So what is the true cause of transgenderism? What mental illness could be the source?

So what is the true cause of transgenderism? What mental illness could be the source?

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dysphoria iguess

what's the psyop reason behind asking questions like this?

>Rubber boots.

What did he mean by this?

people are exposed to differing amounts of hormones while in the womb. it's completely out of their control

>Individuals exposed to atypical concentrations of testosterone or other androgenic hormones prenatally, for example, because of genetic conditions or because their mothers were prescribed hormones during pregnancy, have been consistently found to show increased male-typical juvenile play behavior, alterations in sexual orientation and gender identity (the sense of self as male or female), and increased tendencies to engage in physically aggressive behavior.

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Yea but how do you even develop it in the first place?

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it's a mental illness so its in the goddamn brain? and treatment is usually hormonal?

Huh? I am hetero male, the dickgirls are surreal. Just asking.

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The problem is with validation and overexposure. Wanting to be a pretty girl is a relatively normal, commonplace though for men to have, but then retards made a huge ordeal out of it and a special group of idiots completely falls for it and thinks they were born in the wrong body and have "female brains", instead of just fetishizing the thought of being an attractive female.

Pretty sure it's some movie set.

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Attention deficit disorder
Low testo

There are actual people who need treatment for their dysphoria, which I would not believe is becoming more common
but what is becoming more common is autogynophile freaks who, like furries, take their fetish and use it to prop up their lack of personality or culture

Only that? Genetic error and environmental triggers?

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you sexual preferences are really little more than the summation of your hormones, transgender people are actually more logical than you think

>MONDAY, June 16 (HealthDay News) - MRI and PET scan studies are showing remarkable similarities between the brains of gay men and straight women, and between those of lesbians and straight men.

For example, the brains of straight men and of gay women share certain common features: both are slightly asymmetric, with the right hemisphere larger than the left, say the Swedish researchers.

On the other hand, the brains of gay men and straight women are both symmetrical.

Similar trends emerged when scientists tracked connectivity in the amygdala, the region of the brain involved in emotional learning and in activating the fight-or-flight response. They noted strong similarities between gay men and straight women, and lesbians and straight men.

>be ugly male
>see cute girls walking around in their slutty outfits with minimal effort and still being attractive
>wishes he was pretty and desirable
>wires get crossed somehow
>liberal propaganda brainwashes him into cutting his dick off instead of getting proper mental help

Body dysphoria

I wonder what the benefits of an asymmetrical brain is
I sure hope my brain is even

So it's like learned narcissistic coping with a dash of borderline.

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so what its saying is, we can trust the lesbian?


>So what is the true cause of transgenderism
A mixture of narcissism, societal trends, and mental illness levels of obsession

So no pill is going to be fixing this anytime soon.

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There are 2 layers to your question that need to be addressed.

1) Current treatment like hormone "pills" or whatever does not treat this shit at all. A lot of this is placebo effect, and none of it looks at the root cause of why people have these feelings in the first place. A lot of these people are not actually trans, it's either they have a fetish, they are easily swayed by a group in a similar manner to a pyramid scheme or drug users, or have a mental illness similar to body dysmorphia.

2) There will be no future pill to cure this. The reason why is because it is practically forbidden for other treatment options to be presented or studies. A lot of these people can be treated by therapy alone, but there is a stigma against that because the allure of change is so strongly pushed. There will never be any new findings to help people cope or overcome or cure these feelings because there is a narcissistic insistence that there is no illness.

How do I know this? I was groomed for years by people trying to get me to transition. I was lucky I was strong minded and always looked for other options and opinions. Now I try my best to help people who were like me to see that these feelings they may have do not necessitate transitioning. I've been banned from a lot of places for espousing these beliefs.

The brain and the body form at different times.

If the chemical triggers in the womb get disturbed, the brain will get the stimuli to form a female identity, but later, the body will get the stimuli to grow male.

This is the "true" cause.

