Why is the world so boring and mundane? Why can't there be aliens and other freaky stuff out there? pic unrelated

Why is the world so boring and mundane? Why can't there be aliens and other freaky stuff out there? pic unrelated

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I'd pick the red pill easily.

As for your question, aliens do exist but it's virtually impossible to reach them.

Probably immortality, but only if my body would be young, healthy and indestructible. Otherwise by the time I reached 200 I'd be wrinkly as fuck, have no teeth, probably wouldn't be able to walk and my memory would be shit tier. The human body is shit tier design and only meant to last 30 years or so, so I'd definitely want an improved body if I was immortal. If not I'd go with the invisibility one, it could make getting laid a hell of a lot easier

black pill. even if it's involuntary immortality. with enough time i'll have immense influence. i'll bring order to the planet, and then the universe. afterwards i'll spend eternity in the heat death with my wife kaguya.

I take the blue pill and shapeshift into Chad

Give me the yellow pill. I'll sneak into the women's bathroom and grab their milk pouches. If they notice it'll be "just in their heads".

>immortality is black pill

I'd take immortality if I can kill myself but not die by any other means. If it means I would not be able to die ever though I'd take the power of invisibility.

I could rape people essentially anonymously

black pill all day. God isn't real

what is the down side of immortality pill? will i get physically old or will i be 20 forever? will humanity evolve past me until i'm like an animal one day?

for the shapeshifting pill do i still have my human intelligence after i transform?

yes you keep your intelligence.

>what is the down side of immortality pill?
someone can put you in a steel box and drop that into the sea and you'll be stuck there forever.

I feel like the blue pill is only good if you want to shift into other humans since most animals are dumb as hell and you won't have the intelligence to change back. Still pretty good since you can turn into a Stacey and whore yourself out online.

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i'll do the animal shapeshift then, will be fun

oh never mind about the intelligence thing then. thats an easy blue pill for me

that would certainly happen before

If you chose anything other than the black or the red pill then you are a brainlet

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if you dont pick redpill you are stupid as FUCK

im getting a spacesuit and teleporting across the universe and breaking causality see you retards later

An improvement on the immortality pill would be the metal gear rising pill. Ditch your shitty organic body and replace it with a cool cyborg one

Black pill. Everyone is going to be some kind of ugly shitskin in 200 years so as a 8/10 white guy I'll get all the skitskin puss

This. Hot alien sluts, here I come

Unless the teleportation is somehow precise location-based instead of will-based, then I'd get lost in the void and be shit out of luck.

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Have fun in a few billion years when the universe is completely destroyed and you're trapped in a void for eternity

Black pill is the brainlets choice

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I'll take the potassium cyanide if that's an option

teleporting where you want basically gives you god like powers. you could steal almost anything and do almost anything and then instantly teleport away if you get caught

i'm not sure why every 98iq retard thinks that eternity in a void is any worse than regular death. you'll go completely insane with absolutely no stimulus, and then you won't care any more.

Black pill is a nightmare and the last i would pick.
1. Government or some richfag will notice you live too long and abduct and experiment on you
2. You will outlive everything and everyone you love
3. If you are also invulnerable enjoy existing after this planet turned into a wasteland/be buried somewhere alive by accident and generally turn mad or just float in space for all eternity with no escape

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if the blue pill gives you the power to turn into other humans cant you always turn yourself younger and live forever?

If I take the black pill I won't die as a virgin

I cant imagine why anyone would want the black pill. it sounds terrible

If I pick black pill will drugs still work on me?

Also, not to mention that after a few trips around space, Earth would be in the far future and I could use their medical knowledge to prolong my life and do all kinds of cool Futurama shit.

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good choice user, a very good choice indeed

>Salt water
You'd be out in a few decades.

Black pill sounds interesting, but red means i'm not wasting my life on moving somewhere, and that shit wastes a lot. Also i could be teleporting into other fucking universes, or even moving back in time. Maybe i'll even find a gf that way

actually smart

>go to alpha centauri
>visit proxima centauri b
>it's nothing but cold, dead rock
>spend a decade searching the galaxy for life to no avail
>teleport back to earth
>it's a nuclear wasteland

Red pill, and then open a high-value courier service

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Yes but if the universe were to end that would dictate that I also end regardless of invincibility

somebody could do that to you right now and you'd die

>but at least then i wouldn't suffer


Space would still exist, there would just be nothing in it after the heat death of the universe, it would all be destroyed
except you because you're indestructible, and now trapped for eternity

>take pill that lets you turn into other animals
>turn into myself but younger
>continue doing this for a few hundred years, eventually turning into other younger people so nobody ever notices that I have been alive for hundreds of years
>have liberated the entire world using the knowledge I have gained over my long life
>name the unified Earth after the original land of the free, America.
>go into SpaceMart
>mart is being robbed
>fearlessly defend the mart, able to live forever
>get shot with laser in the head
>brain doesn't function
>can't change into a different human
>remember joke from the old world, it went:
>be american
>get shot

After well, eternity I guess, it could be theorized that at some point you could control particles and very slowly kickstart a new universe somehow.

