Does anybody else get really turned on by mean/rude girls?

Does anybody else get really turned on by mean/rude girls?

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Yes but if it goes too far I feel really bad

No I hate rude women. Its ok if its just a joke, but just genuine rudeness is my pet peeve. About a month ago I was at a taco bell and some black girls were blocking the door just talking. I said "excuse me" and the just looked at me and ignored me. I said it a again a little louder, same result. This really set me off, I bent down a bit so I was right in their personal space and started screaming at them. They got out of the way peetty fast, made me feel powerful. I think if they werent black someone would have white knighted, but nobody cared.

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in porn but irl i get very turned off
its a shame because girls are often rude when horny

That makes it even better desu. It makes me diamonds when a hot girl has a man's frame of mind.

I get turned on by boys who pretend to be mean girls online

I like being gently abused and demeaned by both sexes. I don't like it if they're too rude though.

>le epic mentally ill, bullied in grade school fetishist
kill yourself

>bully quiet kids in middle school
>they grow up socially stunted and cope with their mistreatment by becoming neurotic masochists
>bully them for being neurotic masochists
The bullying will only end when the normgroids do. Death to the normalmenace today!

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Jow Forums made me unironically like gentle femdom
and im a gir l

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>mfw every girl I have dated has been physically/verbally abusive and bullied me daily

There's just something about girls nearly a foot taller being able to dominate you that fires you up desu. I dont think I could ever date a nice girl.

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Women are never mean to me because I'm 6'4".

Yes that's all I want

Yes, bullying and ntr are the only things I fap to

Yeah there is definitely a time and place for that shit.

I only been given attention like that from my cute drill sergeant. It was hot but I wouldn't know how to get another female upset with me.

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If they weren't black they wouldn't have done that shit

At six feet tall I'd be hard pressed to find a girl taller than me without heels, but I like big and small girls equally. It would be especially if she was a foot shorter and liked to bully me even though I could overpower her easily.

>be me
>make girl friend in kindergarten
>our parents put us into same hs later
>she becomes super hot while i become fat and ugly
>she stills keeps contact, partly bc our parents are friends
>is constantly mean to me tho, calls me loser and fatty
>sometimes throws things at me and makes me bring them to her
>makes fun of me in front of her friends bc im a virgin
>is kinda nice to me when its just the two of us
>tells me 'you know i dont really mean all these things right'
>have massive crush on her but nothing ever happens
>go to different colleges
>lose contact
Fuck I miss her so bad anons

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I'm sorry, man. I felt that one in the pit of my stomach. You should try to reach out to her, I'm sure she has social media.

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I have her normiebook, but I don't really know what to tell her. She's gorgeous now and so are all her friends, why would she even react to some pathetic r9k weirdo only bc she used to know him some time ago

user i dont particularly have anything to say to you but when i saw your post i had an overwhelming urge to reply so here goes.

Well it can't hurt to try desu. It'll be nice to talk to her again even if nothing happens.

Do not fucking do this. You will only open up another wound. Just focus on something else in life. It's hard but it's the only way. Don't chase ghosts.

Well thanks for the (you) desu. I'll treasure it forever.

Yes, but there has to be some kind of affection. Not because I'm a pussy or anything, but because I end up crumbling on an unconscious level if I only ever receive abuse without love. My body is willing, but my mind fractures.

Yes, but only because it would feel much better dominating her. What's with all these faggots and femdom?

yes, yes, user, we can all see you, you're very big

I sometimes fantasize about a girl being mean to me while I kiss her butt & feet.

for you

I want a mean/rude gf

I had a mean rich girl as a gf for a while. It was fun at first because I was a virgin beta cuck and she was just like my tsunderes from anime cartoons, and she would pamper me with her considerable wealth, but eventually it just gets depressing being around someone who constantly jerks you around and negs you and who offers zero emotional support or intimacy. I had to get away from her for my own health.

I see girls like that as just begging to be dommed, so yeah it turns me on.

Oh, definitely. She would have to actually care about me if it was going to be a long term thing.

God-tier tastes friend. I love the thought of dominating a girl much taller than me, and being dominated by a girl much shorter than me.

In 20 years she'll be invisible for everybody, no more sex appeal, no more crushes on her.
Forget about her, user. She made you suffer while you were young with the pretext of being "funny". Your parents should have cut all their ties with her parents, by the way. Stupid bitch wanted to make fun of you and bring you down to feel important and do not get bored when she had to be with you because of her parents.
I met many girls like this when I was a child too. They don't even deserve a space in our memories.

no senpai, we were just born mutants. Personality is nearly entirely inborn and immutable except in rare cases of genuinely extreme abuse and neglect (like, severe malnourishment, etc) in formative years.

Rude girls? No. Mean and or cruel girls? Yes. As long as they are still able to love, the fact that they are a sadist just makes it hotter

its hot af when a womanlet asian lady is bossy as fuck lmao

I used to be a chick magnet when I was like 5 years old LMAO,

then I lost all contact with everyone and became a bullied autistic virgin retard and never had contact with any girl ever again