I have managed not to fall into a "friendzone" by simply cutting off the contact with some girl after finding out she...

I have managed not to fall into a "friendzone" by simply cutting off the contact with some girl after finding out she loves someone else without telling me about that. She begged me not to leave her but honestly, wouldn't be able to continue talking to her after finding out I am not her favourite human.

I am actually not in pain and quite happy about my decision.
She used me as her advisor or emotional sponge and that would be okay, if I were to be her most important person.
But I am not, that's why I am leaving that unbalanced relationship.
I am here not to find comfort but to be victorious.

Women are whores.
Do not make people your priority when at best you are only just an option for them.

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What if she comes to you after years of this and says "well, here i am. you can take care of me now"?

Girls are like that. They want what they can't have. That's why if you act apathetic and treat them like shit, they'll be throwing themselves at you.

you made the right choice. this isn't a very good place to look for validation but i'm pretty sure anyone that isn't a submissive beta male will tell you the the same.

No way, she had her chance. I would rather end up being alone than accepting her "apologies". There are plenty of fish in the sea and there's no way I would want that one particular fish again.

Thank you, I am here to tell my fellow robots not to fall into such a trap because I know many of us have a tendency to just accept the fact that someone might not like us the way we see them and end up in a unrequited feeling.

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An actual good choice user, well played


Good for you you stupid sounding bastard child. I've seen the ice shit happen to so many people by parasitic cunts. The whore didn't deserve a man of your caliber. You live for you and not for her. Maybe next time she'll see her emotional support as a human being. Pat on the back for you.

Or you could have been friends and frienzoned her with a hoe.

Life is what you make it regardless of what people tell you. Sometimes you'll have to value if a friend is more important to you than a no friend.

If you loved her however it doesnt make sense to keep her around just to suffer, you did good. However I hope you were chad enough to tell her.

Never mind getting frienzoned, and look up to the day where you can friendzone thots yourself.

All i did was love, im sorry that was inconvenient for you until it wasnt

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Good boy. Fuck being the plan B. Either get with me or fuck off with your shitty games.

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Were you fucking this bitch or what op

I don't really understand all this friendzone crap. I've been friends with a girl who has had a boyfriend, and I had a fun time talking to her, sometimes we went eating together and eventually we alienated but I enjoyed it while it lasted. It was like a normal friendship idk what the fuck they all whine about

And before you come saying that I wasn't in love with her

1 You cant be in love with someone who you don't know intimately, that's just infatuation

2 She was somewhat attractive, not a fugly gamer girl

hey mr. onions drinker! *tips fedora*

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>It was like a normal friendship
i don't really see the appeal of being just friends with women. there's not much to talk to them about.

Well she wasn't my best friend, but she was a good friend of mine. I was interested in her stories about her boyfriend's toxic mom, who was absolutely crazy judging by the messages she sent her.
It was a classic Chad Stacey relationship except that Chad had a toxic controlling mom so he wasn't a Chad after all.
Later he ended up cheating on her, but she still took him back at which point I told her that I hope that he won't cheat again but if he will she deserves it and I'll be laughing.

She was okay with that, and that is actually what I liked about her:

She was a classic Stacey with daddy issues (no dad at home most of the time), but she didn't try to bullshit about it and when I told her she obviously doesn't eat enough and she is anorexic, she didn't just start bitching or laugh it off, but considered it seriously

Because what you are describing is a normal friendship. A "friendzone" is basically a relationship where one side takes advantage of another.

The woman (or it could be the other way around) does not have to be loyal to the man while she receives the benefits that she would receive in a normal relationship. It's not healthy and it's based on lies and on false perceptions.

>while she receives the benefits that she would receive in a normal relationship.

So in the friendzone they pay for the food and take her places and let her sleep in their place and stuff?

Forthright told her i liked her to her face 3 times, shot down 3 times over 3 years, the last one was the 4th

Forthright told him to his face 100% how i feel about the situation and that it makes me fucking angry that she loves him and not me and he doesnt care about her

Yes, but the sleeping in their place is only sometimes.

In a very bad case, yes.

But also it could be simpler stuff, like agreeing to take someone's problems on your mind.

Basically, "friendzone" mainly happens when one side develops feelings for another but the other one wants to keep the toxic contact to keep the benefits for themselves out of egoism.

OK thanks for clarifying that, I haven't really been social since high school so basically my concepts of social interaction are still highschool level.

you're in the wrong here. you should've left, but supposing you really couldn't do that, you could have at least retained your dignity by raping her and murder-suiciding the chad. as it is you just come off as a sad, deluded orbiter.

So to say devilish

Well she knew how i felt because i was autistic as fuck and thought asking her friends what i could do would do anything

Yeah, i was fully in love to the point i would have depressive cold sweat panic attacks that wouldnt let me sleep over it literally dozens of times

Im sorry this got in the way of driving you around

Take care, please

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OP you did the right thing. proud of you nigga.