Moral panic as Christians assume that Doom promotes Satanism to children

>moral panic as Christians assume that Doom promotes Satanism to children
>game is literally about killing demons, at the end of the sequel you kill SATAN
How did they work that out in their head? If anything, it is an anti-Satanism game.

>inb4 the icon of sin isn't Satan
Fuck off yes it is.

Attached: rage_incarnate.jpg (460x650, 142K)

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Do them demons existing alone means its linked to Satanism. They arent too bright if that wasnt already made clear

is there a "thou shalt not make fiction with demons in it" commandment?

No, but many refuse the existence of hell and demons. Portraying such things at all upsets them because to them its like admitting god failed.

where did that come from? you ever been to church actually, nobody belives that

So why do you think Doom was (is?) such a touchy subject with lots of Christians? I'm not even a Christian, but Doom was what first instilled in me a deep hatred of everything Satanic.

Attached: shores_of_hell.png (1024x768, 929K)

Im just telling you what I have heard and experience first hand. Obviously not everyone in the whole religion is a nut but thats what I saw happening.

i remember seeing some dumbass post saying skyrim was satanism, it talked about "homo dragons" and satanic magic.

I dunno, protestants are kinda dumb in general. I've only dealt with American protestants, so European Protestant churches might have some more sense about them.

It's this.

I guess the gibs are resized pictures from shotgun suicides and explosions.

remember, people thought Elvis was evil incarnate for a while, old conservatives and christian mums think everything new is the end of the world since it's scary and new.

One of the designers, Sandy Peterson, is a big-time Mormon and he said basically the same thing.

Just grumpy old media boomers creating a problem that doesn't exist to deflect from some other issues that were probably going on instead

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I have no idea.
In my country for during religious studies a bunch of us played Diablo 2 and played pool with the priest in the basement of the Church.
Dude made it a small game room for youth outreach.
Altough the only panics the christians in my country organize is against faggots,abortion and communism.

Christians are dumb as shit. My mom freaked out when my cousin sang "Burn the Witch" at a family get together.


>Altough the only panics the christians in my country organize is against faggots,abortion and communism.
based, what country?

On a scale of based, to based as fuck, how rad is Sergeant Mark? Just adding realistic gore to his mod sends redditors into a frenzy.

Attached: I'm not offended, but I'm offended.png (574x397, 36K)

Lmao he sounds a bit..over enthusiastic? Still funny in a macabre way though

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Fuck r/Doom, hail Sergeant Mark.

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i love brdoom but he needs to put the old shotgun back in. current one feels like ass

What version are you playing? I'm playing 21b, and there's an option to re enable the wood stock for the shotgun.

surprise surprise people who believe in things with zero evidence aren't too bright

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it's mostly the sounds. it used to go *THUNK*, now it's more of a loud splat

Here's a sound mod I've been using for awhile, makes the sounds nice and punchy. It also makes Doomguy's voice sound less retarded for the taunts.

v nice i'll check it out

i do like the dumb voices though. offend amuses me so much i have it on m3

>Brutal Doom might not exist if it weren't for UACLABS

the dude is brazilian, he's probably seen worse on his commute to work

i have a SOUNDS folder, where do i put this if using gzdoom?

I'm using rocketlauncher 2 so I load it that way with the rest of my mods, but if you're using a shortcut you can just add the path to the .zip to the target line.