
dealer finally responded edition

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About to get some heroin in a bit

Hope I finally OD,, h dealer is a robot friend

Do 5 grams of dried shrooms in silent darkness

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i found a full script of zoloft two days ago and have been abusing it since then i feel manic

My ears hurt from being up all night thanks to meth. And also I have to get up at 4:30 am tomorrow even though I had no sleep last night, so I guess it's a breakfast of meth for me

Finally a real man on r9k, none of this pussy weed shit

you can abuse zoloft? its not even controlled substance...

Nice, only took 2 replies to ruin a /drugfeel/ thread with that picture.

lmfao this post is peak /drugfeels/

what's the endgame psychedelic?

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eggo death?


I think DMT might actually be the best psychedelic to start with

Bromo dragon-fly

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thanks for telling me about this, now im hooked

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for someone thats never done psychedelics (or drugs/alcohol in general), what would be a recommendation? i've always been interested in stuff like DMT and K, but i have no where of obtaining it and im too scared to try.

lsd, shrooms, dmt can't treat you wrong in low doses and right set/setting. you can start with weed too but if you have anxiety it will suck

well i take meds for anxiety and depression. would those affect me?

like ssris? no you're fine

oh alright, thanks. do you grow/synthesize any of your stuff or purchase from a dealer

you if you wanted to but its not much, otc sleep pills do more. i was on them before the zoloft but i got tired of them and also my eyes started to bleed which was weird

I would buy from a guy at school, or my one friend would get it for me

>and also my eyes started to bleed

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Dissociates blow every psychedelic out of the water. Only NPCs hype up psychedelics and still think its cool to do acid like its still the 60s or something. Things like smoking DMT and Salvia are complete memes. Honestly would rather do dxm than acid. Only worthwhile psychedelic is shrooms and theyre pretty easy to grow and spores are legal to obtain. Mescaline was alright too but cant really grow yourself unless you live in a desert or some shit. Just go buy some laughing gas or something. Ket or mxe or mxm or whatever is harder to get but those are top tier drugs. And I would just skip over alcohol, it is the shittest drug in the world, besides acid of course.

Terence a qt. Video related.

ive done that before best experience of my life

Hot take: Both classes of drugs have a lot to offer and anyone who plays /drugfeels/ coolguy because they think their drugs are better than everyone else's is an NPC tool.

>abusing an SSRI
oh boy

yeah it fucking sucks hopefully i wont have to deal with the withdrawals

ironically enough i was prescribed zoloft after i had my first mental breakdown at 19

it was around this time and place when i started snorting it because it wasnt working

I'd really recommend not fucking with SSRIs whatsoever. The book "the Emperor's New Drugs" is one on this subject that I like a lot. It talks about research into SSRIs and how they are mostly ineffective and are only propped up by marketing, corruption, and the placebo effect.

Low dose DMT is the best place to start

i feel you i had stopped doing all my meds and started smoking weed a lot, best decision of my life

Just dropped some LSD with a couple of friends last night and I think its finished me. Not interested in doing psychedelics in a long time.

pills to wake pills to sleep
pills pills pills every day of the week

Why lad? Bad trip?

>Just dropped some LSD with a couple of friends last night and I think its finished me.

what happen

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Yeah definitely the worst trip I've ever had, I've only done LSD around 8 times and this was the highest dosage I had ever done, for some reason I decided to smoke some weed before the come up as well because I had done it in the past and thought I could handle it.

Went through up until peak relatively fine and then completely lost myself, tried closing my eyes to try and collect myself and couldn't escape the trip, became nauseous and vomited as well which was probably the worst part.

tried mescaline last night AMA

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What form did you take it in? Like, what do you even eat?
How different was it from more common psychedelics?
How did you get it? Was it expensive?

>cactus juice (drank around half a litre, 10 inches worth of san pedro)
>like a shroom trip with intense closed eye visuals and everything was beyond bright and fluffy geometry open eyed. visual trip lasted all of 2 hours and id say it was stronger then any acid ive had, and on par with some serious shroom. After that it was like really high grade ecstacy for the next 10 hours

found out I have no work tomorrow, have no meth to binge on tonight. I wanna die

also remember to blink or else you'll loose your eyes

>Mescaline was alright too but cant really grow yourself unless you live in a desert or some shit.
San Pedro literally grows on mountain tops

>not peyote
Oh, lame. Of course that's rare as it gets. Still sounds awesome though.

what difference does it make, its all the same mescaline. If anything a peyote trip has laxitives and alkaloids that give you muscle cramp. Pedro is superior

I'll take this while its hot.

>mixing psychedelics with other drugs
>trying to escape the trip instead of buckling up and enjoying the wild ride
I agree, please don't do psychedelics again.

Ok? That guy probably doesn't live on a fucking mountain top or in the right zone. Which guess what? Is right next to the fucking desert. If he's asking where to obtain psychedelics chances are he doesn't live where cactuses grow naturally.

go to the garden store bro, san pedro grows anywhere. you'd probably notice it in your neighbors backyard if you weren't such a pleb

How would you know if you've never had it? :3
It is supposedly much more potent. But I think these days even if you did get your hands on peyote it would be heavily processed, just a novelty.

>abusing zoloft

You are retarded if you think san pedro grows anywhere

I've said it before and I'll say it again,

smoking is nice after the first few strong peaks, once they start fading in intensity. It's a little unpredictable on the come up, sure.

