

pick one

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who watched this video and saw a girl who had hips and wasn't flat as a board?

or ig in al


this doesn't do her justice.

>tiktok thots
that's a big yikes from me senpai

>Shadman comic implies that she's a trap

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Her thighs look weird.

Nyan's going to be on suicide watch over this kek.

>Her thighs
My nigger...

Attached: 2018-12-08-hit-or-miss-page-1.jpg (1200x2043, 907K)

in an original sense

Attached: shadman.webm (718x720, 973K)

can someone post the old pictures of him/her, i cant seem to find them anymore


I feel like you know you made it when Shadman bothers to draw you into a comic. You have officially become a meme.

your waifu a biig shit

fucking absolutely abhorrent

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This is only page 1 of like 3 too... Man of the Shad is probably going to have her rimming black asses by the end or something.

Fucking based Shadmanerito.

ho did it continue? i want to see creepy Shadman artwork god damn

>Donald Glover

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>a fucking MAN

Attached: Atlanta S02E06.mp4_snapshot_16.38_[2018.08.16_20.03.52].jpg (1920x1080, 279K)

Shadman should really stop trying to be funny and topical and just stick to drawing underage poon.

All characters Shadman depicts are 18+, even when they say and look otherwise!

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lmao, original, origioli etc

Attached: [SOSSubs]PokemontheMovie_IChooseYou[Eng Subs][Dual Audio].mkv_snapshot_00.06.02_[2018.12.08_12.46.34 (1280x720, 77K)

More like

>Batty Boy

Attached: shut-the-fuck-up-you-little-batty-boy.jpg (460x276, 97K)

the absolute state of whitoid boys
based shadmen

>all these faggot orbiters worshipping online thots because of cringy videos on some cancer app
The absolute state of this board

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>Shadman Oregenoli

Attached: shadman.gif (220x165, 228K)

this whole meme has gone too far

>he doesn't know
oh dear

Based Shadman doing god's work and ruining this shitty meme

i dont think he ruined it, but hes making it more popular.

i would never miss

She's too young and passes too well to not be biologically female, I dunno how she sounds like though, that's usually the biggest indicator of traphood.

It is an actual girl.

>a fucking 22lr pistol

Mis, always miss. 6cyJmj

> No tits
> No ass
Sure it is user.
A feminine penis is perfectly biologically sound for a girl to have!

I originally guess they never miss, huh?

>he hasnt seen her high school video about bullying

Hit, for the 50% chance to crit.

>I guess they never miss huh

Lets unpack this statement
The writer is clearly showing their belief in empiricism.
Most people would say "They cannot miss", however according to the ideas of David Hume, one cannot make such statements about the perceived world. This is because our epistemological access to the world is limited only to experimental cases, no grounded laws.
Therefore the author state "I guess", showing they are only supposing they wont miss, given their previous encounters with whoever "they" are. Much like guessing a ball will fall to the floor, based on the fact that it always has before.

Attached: d.png (560x589, 596K)

Please don't dredge up multiple types of autism for one thread.

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Can someone explain this meme to me? I think I'm getting old.

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dont worry bro, you just missed. try again next time

Just some adorable thot(penis?) on tiktok making millions of betas thirsty and thinking they have an internet gf. also she is flat so there is debate about whether or not he is indeed a she or is a he

And what's a tiktok? I think I'm becoming senile in the 22 years I lived

Attached: Screen-Shot-2014-03-24-at-3.51.27-PM-300x222.png (300x222, 90K)

a video app

Chinese vine.

Ok really who is this girl?

These damn kids today. The only "Tik-Tok" that i know of is Ke$ha!

It is hit OR miss
not hit XOR miss
I can pick both if I want.

don't worry i'll kill myself soon

More like Chinese Musical.ly.

based DO YOU UNDERSTAND poster

until you falsify the proposition by making a ball float then gravity is real and you huff your own farts

did you catch music.ly? it's that but rebranded
if you missed music.ly then kids have all kinds of myspace programs on their fancy blackberries now

miss miss miss stay the fuck away from me.

You're making the positive statement, you need to prove your proposition

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pick? Well i guess they never do miss.

Why did they make her asian

SHADMAN wtf are you doing? This is garbage and i think you've just killed your career. Was it worth it? Did some tranny pay you to do this? It's not your usual quality. I hope you are happy idiot. If you didn't have that funky dancing video clip you would be DEAD TO US ALLLL, DEAAD TOO UUSS ALLLLLL~~~!!!

damn I'm proud of nature for keeping you retards out of the gene pool

>critical hit
>in the bussy

>Shad original Man

Attached: chadman.png (500x773, 149K)

>funky dancing video clip
That isn't him retard

Its shadmans shit art "style"

Based shadman exposing trannies

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>he doesnt know.

what the fuck is she actually cosplaying?

shad BTFOing zoomers

looks like nico from love live school idol festival

Lelelel bitch got fokkin rekt

>page 1
Dis gon be gud

This, one thousand times this. It's disgusting.


I hate shadman so fucking much
Sexualizing kids, Making girls into trannies

Fuck him
Die shadman

She should honestly sue him

I'd hit it... but probably miss it

Goddammit, it pisses me off that that thing is a MAN.

Attached: thats-a-man-baby.jpg (400x400, 90K)

I have reasons to believe this Shadman is a sick nigger. I used to like his work, but now he's gone into cringe terrority, especially with all trannies, lolis, traps, & futanari. And for Christ sake's, putting tattoos & peircings on whores don't make them attractive.

I enjoy Shad's memes more than his porn.

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how did you get my picture and arrest record?
please delet this immediately

god, you faggots are the worst.

this dude is insane

he's just a troll

Please don't kill yourself user. I love you in a Jow Forums anonymous way

It's standard accepted English that an "or" statement implies exclusivity.
The unconditional case of "or" that you're invoking would typically be written "and/or".
Also what said, I hope things break better for you going forward.

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Why do gays and trannies bully this poor innocent girl? You heartless monsters.

If this is what memes will be like now in the brave new post-cringe, I don't ever want to go back.
Play on retard faggot zoomers, play on.

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Guys i cant tell if all of you are sarcastic but it has been confirmed its a she. She had an instagram but had to delete everything on social media cause of this. I could not believe it either if I hadnt seen it

Trannies always whine about being bullied but when they do the bullying it's suddenly okay.

yesh it is an actual girl

I fail to see your point im telling you it is a female believe it not

Just don't reply to him, he's being retarded on purpose.


In an originaler sense

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>No tits
>No vagoo
This proves nothing user.

>not wanting flat, rectangular girls

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I think I'm chiller than you
I'm turning into a bong

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If they are cute enough and you are fine with anal sex, who cares if they are a girl or a trap?