You share a board with someone who wants a husky. How does this make you feel?

You share a board with someone who wants a husky. How does this make you feel?

Attached: 1543197219899.gif (500x530, 767K)

Somewan else wants a husky as much as me?!

Attached: triggered.png (1920x1080, 1.68M)

It makes me think shut the fuck up retard

Why don't you get new reaction pics once in a while

Thats pretty rude.

>new reaction pics

Attached: Eldritch triggered.png (1800x1017, 1.85M)

Dumb cunts like you deserve to be made fun of

Attached: 1544228582427.gif (540x285, 622K)

I just really want to put my dick in a fanny if I'm honest.

*makes fun of you instead*


Attached: cheeky cheeky.png (388x388, 192K)

You're my favourite poster.
Please never leave, I wish you all the best and that you find a cute husky.

>wan wan
>tfw no husky wan wan

Attached: triggered.png (1920x1080, 1.68M)

are you a girl? if you be my gf I will buy you a husky farm

I am but I'm married, pic related is our wedding photo me on the right my Princess Kikuchi Makoto on the left.

Attached: Wedding Photo.jpg (700x900, 674K)

Oh, it's huskyposter, hi-ya huskyposter!

I hope you get a husky that farts alot and stinks up your place

No. Do not bully huskyposter, he is the "I love Reisen" guy of Jow Forums.

Fuck off stupid cunt no body cares about your sexual attraction to huskys

Attached: 1544152172328.jpg (800x447, 45K)

I don't know what "i love Reisen" is but i call people who do stupid things stupid

Hello user how are you, I hope you're doing well.

Wan wans are not for lewding.

Attached: ebrietas7.jpg (1920x1080, 380K)

Than stop doing it

For the love of god, please get new reaction folders or don't use any at all

Attached: 1540826394328.jpg (947x734, 82K)

Do you like my husky OP?

Attached: D40A98FD-F491-4C96-8C8E-FE8223D47129.jpg (2504x2485, 1.32M)

Cats are objectively better than Huskies.

Attached: 42.gif (942x942, 73K)

Make me user.


Attached: Calming Triggered.png (1920x1080, 1.99M)

I CAn get you huskies