The true cause is body dismorphia. The reason it's become so prevalent is because people are taking advantage of autistic people and encouraging them to become trans.

>The reason it's become so prevalent is because people are taking advantage of autistic people and encouraging them to become trans.
This so much.

what's the psyop reason behind rhyming like this?

Yes it's all a conspiracy. I come from Nibiru.

Being a man fucking sucks and some people are too weak to deal with it.

Women mistakenly think that being a woman sucks and end up throwing away their easy mode so they can be an unattractive, short male who will inevitably be driven to ruin by how society regards weak and undesirable men.

lmao nibiru is a psyop

what's the psyop reason behind false flagging OP?

I don't understand the question in an original manner

You got me I am here to cut my penis off and eat it while on camera.

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Society would rather seen men turn into women and women into men than any gender nonconformity.

Why are you making this political? Why are you even attributing this to the left?

Don't say things like that orirriri

Mostly emotional trauma I guess. Same reason why victims of sex crimes adopt deviant behavior. Here's the story of the modern tranny:
>can't fit into child peer groups (this is normal)
>feel ostracized, don't feel like they have an identity
>somehow their coping mechanisms devolve into misgivings about their gender
>leftist parents/virtue signalers encourage them and they stick themselves on hormones before puberty (very not normal)
>ostracizes them more and now they're forced to align themselves with leftism because they have no other identity
>kills themselves by 30 because their bodies are permanently mutilated and they hate themselves

total bullshit. I know three people transitioning, two of them decided as adults, one while in high school. all of them tried to be boys when they were kids but their parents were dismissive and successfully made them suppress these urges for years and be outwardly girls. you act as though people have no agency and political correctness is damaging kids, but what actually damages kids is parents and society punishing kids for being too boyish or girlish and making them suppress their true personality.

>you act as though people have no agency and political correctness is damaging kids
Circumcision. Literal mass genital mutilation of people too young to have agency. My parents never circumcised me when I was an infant and let me decide when I got older. I said no. But you can blatantly see, not all parents offer a choice. Some push beliefs on their children harder than others and it causes mixed results.

I don't really have a good argument for you honestly. There's no magic metric to determine how much sexual deviancy is "normal". I can only tell you my personal belief that most people ysing the LGBT label probably have a few screws loose.

looks desu
i wanna cop

Transgenderism is a way for pharmaceutical companies to push emotionally suggestive people towards their miracle drugs (hormones) and keep them prescribed for life. Once on the drugs, you can't get off of them with consequences, or you have to take more hormones to reverse the damage you've done.

They did the same shit with opiates.

That's supposed to be a guy? I don't believe it

>I can only tell you my personal belief that most people ysing the LGBT label probably have a few screws loose.
I don't deny this at all. gender dysphoria is treated as a mental illness for christ's sake. what's ironic about this is that those that argue against hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery say again and again "they're just mentally ill" when THEY'RE BEING TREATED FOR A MENTAL ILLNESS. oh yes, how horrible it is to say you shouldn't ostracize and shame the mentally ill and accept them. Be nice to autists? They're just mentally ill! We can't normalize mental illness, they need professional help!

They're doing this with antipsychotics now, handing them out like candy. I got prescribed antipsychotics for just depression, asked the guy why would I need a major tranquilizer like that when I don't have anything serious and he just shrugged and said some vague stuff about how the medical research is all there.

trannies in a movie set?

why is it always the fucking parents fault with these armchair psychiatrists? as if every child's going to be utterly mesmerized by the paragon-like wisdom and virtue of their righteous parents if they vote red and whip their bottom bright red when they get a C. these perfect little automatons just march through life, heedless of any information processed through teachers, TV, music, don't let it affect their brain chemistry when they, as individuals in a group, fall into a bad group of kids or the wrong idea clicks with their brain chemistry. liberals talk shit about pedophile priests but what if there are little choir boys who just want to be faggots for fat old men?

Now this.
This is a cringepost.

