Dear robots

Dear robots,
What are your thoughts on shadman?

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>dear robots
how nice OP, aren't you just adorable

Really dislike what he draws, It's really ugly.


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Asanagi of the west. Based and redpilled

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Shut up nigger I'll bust your lip wide open

but user I'm white

Jlullaby is better in every way: better artist, less full of himself, more dynamic, more edgy. How can Shad even compete?

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anyone else gets turned off when the picture gets way over the top like pic related?

Don't care normie

Thanks I'll give this guy a wank

He's only weird, he's not really as crazy as his art would suggest though. It's also strange how I imagine girls throw themselves at him but he allegedly rejects them all.
That being said his art talent is objectively pretty shitty even though he's improved a lot over the years. I'm also not particularly fond of his art style but it's fun to look at every now and then. It does come off as trying to be intentionally edgy and that's what most of his fanbase is. Edgy tryhards that are actually normal for the most part.

Under the costume, he's probably the most mild-looking try-hard ever.

this guy's art isn't even fappable. at least i can bust a nut to shad's art if i try hard enough.

He's in the group of artists who should've spent a lot longer learning to draw before starting to sell out.

hes a fucking pedo nigga what do you think i think about him

I like when he draws buttholes

Jlullbaby fucking sucks, it's a cluster I can't tell what's going on.

>thinking white people can't be niggers.
Nigga, we got niggaz in every city on the planet. They come in all races to destroy society.

He does this whole edgy art gimmick and damn well knows how to work it.

Always on top with the latest internet meme/event,always edgy but not really over the top edgy i like that he always has this atmosphere of self concious deappreciation around.
>its just a joke niggers relax

the Crumb of our generation???

>i like that he always has this atmosphere of self concious deappreciation around
It honestly makes him even more pathetic. It's pretty transparent that he just uses that sense of faux-self-deprecration as a means of sidestepping criticisms that he's a tiresome one trick p*ny tryhard fuckboy. It goes something like:
>Your brand of shock value is boring and weak af Shad.
>N-no it's not! I just produce IRONICALLY, SHITTY ART teeheehee, Y-OU'RE the one taking it too seriously by calling me out! IT'S A SOCIAL EXPERIMENT, CHECKMATE ATHEISTS!
Poe's law nigger. Just because he's self aware/"metaaaa" doesn't mean he's any less of a hack.

And yet he is still making a comfy living doing it. That's what is really rustling your jimmies. You can't stand that he has the perfect neet life.

I am quite certain that he's rapidly coming to fucking hate his life, as he dropped out of art school and essentially made himself financially dependent on a """"""career"""""" that he doesn't even enjoy anymore lol.

I was under the impression the edginess in his art is merely an outlet for feeling shitty about himself.
Thats why it has spread amongst the chans,reddit et. al. or better said "internet weirdo" demographic.

Dunno why people say his art sucks

gay degenerate

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I dunno shit about the guy other than his drawings, so it's weird seeing everyone splurging over internet drama involved him ITT.

Jlullaby's drawings are so fucking gross. It makes me sick to my stomach to look at his art.

Agreed. His work is truly barf worthy.

i fucking hate his artstyle

It's mostly the way he draws cum for me. It is fucking baffling that some people actually find this shit hot.

I remember him from the newgrounds days. Back before he had his own site when he was doing it all for free his stuff was more graphic and gory than it is now. For that reason I don't believe it's just a shock value gimmick or at least wasn't always.
Maybe he's mellowed with age and/ or got a GF which toned down the women hate but at some point at least it was sincere expression.

>The virgin Shad vs. the chad Jlullaby

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I was just about to have lunch too. Thanks, you fucking fag.

He draws and talks on stream now. He still does plenty of "woman hate" but he doesn't hate women, he's actually pretty chill. He says he also rejects all women and men. Not sure how true that is because he has some female orbiters.

My sincerest apologies Mcgarnagle.

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based asanagi poster

Normalfags love shadman because they think he's some epic super edgy artist

I've been masturbating for over 10 years now and I think he's just another smut drawer who blew up. His website started small and he had to lure people to it through deviantart