly gazed at my dick bulge? I happens, women want big dicks, it's just a fact
Guy overhears Fiance telling her friends that her ex (who she didn't want to break up with) is way way better in bed. This makes him sad. Fiance realizes something is up when he can't get it up for sex. He tells her that he overheard, she then gaslights him and tells him he didn't. He then tells her word for word what she said. She realizes that she can't pretend like she didn't say it, so she says he is a "good provider" and will make a "good husband. Guy realizes he is not in love with Fiance anymore because now he knows how she really feels about him.
You can't prove something like that, and anecdotes are worthwhile if they're not cherry-picked. There's a difference between obsessively scouring the Internet for examples of shitty women that make you feel better about your inceldom, and actually interacting with people organically in person and knowing about their lives. One is an extremely biased sample and the other is relatively unbiased. There's no 'proof' here. There's no science of relationships. All you have to go on is the world around you. The problem is that you refuse to see the world around you and resort to only looking at sensational stories that justify your shitty life.
She said he was gifted down there not that he was larger down there. And even if he was larger, unless he's hung like a mouse, he's not crippled and can probably reach her. You, like him, read your own shit into what he said. He straight away heard gifted from the genitals (which very probably means the motion of the ocean) and read the worst thing possible into it because he has low self-esteem.
Unironically when life gives you lemons make lemonade, don't be a fatalist cuck; take care of your business.
My observations of my friends' and family members' dealings with women is that women are not worth it.
Faggot, you are on Jow Forums. No one cares about your dick, gayfucker.
So make a thread about your friends and family members, your personal experience, instead of this low content reddit screenshot. Your personal experiences are actually unique and interesting; these reddit screencaps are clearly not representative of anything other than your own obsession with spreading your incel propaganda.
>Just take my word for it, but not any of those other people's word for it
>If you disagree it's because you're ignoring the good anecdotes I support and only listening to the bad anecdotes I don't like
Most women want big dicks. Let it go
I'm not OP. That being said, one of my friends was indeed told by his then girlfriend that her past boyfriend had a bigger dick than him. OP's post isn't unrealistic or something.
Way to completely ignore the post I was making. My point is that searching reddit for stories of shitty women is cherry-picking, while sharing the experiences of people you know and interact with is a much less biased set. If you know 20 people and some proportion of them are in shitty relationships versus good relationships, that's at least bordering on a fair sample. If you just google search "bad girlfriends", you don't show anything about anything other than your own motivations.
whoa, you are a real nice guy! I'm sure you'll be a good provider and make a fine husband for some lucky girl!
Granted, that's a shitty thing to tell someone, but contrary to the dumb shit generally posted here, a bigger dick doesn't necessarily indicate a better sexual experience. Dick size is something that plagues insecure men much more than it affects women. It's different from being told that you're worse in bed. What was the context in which she told your friend that? Was he asking? Was she trying to put him down? Was it just a casual thing she blurted out? Did she clarify whether or not he was a better lay?
Not hating women doesn't mean you don't get laid and it doesn't mean that you're cuckolded; this is just another sad lie incels tell themselves.
I'll just give you the ending, in which they mutually agreed to break up, and then she went around and fucked most of his friends and ruined his relationships with them.
Alright, so she's a shitty person.
I've never expected a woman to love me or be attracted to me.
I just want to provide for somebody.
that's exactly what a cuckcel would say
leddit -> Jow Forumsbraincels
>its not that hard
Thats what SHE said
Anything bad that anyone posts you'll just dismiss as a singular example, so there's no point discussing anything is there? You can't do anything to demonstrate your own viewpoint, so you just paper over anything that contradicts it.
I've been in three solid long-term relationships including the one I'm in now and I haven't been cheated on or anything dumb in any of them. Keep telling yourself women are a trap if it helps you sleep at night, though.
Is that why women constantly berate men for dick size?
>I haven't been cheated on or anything dumb in any of them.
A cuckold doesn't have to know he is being cheated on to be a cuckold
You're doing the exact same thing, dude. You paper over any good relationship as bound to fail or subject to some secret cuckoldry. My point isn't that all women are angels, it's that women are varied, just like men are - there are good women and shitty women, good relationships and shitty ones. Anyway, I'm not really here to convince you; I'm more here to provide an opposing viewpoint so that people like you don't drown out everything and recruit people as easily to your dumb ideology. Sad virgins browse this board and look for excuses to give up on life when they could instead work on themselves and be in a happy, fulfilling relationship. People like you make it easier for them to abandon hope.
>cherry-picked reddit post
how fucking stupid are you, honestly
that image scares me by how high quality it is.
>every single man in a happy relationship is being cuckolded because it helps me accept my eternal loneliness better
You have just as much of ideology as anyone else. You aren't representative of some default position of which I am a variation. You're clueless really.
If I was that guy I'd kill myself so she'd find my body when she got home
I am actually representative of a default position. Most men get into relationships with women and don't think that all women are the devil. Just because there are a lot of deluded incels on Jow Forums doesn't mean they represent the majority.
hey, you said it not me
I dont want a girlfriend I want a fuck buddy honestly.
>Sad virgins browse this board and look for excuses to give up on life
And who are you to deny me this comfort?
I have a whole folder full of this shit.
>Most men get into relationships with women and don't think that all women are the devil.
Those aren't contradictory things.