Difference being the hormone therapy reinforces their mental illness and doesn't actually treat them. Those people need help the same way people with somatic delusions i.e. believing parasites are in their skin need help. You don't treat those people by injecting them with tapeworms.

other than the obvious things like propaganda and corporate interest, i'm pretty sure the internet also caused this by letting young men see how much better it is to be a female by simply setting your nickname/character to female and enjoying the easy mode

this explains the disproportionately large transgender rates in IT workers imo

>You don't treat those people by injecting them with tapeworms.
Uh oh, I have some phone calls to make.

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She (female) is a super famous actress, you stupid autists
Maybe if youd look away from your anime for one god damn second, you would know this

Why are you posting normalfag celebs in a tranny thread?

Maybe you should inject them with tapeworms. Then they might feel better when you get rid of the real ones.

So you mean FtMs?
They' don't count because it's just a phase for them anyway.

plastic pollutants and increased estrogen in the water supply
other environmental factors
would have only been a fringe issue but it occured at the same time as peak identity politics acting as a catalyst to blow it up into a major social issue
this had a snowball effect, with many looking to take part in it due to social pressures. Look up how many people who transition had either friends who had, or would receive social acclimation for doing so.

its an abuse of mentally ill people, and its a shame

i am mad as hell because i grew up after columbine and nobody was there to bully me. i could have turned out normal.

We were here to bully you fuckhead.

you need to ground these kids noses into the dirt and show them that the shitty side of life is shitty. i don't think that's just the parents job. that's a community effort and we as a society have become too atomized, too alienated from each other.

Actually, the mentality that "it's just the parent's job" and anyone else who interferes gets sued is probably what brought on the ridiculous hugbox of a society in the first place.

>going on Jow Forums at 14 years of age

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you can't cure gender dysphoria dumbass. you can't cure autism either. all we do for autists is try to teach them better social skills. there's nothing fundamentally wrong with being a flaming faggot that wears dresses. however, this is totally socially unacceptable. the best that we can do for people with gender dysphoria is make them the best damn woman they can possibly be so they aren't otracized for being that dude in a dress. it's all about helping them fit the social role of the opposite gender so they can get on with their lives and not live in the closet forever until they kill themselves.

>you can't cure gender dysphoria dumbass.

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hey here's this kid who's not getting good grades

let's give him AMPHETAMINES and SSRI's and a bunch of other drugs that have limp dick as a side effect! that'll fix him right up! i guess my parents were awful in some ways.

Difference is that you don't know anything the subject, the medical profession is moving towards transitioning as a way to treat the syndrome. Unless you have some deeper insight I don't see why not follow the advice of medical professionals, you do it for pretty much everything else anyway with this one exception.

>limpdick SSRIs
They don't actually give these to teenagers do they?

Medical professionals such as yourself? Cite your sources.

not him, but do you seriously dispute that this is the main treatment for gender dysphoria and that it normally requires psychological examination?

pretty sure you don't care about citations, this seems to be the chosen treatment. Why would you care about citations at this point? I assumed you just wanted a echo chamber

young people are crazy about hormones. they want to do all kinds of fucking and beating off until their dick bleeds. eventually you get old. your libido goes down a bit. sexuality stops being the main focal point of your existence. and if you're a transexual, you've got a male physiology and all the terrific female responsibilities, makeup, clothes, worrying about wrinkles, clothes, a nice balanced diet, etc... and you don't even get to fuck anyone, because you don't have a reproductive organ to fuck with, you're using your fucking asshole. that's not a sex organ. now you have to deal with rectal prolapse, hemmorhoids, bleeding, ass cancer, STD's. you can't even answer the call of any biological clock if you have one. that sounds to me like i got ripped the hell off by the medical community.

The fact you want to begin transitioning means you're increasing your chance of suicide by a huge number. Any doctor would know this and never go through with it, but if he doesn't hell get fired for discrimination. Trans need to be looked at the same way pedos are

>The fact you want to begin transitioning means you're increasing your chance of suicide by a huge number.
This is the complete opposite of the truth though.

