How do I find a boyfriend to love?

How do I find a boyfriend to love?

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By proving that ure a born female(female).

I call dibs on OP. You hear that everyone? The OP is MINE. Back off!

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Go somewhere public with lots of people. Find a group of guys, pick the odd one out (the outcast) and just ask for his number. The ones left out will have unconditional affection for someone who cares.

I'm fat and ugly and I'll love you long time.

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How do I find an online friend to cuddle with?

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I want a someone to love but mutual love is difficult.

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This is why I need to go outside more... I'm too anxious to accept a girl unless she very aggressively goes after me(which has happened multiple times) and doesn't accept no for an answer. Essentially for me to be in a relationship a girl needs to lowkey rape me.

Wish I knew the answer, I just want someone to play videogames and watch anime and chat with. I've tried talking to people from here but it ends up one of three ways.
>they hardly talk at all because of autism (I've been there but I've gotten better at talking to people)
>once I stop initiating contact they just won't message me ever again
>they just get bored and delete me
I just wonder if it's worth the hassle.

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Why don't you describe your ideal partner?

Probably not. A lot of people here don't usually make good friends.

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I don't think I have one? it's hard to say because I'm open to all sorts of people who I share things in common with.

I met one who made a good friend at least, but he ended up falling into the third category. How many people actually have long-term internet friends? I bet it's extremely few, the internet moves fast and so do the people on it.

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I've actually talk to people some what regularly here, the conversations can happen as regularly as you want. I'll initiate contact but I feel like I'm bothering people so I avoid it. Message and say w/e you want and I'll try my best to give decent responses, I just ask that you're nice. same goes for any one else that might want it, I have to go out now though, bbl.

Maybe playing video games or watching anime is too much of a commitment for some people. At least, it would be for me if I wasn't in the mood.

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Jesus, you really are a dumb roastie. What's your prefered gender, body type, looks, personality, COMMON INTERESTS, whatever else?

Being a woman usually helps.

I've been friends with a group of guys I met playing video games online for years now. We even take a few days out of every year to get together from across North America to hang out for a long weekend.

I find it's just dependant on people's personalities. Hell, I'm the kind of guy who can handle a long distance relationship, romantic or otherwise, since I understand and am willing to put the time amd effort into them to make them work.

You're right, to me it's more than just a passing interest at least. Not giving up or anything though.

That sounds perfect, hope you treasure it. I tend to think long-term right off the bat as well, people like that mesh well with eachother and I'm guessing you're not a young poster.

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Yes. Please don't give up, user.

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go on grindr you ugly faggot

As long as you're not a mentally ill tranny, finding a romantic partner as an homosexual man isn't that difficult.

>As long as you're not a mentally ill tranny
rip me

I would prefer a online friend to talk to, play games and watch anime with. But I work and am away for days at times, every time I return I got ghosted.

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Just gotta figure out how the fuck I broaden my horizons and make friends outside of Jow Forums first.

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That sounds tough. It might not be the solution either, but here is a consolation hug for your trouble.

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