>blue pill
>shapeshift into cute girl
>Shapeshift organs back to pristine condition after using them long enoigh
>stop doing this once I want to die
>shapeshift my pussy to have spikes and shred anyons dick if they try to rape me, kill them before they can shoot me

Being a semi-immortal cute girl would be awesome

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Depends if immortal also means invincible. Would I retain my memories and stay young forever. Would I keep accumulating knowledge or would I begin to forget stuff as I just existed for millions of years. Eventually the universe ends, can I stay sane enough to wait for not just another universe to begin, but another one where I'm close enough to a planet capable of harbouring life?

Do I just land on a planet, jizz into the primordial soup every so often and wait a couple billion years for my waifu to evolve? Rinse and repeat as I discover just what a fluke life truly was?

>Space would still exist, there would just be nothing in it after the heat death of the universe, it would all be destroyed
>except you

And maybe, just maybe, then I will be able to fap in peace.

With the blue pill you could shape shift into stacy and live life on tutorial mode, and your horde of beta orbiters could be your source of income making you rich as fuck, and they could also do your bidding with other shit

My first thought was to take the blue pill and do some Dishonored type shit. How autistic am I?

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immortality. cus fugget it

Orange pill obviously. I shouldn't have to explain why.

Can I mix and match with the blue pill? Like retain my human body while making the outer layer of my skin as hard as an armadillo

Okay, Haruhi.

I would've picked red if I could teleport in private areas, but omega 3 is better since it allows me to disappear whenever I want.

This user has the right idea, the blue pill can make you immortal by just replacing your organs, and can also make you practically invisible by allowing you to turn into a fly or something small.

What is DNA evidence you stupid faggot?

I take bluepill and shapeshift into chad so my fujo fantasies can come to life

Useless if the police does not have your or a family member's DNA.

i don't think dna works how you think it works

>shapeshift into a fly
>hide in someones house
>wait until night
>transform into a lion
>wake them up and scare the shit out of them
>disappear as a fly and escape
>do this dozens of times and create the spookiest phenomena known to mankind

teleporting wouldn't affect the passage of time for you. spend a year teleporting around the universe, and one year will have passed on Earth. unless you visit places with crazy amounts of gravity, or teleport onto celestial bodies travelling much incredibly fast relative to earth.

I laughed at this because I thought up something similar.. Black pill is the definition of hell

i'd take the black pill in an instant without hesitation, ESPECIALLY if also made me invulnerable

I think that's probably what he meant user, going to places with big time dilation

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Good luck not going crazy 1,000 years into the future, 1,000,000 years... 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 years.... on and on and on no end in sight

blue pill can also make me immortal because of that one weird jellyfish so uhhh

The rest of the universe would exist in your thoughts and insane hallucinations/daydreams.
How do you know that's not what's already happened to now, and that's what everything in the life you conscously experience consists of? just mad daydreams devised by yourself as a higher power as the new means of the universe attempting to re-experiencing itself?

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then I could just meditate forever and become the godhead of a universe of my own.

If you give an insane person enough time they'd probably just turn out to be completely sane and at peace.

Gib the red one.

Yikes.... That statement is abysmal.

I just want a gf, not one of your stupid pills.

>take the blue pill
>choose extremely attractive healthy 25 year old "human" male with an average lifespan of a million years and an IQ of 250
see you later brainlets, nobody said the animal would have to be real.

i understand that, but i'd take it anyway
by that time i would have hoped to have made some kind of significant contribution to a virtual reality paradise, with 1000 years you'd be able to make immense progress even alone
i'd hope that would lessen the odds of losing my mind afterwards

Fuck off Kars

>Government or some richfag will notice you live too long and abduct and experiment on you

If you got so far as to people noticing your not dying of old age, and you haven't become a richfag yourself then you deserve to be experimented on.

teleport wherever you want, you become greatest pro athlete

Assuming the Immortality pill means no aging, you can't be killed and won't die naturally, I'd pick it. Otherwise the Teleportation sounds a lot more useful. Teleportation to anywhere instantaneously has more than enough purposes.


I'd have severe depression regardless.

Touch choice between blue pill and black pill.

Although if you're immortal you will live to a time where science can shapeshift you. Teleporters will exist, and so will invisibility cloaks.

Don't forget that solar flares come every 100 years or so that will destroy everything.

Bluepill so I can be like Beast Boy.