How the fuck is there no public information on Chaotic? No dox, no exposing youtube videos...

How the fuck is there no public information on Chaotic? No dox, no exposing youtube videos. The most popular modern Jow Forums poster, bullies you retards around, even doxes some of you, yet nothing. How pathetic and disappointing.

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He doesn't talk about irl, how are we supposed to dox him retard

Only butthurts hate Chaotic that much. He's only ever doxed pedophiles and spergs.

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Nobody dislikes him enough to do that. Everybody just wants to have sex with him/be him.

I would dox him if I could, I wish I knew his exact location so I could report him to the police.

I've ran into Chaotic a few times. Hes alright. Better than the normal fags that fester this board

Who is that? Orignomli

the 90% of r9k that aren't underage are pedophiles desu

Oh man I loved that card game

chaotic will never be doxxed because he's not as dumb as parsa lol

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>How the fuck is there no public information on Chaotic?
Fucking who?

I just want an in-depth non-butthurt non-orbiting facts only tomoposter documentary

cebruz was a cry-baby faggot who had orbiters for some reason
tomoki is the greatest orbiter of all time
chaotic is a sociopath with an orbiter army

I told this story before, but I added him a very long time ago and pretended to like him to try and get close so he would eventually start telling me all sorts of things, but I became attached to him and actually did start liking him, I told him this as a joke and he removed me and I became very depressed and still regret it.

>baby tries to catfish a catfish
failed cannibal

Fuck you give me nouns dox

I only talked to Chaotic once on discord and he freaked out cause I didn't know who he was

Cringey narcissistic that brings nothing to the table aside from edginess and self shilling

I doubt he gives a shit. He lives in the middle of nowhere in gunland, he'd fucking shoot any crazy orbiter or slut that even got close.
Hell, he'd probably even sell you his own dox if you gave him enough money.

he doesn't do that or act like that stop spreading fake news faggot

Someone post Chaotic chat logs, I want to see

Chaotic sold me cp and then got me v&

Being a faggot orbiter is far worse than being a straight orbiter, you are lower than the usual filth.


not an orbiter you butthurt newfag slut I literally wish someone would dox him

Who gives a shit? Sure he is an annoying prick, but all you have to do is not get involved with the guy.

>Heh, I'll accuse him of being a newfag that'll show him

Also nice job trying to cover up your pathetic orbiting lmfao

>add chaotic with 2 accounts
>doesn't even act like the same person

it's a hivemind

you're obviously a newfag for not knowing who he is
if you don't have any info and you're just trying to cope with your e-celeb rejection just kill yourself already

Everyone knows he's a sociopath with dynamic personality

I never said I didn't know who he is you fucking autist, I'm just stating that he's a faggot and the people that orbit him should hang

>I never said I didn't know who he is
>he freaked out cause I didn't know who he was
retard, go get assblasted by chaotic some more, since you offer nothing above what a 60iq ape could do.

This was almost 2 years back so I didn't at the time, nice reading comprehension mouth breather

Tripfag rate
MJ mage
you are not kevin kun

Look at all these literal whos

Literally all of these are bad
What was the name of that Italian-looking crackwhore tripfag? She was alright

>u mouthbreather!!
>u orbiter!!
stop projecting your nigger brain, retard. I hope chaotic kills you for being so fucking stupid.

>he freaked out because I didnt know who he was
>he freaked out as we were talking
Chaotic orbiters confirmed for being massive brainlets
Almost as dumb as brooke orbiters

Why would you want this? He's one of the only good posters left.

The only thing this post showcases is some classic slut cope, what are you even talking about with your discord thots

I've been coming here daily for years and have never noticed him. Who is he/what's he about and is he only in certain types of threads (that I probably avoid)?

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Go suck off your 5/10 at absolute best self shilling faggot """"eceleb"""" some more you fucking filth

He's a literally who faggot that self shilled and makes threads whenever he wants to feel good about himself, he has a few orbiters that vehemently defend him in said threads.

He's just your typical internet "sociopath" edgelord that attracts mongs

im thoroughly disappointed with how slow your brain is able to process things

do you remember cebruz at least or are you really this new

Okay, but those are all very vague. What are his actual ideas that he likes to spread? That's what I meant when asking what's he about. That's your interpretation of what he does, but what exactly are his ideas? I can't tell by any of the responses here.

Also theyre huge projectionists
I dare one chaotic orbiter to show me a good quality
That would literally shut me up

Chaotic is my role model desu

Made up rumors of him being against degeneracy (lol) and doxxing wrongdoers.

Genuinely SEETHING.

He's just a very attractive failed normie who never went outside and thus became a robot and extremely mentally ill.

Look at this certified new fig

reddit-tier vernacular
/b/-tier intelligence
slut-tier cope

As someone who has spent literally all of his time on Jow Forums for the past 7 years, I have no idea who Chaotic is.


Same here
Why do all the newfags slurp on the flavor of the months knob so hard

I started filtering this shit with cebruz and now we're on cebruz mk ii
Flavor of the last decade unfortunately
West Virginia

This is the first time Ive ever seen his name written in that timeframe

>West Virginia
I've heard this, but I've also heard Ohio, California, Oregon, and Wisconsin.

Cebruz shit was 2011 and was spammed every day for years, Jack is still doing that shit with tomoki.jpg.
Chaotic has a thread about him every 2-3 days, how have you never heard his name
It's WV, he's said so.

>is he only in certain types of threads (that I probably avoid)?
I hate it when this happens. No really, I didn't know who a notable shitposter was for like a year or two on a certain board and missed most of the lore. tfw

this thread was started by chaotic he's literally a self-obsessed narcissist and you're feeding his ego

he dies a little inside every time you say "who?"

>Be r9k
>Hate Jow Forums ecelebs
>Post about how much you hate them constantly inflating their ego
>Bump threads made by them and their supporters posting about how much you hate them

Happened with Ciara, Eggman, Reiko, Chaotic, and many more.

When will it stop? When will you autists learn to stop enabling?

As much as I hate him don't stray from the topic at hand. This is a far stretch even for you, user.

Literally fucking whogeroegon