Again, I already know I'm not going to sway anyone who's already underwater in the robot propaganda. I'm just expressing the normie viewpoint so that more impressionable people who haven't made up their minds can hear an opposing voice.
Wow, a whole folder full of cherry-picked examples. You're really doing great science there.
Yeah, and what examples where women genuinely like it enjoy it when a man has a small penis?
holy shit, what the actual fuck is wrong with women? this is proof right here that they are all fucked up
Heh... yeah, go get married bud. You won't get fucked over or anything.
Maybe not, but the vast majority of men in relationships don't hate women.
>underwater in the robot propaganda
I was a 25 year old virgin before I ever came here.
Fuck you.
>Maybe not, but the vast majority of men in relationships don't hate women.
Prove it
Fuck I want to fuck that whore with my huge cock so bad
The difference between "Chads" and betas is the fact that chads don't give a fuck. I have had better sex than with my current gf, but it's no big deal, and she could have had better sex than before me, I wouldn't want to hear it, but I'm not naive either. What does it really matter? This board is basically just a hive of insecure faggots.
>tfw an average size dick can never satisfy a woman
is this is a curse from god
Plenty of women find larger dicks painful or uncomfortable. I'm a little above average and my ex had a hard time with me. Here's an example: reddit.com
Hypergamy is only getting more and more rampant as women only go for the Chad's.
lol no, it only seems big cos the bitch isn't aroused.
So what? I was a 23 year old virgin browsing Jow Forums daily and I still got out of it.
>I shouldn't have to work at it and improve myself for someone I love and communicate with them and vice versa, I should enter a relationship and that's that
Why do people say incels are entitled, I have no idea.
>some of us were playing texas holdem and others were watching a lotr marathon
millennials were a mistake
Jesus Christ what a beta. Grab her and fuck the shit out of her with your hen and give her something to complain about. Instead he's so self-conscious and womanly he's gonna end it like a little bitch over one tiny (heh) thing. She says that shit because you're not projecting confidence.
After that break up with her for being a worthless whore
You're gonna have way more problems being small or even average (and therefor mediocre) then you will being huge unless your dick is like 7 inch in girth which goes WELL over 1 in a 1000 guys
Even 6 inch girth is 8 in a 1000 guys and most women have no problems with that and say that's it's perfect and can easily take a didlo with that girth
I never understood this shit. If you are getting married why wouldnt you transfer the titles of your vehicles, deeds to property, and investments/savings to a company? Im not too familiar with divorce laws but im guessing that the wife wouldnt be able to take company property.
you give too much shit about what a woman pretend to want in bed, therefore you're gonna have even more problems than any dicklet on the planet. remember me
It's great that one of the most beta, virgin filled boards on the internet has such a deep insight to sex and pleasing women.
I'll tell you the facts after a group discussion with women; some find big dicks a turn on, but actually unless it's a monster cock (stated as fun but not something for every time) then they all pretty much feel the same, exactly like pussy, some a tighter, some are looser, but do you really care? You cannot tell much difference unless it is at the extreme end of the scale. Also the vast majority of women cannot orgasm from penetration alone, so it's actually all a big fucking joke.
The only places that people worry about cock size is on forums like this, hell I even know a guy with a tiny dick who has fucked over 100 women.
> hell I even know a guy with a tiny dick who has fucked over 100 women.
he never satisfied any of them, though lmao
>Also the vast majority of women cannot orgasm from penetration alone
>tfw my dick can't even make a woman cum no matter how big it is
let my suffering end
>but actually unless it's a monster cock (stated as fun but not something for every time) then they all pretty much feel the same
>fun but not something for every time
Is this what she told you user... I'm so so sorry...
I have a huge dick and most girls don't want to get pounded by it every night, yet they still worship it. I had a fuck buddy that was married and said my dick was perfect for a once every other week thing but it would be too painful to take it regularly since she needed recovery time
I'm still proud of it as fuck but things to get complicated in a real relationship when the girls pussy is perpetually in pain from both my girth and length and the rush of being with a rare big dick kinds of wares off on her
Still better than being average considering the way most women react to it the first time and the things they say about their exes or current boyfriends and husbands being inferior. It's just they can't put their money where their pussy. They lust for the idea of a big dick bad, but in reality it's harder to take than they often realize. The craving seems to set back in once their pussy gets some recovery time
yeah thats fucking bullshit and you know it. unless youre 8in+ you can pretty much guarantee that your gf/wife is cheating on you
>Also the vast majority of women cannot orgasm from penetration alone, so it's actually all a big fucking joke.
Is this actually true? Did I luck out with my gf?
I couldn't find a ton of polls conducted on "do you hate women", but here's something:
>The vast majority agree that violence against women and girls, including Aboriginal women and girls, is a concern to them. Two-thirds of men indicate violence against women impacts the women they care about.
>The vast majority of men agree that it is never acceptable to physically assault their wife, partner or girlfriend in any scenario.
you're unironically a future cuckold (if you'll ever get some dumb bitch get involved with you in the first place)
Sorry my dude, this is the link I meant: acws.ca
He doesn't give a fuck though? Why should he? Also he's been in relationships he's ended with some 9s and 10s, he's not rich or particularly good looking either.
it's because of circumcision
based and red pilled
Is that bone pressed or not? I'm like 7.8 bone pressed
Maybe, but is it the vaginal or clit stimulation?
yeah, you arent gonna make it