What is actually stopping you from doing what you want?
This is YOUR reality
Everyone else's reality.
No motivation to leave the house and anixety when I do
consequences, obviously
most of the things here is either boring or uninteresting.
i prefer to take a more or less option and spend the rest of my life sitting on a chair while looking at a screen
>What is actually stopping you from doing what you want?
chad and stacy
Pretty much this. I would do lots of shit, but I'm always prepared for unforeseen consequences
the fact that we are all just atoms subject to entropy and we all will return to stars so any action I make as an organism subject to consciousness is inconsequential
Have you ever felt like your life is a sequence of building sand castles and getting kicked out of them?
The intrinsic belief i have had since middleshool that i am subhuman and do nothing but bore all the real, interesting people with my pathetic wannabe shenanigens.
Because of this I feel stupid whenever i try something new so I have no hobbies besides drinking, and even then I'm a lightweight and only get drunk in my room alone. This causes me to be forgettible to everyone including my family which makes me even more alone.
I'm boring you right now, im sorry. I just wanted to say something.
buy a gun. originall
If I did what I want I would be in prison
(lolis and drugs)
buy a gun, a original one
Because I don't want anything but death and I'm too afraid to kill myself
So I'm just waiting for it to come
I'm weak and I don't have superpowers
there's nothing i actually want to do
I am blind
My incompetence and the lack of confidence that comes as a result of it.
I, like most people on r9k, am the product pf a failing society
My #1 goal in life would require a tremendous amount of money (I mean billions, possibly trillions), intelligence, hard work, and even then might not even be possible.
I gave up when I realised the sheer magnitude of what I wanted to accomplish, and how I have almost no chance to do something which might not even work.
I'm intelligent but it would take me years of constant studying to even know where to start.
Alternatively I'm so bored with life ignoring this goal I might just try it regardless.
Kind of salty I have a retarded amount of ambition.
I'm stupid desu
Any sort of notable risk I have ever done in my life fails me. Anything I try to create is ok at best.
Fuck I hate spergs that say this shit
>What is actually stopping you from doing what you want?
Money, looks, status, people - how hard is it to realize this shit.
>only 24 hours in a day
>lack of social skills
>pressure from family
any combination of those
>What is actually stopping you from doing what you want?
The physical and legal troubles that would follow.
insecure and too much pride
Because I feel too weak compared to everyone else. I take enormous pride in brushing my teeth every day along with reading 4 pages in a book. I tell myself that eventually I'll be ready, I am just not at the level yet
I subconsciously self sabotage every success in my life
But lying in bed all day is what I want.
Pretty much this. I had an OKCupid profile in which a few girls I'm legitimately attracted to gave me a Like, and one even started a conversation with me. I didn't do anything with it because I've internalized the belief that I'm just a beta chump that these girls are toying with because they are probably thinking to themselves, "aww, how adorable, he actually thinks he's someone."
Because breaking the rules ends the reality, either by getting shot by NPC protection patrol or getting buttraped in prison
>implying people don't do drugs without going to prison
>he says all this without actually naming the goal
Being ostracized
I'm honestly afraid and I don't know how to produce music that I actually want to make, it seems impossible or too hard. Like I can't put whatever is in my brain in the DAW, it really frustrates me.
>Implying I control reality and it's not the other way around
There are some things that you simply can't do anything about.
>Not enough Finances.
>Not enough Social Capital.
>Poor Prioritization skills as a result of inability to untangle most important causal factors from anything.
>Poor time management: A tendency to overestimate how easily something can be accomplished and underestimate how much time.
>Really pathetic persuasive skills, can't manipulate anyone to do anything, even in their own self interest
Wow, that hits home.
Now OP, SOLVE MY FUCKING PROBLEMS, I'm willing to take action if you specifically, in a actionable form, outline a pragmatic solution to my financial, task organization, and soft skill deficiencies.