The medical community also used to believe bloodletting was the cure for plague. You're relying on an appeal to authority that means nothing.

it's almost as if one pole of the political spectrum has been astroturfing this imaginary issue to death for the last decade

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It's a known fact trans kill themselves at a higher rate so the more doctors who help means more people will off themself. you have a dick deal with it.

The vast majority of trans people that kill themselves do it without ever transitioning. You don't just magically become trans AFTER you decide to transition dumb fuck

The truth is immaterial when you just want to justify your position by any means necessary.

Has this meme gone too far?

dude you have a mental illness you think going to a doctor and having him chop your dick off will make you happy. Theres no way of knowing how many people are trans but the ones who actually admit to it have a 1 in 3 chance of killing themself

>Theres no way of knowing how many people are trans
It's detectable with 100% accuracy on a brain scan

Not an appeal to it, just using them as a basis to work from, you inferring to hyperbole about bloodletting is evading the topic. Your opinion is not replacement for experience in the field, unless you are actually balls deep in the trans-stuff, which I find unlikely.

In absence of actually being experienced, I would adhere to what is recommend by professionals, because I wouldn't know any better. My opinion on it might be vastly different but I realize that it's only my opinion not some glorified snowflake feels truth .

you're conflating the terms transgender and transsexual to make it sound like post-op transexuals more suicidal than transgender people that haven't taken hormones or had surgery when this simply isn't true.

>Not an appeal to it
>Just I adhere to it because I can't think for myself

That's called an appeal.

That's not what that word means.

Amphetamine's a useful drug though. Only SSRIs and other placebo pills deserve the trash can.

Gender dysphoria, a mental disorder where people who are biologically of one sex feel that they are of the other sex, is just a genetic thing that has been around through all of human history. The more recent, modern trend of supporting/encouraging this up to the point of giving 10-year olds hormones and surgery is brand new and imo a result of a misguided attempt by academics to be tolerant and kind.

>dude you have a mental illness you think going to a doctor and having him chop your dick off will make you happy.
uh... yeah? that's why they're seeing a doctor to treat a mental illness?

>imo a result of a misguided attempt by academics to be tolerant and kind.

identity crisis that spirals into illness. then society gives them perks to encourage it.

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What part of "imo" do you not understand? That's shorthand for "in my opinion", I'm not citing a scientific study when I say that.

there doesnt seem to be any big boobs threads up so i'm just gonna post this here

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Dude, most doctors refuse to do genital reassignment surgeries just because they have a high chance of going wrong. Lots of people fly to Thailand to see shady surgeons. Treatment for mental illness my fucking ass.

Less than 1% of trans people ever get sex reassignment surgery

Basically, there are two different reasons. Some transsexuals are turned on by the thought of being a woman. Others are gay and conform better to the stereotype of the opposite sex. If you look through foto communities like flickr, you find pretty obvious examples of the first kind.

That's 99% of people half-assing their treatment then?

Hormones are dirt fucking cheap though, so big pharma is not making much of a dollar on the insanely small % of the population that is transgender.

Sex reassignment surgery has literally zero impact on how people gender you in public. It's extremely expensive, has notable risks of complications, and provides minimal benefit (less genital dysphoria, but also less sexual stimulation and no reproductive function). Facial feminization surgery is the most common procedure for transsexuals to get because it actually provides a dramatic improvement to your life.

seeing a doctor is how they get HRT dummy, which is all most trans get.

where are all the titcow threads hombres

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Still, you have nothing else, appeal or not. You have no sound arguments or citations opposing the current medical treatment. Why should anyone listen?

>Dude, most doctors refuse to do genital reassignment surgeries just because they have a high chance of going wrong.
That's not true at all. They're not done so widely because it's such a specialist procedure that only a small number of doctors know how to perform one.

Dear fucking god I hope insurance companies refuse to pay for these vanity operations.