Embrace H E D O N I S M

2cb feels better than MDMA for me.

getting snakes and spiders to bite you

Try smoking something other than brick weed my man. You understate the risk because you want to sound cool. You know what happens? Retarded kids see this shit and think it's what they do and suddenly we have to deal with another "bad trip, psychedelics bad" story and it's so fucking annoying. If you smoke on a trip, you roll the dice no matter where you are on a trip.

good lord how fragile is your brain?

No, what's fucking annoying is ''serious psychonauts'' who this they are some kind of drug expert.

Man i've hit dabs on trips, yet I've never had a bad trip because I know how to handle myself. Like I said though, it's much more of a risk than is commonly represented. Because of this, we have novices taking these understated risks, having bad times, and complaining on the internet.
Blow me

>meet up with friend who lives with a collective of stoners
>apparently one of their roomies had been smoking weed every day for four years and had recently started microdosing LSD on top of this
>his reality shattered and he committed suicide two weeks ago
be careful, boys. I don't want to lose any of you faggots.

do you take a break from drugs when you stay with your parents for a break in college? (ie christmas break)

i love heroin but alcohol is good too

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When a sober person kills themselves nobody blames sobriety, but when a drug user kills themselves everyone blames the drugs. It's almost like suicide has deeper causes that nobody wants to address because it threatens the very basis of our society, so they grab whatever scapegoat they can.


Remember to stay high, boys.

Tried to do a key bump in the car.

Spilled the bag on my lap and seat.


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>tfw out of addy after this weekend

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>abusing drugs every day for years has no impact on brain chemistry and mental health

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Also that sure takes me back. I like Hollow Moon more though.

Ttfgdfrfrrytud try too to test drive it rest try to try to try to do that too tssst the Bible to to try to

did a bit of dxm the other day, was planning on doing a half dose of truffles tomorrow but wanted to ask if doing the dxm relatively recently to the truffles would have any effects?

>have truckloads of extra Adderall and enough amphetamine sulfate
Sometimes I wonder about the legality of this scenario. Does owning a prescription for mixed amphetamine salts give me the privilege of legally owning one of the salts in the formulation? It's not impossible to perform a separation just very unlikely unless you do some clandestine chemistry.

>implying suicidal people don't use drugs to take away the pain that the medical industry has failed to alleviate

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Need recommendations, I need something cheap to abuse in the long term. I've heard good stuff about Klonopin but I can't order packages to my house because of my parents.

>implying drug-induced schizophrenia/psychosis can't cause people who would otherwise have survived to commit suicide

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>implying that they wouldn't have gone schizophrenic anyway
>implying they wouldn't have killed themselves then anyways
I'm sorry your friend died, but don't be a retard. Suicide is a very complex issue. Our current medical industry simply cannot handle it. Read the book "the emperor's new drugs" to see why our current treatments are garbage. Therapy isn't addressed in that book, but it's garbage as well. Therapists are normies and their methods are feel good bullshit. I was even more suicidal sober (before any drugs) than I am now. You're friend would probably tell you the same thing ig you unironically barged into his room and told him that the only thing that makes him feel good doesn't meet your illogically specified approval.

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more like microdosing LSD was a final attempt at alleviating depression. It didn't work, therefore ded.

dxm/dissos don't cross tolerate with psychedelics you should be good

Buying btc is such a fucking hassle.

I can't roll for shit and my herb vaporizer doesn't arrive till next week so I nigger rigged some cigs into joints, they actually don't burn to bad at all if you pack them tight and give them a good lick before sparking them

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>tfw used to buy LSD in bulk off the dark web for cheap but now cant as i live at University and if im found with 100+ tabs ill go down for dealing class A's even though i just use it personally and so often to escape my life

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Weed makes wasting life feel a little better

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Does anyone else see the connection between Todd Howard and opiates?

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i keep personal amounts of heroin in my dorm

i dont see myself getting any less than 25 tabs for a reasonable price, below that i gotta buy off dealers rather than suppliers and it'll probably be cut with all sorts of shit.

jesus christ you have no imagination for someone that does LSD
what are
>LSD solution vials
>white tabs (perforated or not)

as if having that on me will make me look less like a dealer, i want to have acid without being sent to jail if its discovered.

J E N K EM. for me, it's gotta be butt-hash.

This might be a really stupid question but if I let an edible (milk chocolate) dissolve under my tongue will I get more high than if I just suck on it like usual?

get a po box dumby dumb dumb

how do you smoke weed without getting paranoid self-hating thoughts?

I don't know, I do it anyways and let my self esteem crash and burn.

I think he's worried about having it in his dorm.

>My ears hurt from being up all night thanks to meth.

I never got pain in the ears from meth. I got other pains though. I'd get pain in the dick, hand and arm (from fapping too long), pain in the asscheek (from sitting too long without moving), and pain in the teeth (several days of dry mouth), but never pain in the ears.

Speaking of:

Typing up that last paragraph just made me realize what a fucking cancer meth is. It's the only drug I ever did that made me compulsively do things for such long periods of time that I'd end up with pain in the parts of my body involved in doing the thing. The drug basically turns you into an autist on steroids. But even though it ruined my life, I still can't get over the high.

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yeah thats exactly it

normies have dealers, robots use darknet or something like that

Could you maybe have like a "main stash"(read:decoy stash) where you put some and then hide the rest in various books around your room? Idk what kind of risk you're okay with taking.

Why the fuck would any authority come into your dorm?

At my dorm we have 1 room check a year and on that day I hide everything in a plastic tied up in my bin because theres 0 reason for them to inspect a bin.